Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 190: I'm pretty sure you can't copy

Only then did Wang Zhi come back to his senses and say, "Deng... President Deng."

Deng Yun checked the time on the phone, it was already 6:30 pm.

It stands to reason that the press conference of Changtian Technology should also come to an end.

Deng Yun said: "How is the situation over there? Are you sure that Lingyue will reduce the price?"

Deng Yun is still calculating the impact on Netac after the price cut of Lingyue.

Deng Yun said: "There are still three days before New Year's Eve, and after New Year's Eve is the Spring Festival. Although the official holiday of the Spring Festival is only 7 days, but everyone resumes work and production after half a month, so there is only half of the time left for Lingyue. months."

Deng Yun's calculation is indeed very accurate, "It seems that Lingyue wants to sell all the stock MP3s within half a month, which is a little unrealistic."

After the Spring Festival is the moment when people's desire to consume is the lowest. It is almost impossible to sell thousands of MP3 units in half a month after the Spring Festival.

Deng Yun said that Wang Zhi didn't speak for a long time, and he urged: "Wang Zhi, speak up."

Wang Zhi finally recovered and said, "Mr. Deng, Changtian Technology's press conference tonight is not an announcement that Lingyue MP3 will be reduced in price."

"They announced a new storage method, which seems to be called carbon crystal storage. Its storage principle is completely different from the existing flash memory storage principle, and it is extremely fast and small in size. They just showed 512 megabytes of storage. We don't seem to be able to mass-produce 256 megabytes."

The atmosphere suddenly became dignified.

Deng Yun couldn't believe his ears, "What kind of thing did you just say they announced? What kind of carbon crystal?"

Wang Zhi said depressedly: "I don't understand the specific technical things, but Mr. Wang from Changtian Technology just demonstrated on the stage. The storage speed of the U disk they showed is indeed very fast. fast!"

Deng Yun exploded at once, "Changtian Technology also launched a USB flash drive? Isn't this an infringement? They don't have a long memory? They are so willful? Sue him! I will tell the lawyer immediately and send a lawyer's letter immediately!"

Listening to Deng Yun's command of Zhahu Zhahu over the phone, Wang Zhi also felt a burst of fire in his heart.

He endured and said: "Mr. Deng, the other party did not infringe the production of traditional U disk, but used the newly developed storage technology."

"During the demonstration just now, Wang Xiang used Toshiba, Samsung, Sony and our company's U disk at the same time, and simultaneously transferred data of the same size."

"Our company's USB flash drive has the worst transfer speed. We took nearly a minute for 20 megabytes of data, while Toshiba and Samsung only took 40 seconds."

"Changtian Technology's carbon crystal storage takes about 10 seconds to transmit."

"Mr. Deng, this has shown that they are not using traditional flash memory technology, nor have they violated our intellectual property patents."

This time, Deng Yun was stunned.

The amount of information from Wang Zhi was too large, and Deng Yun did not respond immediately.

He said, "Wang Zhi, are you confused? Come back quickly after the press conference, there are still many things to do before you go out!"

Wang Zhi didn't know how to explain the proof, so he hung up the phone helplessly.

The press conference has come to an end, and Wang Xiang finally said: "Changtian Technology has always believed that Xia Guo's technology companies are no worse than South Korea, Dongyang and the West!"

"Changtian Technology will officially release the carbon crystal storage U disk tomorrow. After the Spring Festival, our Lingyue MP3 will also be upgraded. The new generation of Lingyue MP3 will use our latest carbon crystal storage, and its capacity will also increase. It will be up to 512 trillion.”

After the memory chip is replaced, the price will of course go up.

However, at the press conference, Wang Xiang did not explain.

Chen Xiao deliberately let Netac and other companies play during the Spring Festival, and it is not good to eat or sleep well, so he chooses to put carbon crystal storage on the market tomorrow.

Chen Xiao even welcomed Netac's company to buy carbon crystals and store them back for research.

"Finally, welcome everyone to come to Jiangzhou to participate in our press conference, thank you all!"

After Wang Xiang finished speaking, the reporters immediately boiled over.

They have too many doubts in their minds. How was the carbon crystal storage technology developed? Can the technology be rolled out? Is its product ready for mass production?

"Mr. Wang, may I ask if the carbon crystal storage has applied for a patent?"

"Mr. Wang, can the products of carbon crystal storage be mass-produced? How will its price compare to the existing flash memory?"

"Can you talk about the development process of carbon crystal storage in detail?"

The reporters asked questions enthusiastically, and Wang Xiang had to delay the time of the press conference.

"I'll take a few more minutes of your time to answer all these questions," he told reporters.

Wang Xiang wanted to look at the reporters and said, "So far, we have not applied for a patent related to carbon crystal storage."

I would like to say with great confidence: "Unlike some flash memory patents, restaurant legend technology is difficult to imitate or plagiarize without applying for a patent."

Saying this, the audience was in an uproar. In the eyes of many reporters who did not understand carbon crystal technology, Wang Xiang's remarks were too confident.

Wang Xiang went on to answer the reporter's second question: "Since we have disclosed the related products of carbon crystal storage, it proves that we have the strength and conditions to mass-produce this technology, and its cost will certainly be higher than that of traditional flash memory. lower."

"Whether it is the previous Lingyue MP3, the latest lithium battery technology, or the carbon crystal storage released today, Changtian Technology is committed to developing excellent technology to bring consumers a better experience."

"Excuse me, Mr. Wang! Where can I buy carbon crystal storage?"

Wang Xiang said: "We have reached a cooperation agreement with Guomei Mall in Jiangzhou, and you can buy a carbon crystal storage U disk in the mall tomorrow morning."

"However, because of the Spring Festival holiday, we have a limited number of products on a first-come, first-served basis."

There are already many reporters and technical staff at the scene, hoping to experience the performance of carbon crystal storage first.

The reporters are in demand for mobile storage tools, and the scientific and technological staff really want to buy them back and study the principle of carbon crystal storage.

The staff of Sony, Samsung, Toshiba and other companies did not come to the In addition, the conference was not broadcast live, so their news will definitely be delayed.

And Xinlang Technology, Huohu and other online media can't wait to report the situation of this evening's press conference.

They have a strong premonition that for a long time in the future, Changtian Technology will be the report point of traffic and topics.

That night, Xinlang Technology gave a detailed report on tonight's press conference with the headline "Carbon crystal storage technology, a new technology that changes the pattern of the global storage industry chain".

Huohu can also be followed. The headline of the headline is "Xiaguo Technology Company Breaks the Monopoly of Overseas Memory Chips".

The article described in detail the results of Wang Xiang's testing of the performance of the group's USB flash drive at the press conference, and commented: "It is hard to imagine that a technology company that has just been established can break the technological monopoly of foreign memory chips and produce performance eye exercises that are currently available. technology of carbon crystal memory chips.”

Due to the time difference, Toyo, Sony headquarters, and Tanaka Shiro had already left work and were drinking with colleagues at the pub.

The rapid ringtone of the mobile phone rang, the sky was blue, and I saw it.

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