Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 136: Experiments infer that I will not delete

Immediately afterwards, these professors began to ask frantically.

Because there are some conclusions in the paper that these professors did not expect.

They can't figure out how a student has the ability to write such a good paper.

Gao Miao answered fluently. After all, she was an important participant in the experiment and the paper. She had discussed many details in the paper with Chen Xiao, and she knew how to answer.

What Gao Miao didn't expect was that today he just wanted to show the thesis to Professor Li, but it turned into a thesis defense.

Gao Miao's answer made the professors very satisfied and surprised.

The professors never imagined that the Department of Materials and Chemistry still has such outstanding students.

Although Luo Hao could not answer all the time, the professors took it for granted as one of the collaborators of the experiment and the paper.

Many professors who are familiar with Luo Hao also clapped Luo Hao's hand and said:

"Young man! You are not bad! You gave your father a face!"

"The quality of this paper is very high, and it is very likely that it will be able to apply for research grants from superiors! Luo Hao, you have to make persistent efforts!"

"It's more than just applying for subsidy funds! Your experiments are really amazing and very surprising! Our country is far behind the East and the West in the field of lithium batteries."

"I really didn't expect it! Youth is better than blue!"

Gao Miao has been answering the questions of the professors, and he has not paid attention to some professors who are chatting with Luo Hao.

If he heard the professors compliment Luo Hao, Gao Miao would definitely stand up and say that this kid didn't contribute at all.

But when Professor Tao asked her to cut off the last part of the paper.

Gao Miao firmly disagreed.

Because the paper was finally completed by Chen Xiao, and some inferences were added at the end, Gao Miao also asked Chen Xiao why.

Chen Xiao used a very detailed theoretical basis to deduce the effect of graphene stone on lithium batteries for Gao Miao bit by bit.

He even deduced the principle and production method of graphene for Gao Miao.

The reasoning was so convincing that Gao Miao was stunned.

Gao Miao said: "The last part is the essence of the paper, and I will not delete it."

Professor Tao did not expect this girl to be so stubborn.

Just when Professor Tao was about to ask questions.

Gao Miao said: "Because the paper I brought here is the first draft, the cover has not yet been bound."

"I'm not the only author of the paper."

Before Gao Miao finished speaking, Professor Tao interrupted again: "I know this, Luo Hao has also helped you a lot, and your team is very good."

Gao Miao rolled his eyes and said, "Luo Haoke didn't help at all."

Thinking of the bitter past of the past six months, Gao Miao couldn't help but start to complain.

"There were a total of 5 people in our experimental group when we first selected the topic. The only one who could really help with the experiment half a month ago was myself."

Gao Miao's temperament is very straight, what is the truth is what, her principle of being a human being is the same as that of doing experiments.

Not even a little smooth.

If someone else is the leader of the experimental group, after the experiment is successful, even if the other members of the group basically do not contribute, she will reluctantly write the names of these people on the paper.

But Gao Miao couldn't do it, the members of the group did not contribute, that is, they did not contribute.

Especially those who drop out in the middle are not qualified to put their names on the thesis at all.

When Gao Miao said this, Luo Hao stood there very embarrassed.

He whispered, "Miao Miao!"

But Gao Miao ignored him at all.

Gao Miao looked at Han Deming, Li Jian, and Professor Tao and said seriously: "Most of the members of our experimental group quit when the school started, and my experiment was in trouble at this time."

"I met a guy, a boy in our school, and it was with his help that I was able to successfully complete the experiment and write the paper."

Gao Miao pointed to the paper and said: "In this paper, it can be said that more than 90% of the credit is due to the boy. The experimental method of the paper was proposed by him, and he participated in the entire experimental process. The most important part of the experiment is the The idea is also provided by him.”

Gao Miao said: "Professor Tao asked me to delete the last part of the paper about the inference of graphene as an electromagnetic negative electrode. I disagree."

"Because I discussed with him in detail, graphene can be a perfect anode material for lithium batteries, both logically and computationally."

"Graphene, a two-dimensional carbon molecular material, although there is no way to produce it in the laboratory, does not mean that it does not exist."

Gao Miao's remarks shocked the professors.

Everyone thought that such an experiment of static electricity was made by Gao Miao, but they did not think that Gao Miao was only a participant. According to Gao Miao, this experiment was actually mainly completed by a boy.

Tan Deming quickly asked: "You said that this paper and the experiments in it were led by a boy? Who is it? Zhou Cheng? But Zhou Cheng is not in your experimental group, right?"

Zhou Cheng, in Tan Deming's mouth, is also a top student in the Department of Material Chemistry, and a young talent that teachers value very much.

Zhou Cheng has been recommended to study for Ph.D. at Shuimu University.

Zhou Cheng is also Professor Tao's proud disciple. Professor Tao was very pleasantly surprised: "It turns out that Zhou Cheng came to help you, no wonder there is such a result!"

Professor Tao's expression was already very proud, and Zhou Cheng was able to have such a performance, which surprised Professor Tao very much.

Who knew that Gao Miao said: "It's not Zhou Cheng, it's Chen Xiao."

Chen Xiao? !

Who is Chen Xiao!

Everyone knows the outstanding students in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, but there seems to be no student named Chen Xiao.

"Chen Xiao! Tell me what happened to you?"

The microeconomics teacher Deng called Chen Xiao over after class.

"Now that the school I only have 4 classes twice a week, so you came here once today?"

Chen Xiao is a celebrity in the school. After all, he is the first in the college entrance examination in Jiangyang Province, so the school will take special care of him.

If ordinary students do not come to class, they will definitely fail in their usual grades, and they will not exchange opinions with students at all.

Teacher Deng thought that Chen Xiao, like other students who skipped classes, either slept in late or went to the Internet cafe outside the school to play games.

"Past grades are past grades, and university is a new beginning. I hope you can adjust your state well, study hard, and don't focus on other areas."

Chen Xiao nodded vigorously and said, "Teacher Deng, don't worry, although I didn't come to class some time ago, I didn't get the same knowledge and content of the class. I also promise you that I will definitely get a good grade in the final exam. !"

Teacher Deng thought that Chen Xiao could correct his mistakes, "Then you can guarantee that you will not skip classes or be late for my classes in the future."

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "I can't guarantee it!"

"You!" Teacher Deng felt that he was talking nonsense for a long time.

At this moment, a boy came running over.

"May I ask who is Chen Xiao?!"


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