Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 184: Company reorganization plan

Chen Xiao asked Zhou Linghua to come out alone. In fact, Zhou Linghua already had some hunch in his heart.

As Changtian Technology involves more and more industries, the core competitiveness of its products is getting stronger and stronger.

The balance of cooperation between the two parties has actually been broken.

When Chen Xiao and Zhou Linghua cooperated, it was because Chen Xiao had technology but no factory. In order to save money, the two parties became partners by exchanging technology for equity.

But it's different now.

Now that Chen Xiao has the funds, not to mention the core technology.

The ADLINK factory is currently only a foundry company.

Thinking of this, Zhou Linghua couldn't help but feel a little funny.

At first, he also wanted to copy Lingyue MP3 and start anew.

Looking at Changtian's sense of technology and Netac's hard-to-fight arm wrestling, if he really started a new career, he would have been wiped out by this cruel market long ago.

When Chen Xiao asked Zhou Linghua what his plans were in the future, he was actually testing Zhou Linghua's thoughts.

After the cooperation with Chen Xiao in the next year, Zhou Linghua's pattern has also become larger, and his vision is not only in Jiangyang Province, but the entire national market and even the international market.

He deeply realizes that having core technology has everything.

And foundry companies or cheap labor can be found anywhere.

Zhou Linghua said: "First use up the flash memory chips in stock."

Chen Xiao didn't give a shit. "If new storage equipment is to be produced in the future, its technical indicators will be greatly improved compared to the present, and the requirements for workers and equipment will be stricter."

"But the current ADLINK factory is under dual management, with unclear responsibilities and unclear management, which will have a great impact on the development of Changtian Technology."

This time, Chen Xiao did not call Zhou Linghua President Zhou but Brother Hua.

"Brother Hua, you also know that now Sony and Samsung can produce MP3, Netac can also produce MP3, and more companies will produce MP3 in the future."

"And the consumer group of MP3 is limited. If we don't come out sooner, we will fall into endless involution in the future."

Zhou Linghua took out a Huazi and lit it and asked, "Then what do you mean?"

Chen Xiao was not shy, and said directly: "I want to re-integrate the company's resources and bring the ADLINK factory into the management scope of Changtian Technology."

Sure enough, after hearing Chen Xiao's words, Zhou Linghua took a deep breath, but he still didn't want to accept it.

After all, from a boss to the management of an enterprise, there is still such a gap.

However, what Chen Xiao said next reassured Zhou Linghua.

Chen Xiao said: "I will set up a production company separately, and I will give you a corresponding proportion of it. Brother Hua's final treatment will not be worse than the current one."

"Brother Hua has more experience in production management than me. In the future, the development of Changtian Technology will still need your help."

The company has two production modes.

One is similar to Chen Xiao now setting up a production company and producing by himself.

The advantage of this is that it can control quality and reduce costs when sales are good.

However, the disadvantage is that the variety of production is single. If the sales volume is not good, the entire production company will be stagnant, which greatly wastes the cost of labor and machinery.

The other is the OEM model, which is the traditional foundry model.

This model is to let design companies hand over what they need to third-party companies for OEM production.

The advantage of doing this is that it can reduce risks for enterprises and do not need to support people.

Moreover, as far as OEMs are concerned, it is not only the OEMs of a company, but also has a relatively small risk factor.

Chen Xiao is currently using the first mode. The main reason is that the products of Changtian Technology currently involve core technologies. If you use the OEM mode, there is no way to control the quality, and it is easy to cause technology leakage.

Before Chen Xiao's rebirth, semiconductor companies such as TSMC and Micron grew up by accumulating advanced technologies from the OEM model.

Zhou Linghua threw the cigarette in his hand to the ground, stepped on it with his foot and said, "I don't have any lofty ambitions, I'm just interested in money."

"If I hadn't met you, I would still be doing the most basic second-hand machinery and equipment production business in the later period, and I would definitely not earn as much as I am now."

"Chen Xiao, brother, don't say anything anymore. As long as you don't let me suffer, everything is easy to say."

Chen Xiao patted Zhou Linghua on the shoulder and the cooperation was reached.

There are two purposes for this. The first is to bind Zhou Linghua to his chariot to avoid Zhou Linghua's second thoughts. In addition, it is to allow Zhou Linghua to work with peace of mind and spend more energy on improving his production. basically.

Let professional people do professional things, this is the key to the company's growth.

However, the restructuring of the company is not about to be completed.

Chen Xiao still has to wait for the Shenzhen court's judgment to be finalized before starting the company's restructuring.

During this period, the most important thing for Changtian Technology is to increase the research and development of lithium batteries and the production of carbon crystal storage.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, the Shenzhen Court of First Instance delivered a verdict.

Unsurprisingly, after Lingyue and Netac failed to mediate, the balance of victory has been in favor of Netac.

In the end, the Shenzhen court ruled that Lingyue had indeed infringed Netac's patented technology.

Lingyue was asked to compensate Netac for ten yuan of royalties for each piece of MP3.

So Lingyue, you have to compensate Netac close to 1 million.

At the same time, the Shenzhen court required Lingyue to stop selling products involving Netac's patents within a month.

This also gave Lingyue a certain buffer period.

According to many media analysis, there are two reasons why the court made such a decision.

One is to respect the laws related to intellectual property rights, so Netac wins. Only in this way can we avoid giving excuses to the West and achieve a smooth and soft landing.

Another is that the court is actually more sympathetic to Lingyue, so it relaxed the law enforcement standards, gave Lingyue a buffer time of more than a month, and rejected Netac, which requires millions of requests.

Lingyue is not continues to appeal, this is to delay time.

Netac was also not convinced and chose to appeal because they were not satisfied with the compensation amount.

Deng Yun was not particularly satisfied with the court's verdict. He scolded his subordinates.

"Our Netac's patent is a B-child? Others want to get on it, and they can leave when they want to? Just throw some money and it's all right??"

What frustrates Deng Yun the most is that from the opening of the court to the present, Lingyue Company has been calm and calm, without the slightest panic, and it seems that every step is going at its own pace.

And from beginning to end, whether in the negotiations with Netac, or in the negotiations with Motorola.

Lingyue Company did not let go at all. They didn't seem to have a little sense of crisis. Don't they know that Lingyue MP3 sales will be stopped after the Spring Festival, and their cash will have a serious crisis? !

Netac began to put pressure on Guomei Mall. Netac publicly stated that the court has now made clear which company's patent belongs. If the sales mall continues to sell products that violate the law, then Netac will reserve the right to pursue the mall's responsibility.

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