Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 438: Performance kills Microsoft

When Wang Xiang said this, the audience was in an uproar.

Everyone felt unbelievable, this financial report looked very complicated.

Even if there is some basic text and basic data and pictures, it is very laborious to adjust to this format.

For many employees who can only enter simple words, they may not know where to set many details in the report, even if they look for them one by one on the function side of the word software.

To put it back 10,000 steps, even if a computer veteran gets these basic data, to form such a clear report, it will take an hour or two just to adjust the format and draw the cousin.

But Wang Xiang actually told everyone that it only takes 15 minutes to use the Cangjie office software of Firefly OS.

Isn't this an international joke?

"15 minutes? Brag, how could it be 15 minutes!"

"Let's not say anything else, this report also has a corresponding generated directory. After clicking the directory, it will automatically jump to the corresponding page, so these directories are not typed by hand. I believe that many people even find out how to automatically generate the directory. No, let alone spend 15 minutes tweaking the format.”

"The following text and tables have certain rules. I believe this report still uses simple macro commands."

"Although these macro commands are very simple to use, if many people do it, everyone may not find the place at all, and only adjust it piece by piece according to the rules. Shouldn't it be troublesome, how could it only take 15 minutes."

The reporters said it was impossible not to believe it.

If Cangjie office software can even complete such an excellent financial report in 15 minutes, then its performance will definitely kill Microsoft's office!

Wang Xiang stopped talking nonsense with everyone. He sat in front of the computer and wore headphones and said: "Then I will use the most basic information for everyone to see, see how I can step by step within 15 minutes. These tedious basic materials are combined to form a comprehensive financial report that is full of details."

Wang Xiang opened the document, then opened the Xiaoying smart assistant on the desktop, and started to operate.

In order to be able to complete the task in 15 minutes, the dialogue between Wang Xiang and Xiaoying this time uses voice instead of text dialogue.

Wang Xiang first copied the basic text into the document.

Then Xiaoying said: "Xiaoying, let's hand in the report first to segment and set the title. After a while, the red one is the first-level title, the blue one is the second-level title, and the yellow one is the third-level title. Documentation setup just generates the title and table of contents for me."

"After the title is marked, you can adjust the paragraph distance and text spacing, as well as the font of the text, according to the normal functional format."

The labeling color is very simple. In less than five minutes, the title and table of contents are generated, and the text layout of the entire report has been completed.

Afterwards, Wang Xiang continued to have a voice conversation with Xiaoying, and told Xiaoying the pictures to be inserted and where to insert them. Xiaoying also successfully completed the task in a very short time.

The most difficult is some complex tables, and abstract contrasting patterns.

Wang Xiang also talked to Xiaoying while operating.

Wang Xiang's operation will definitely be inaccurate, but he can accurately express to Xiaoying the results he needs through the form of speech.

Xiaoying, you can immediately give feedback and make corresponding adjustments.

For example, to insert a table with time and money elements,

In the first form, an oblique line is required. The lower left side of the line is time, and the upper right side is money. Only in this way can the table be clearly expressed.

If the user is asked to find the slashed line, and then fill in relatively small text at the upper and lower ends of the slashed line, the user may not know what to do after looking for it for a long time.

Finally, even if the slash is inserted into the table by drawing a line, the slash has already occupied the characters of the table, and the user does not know how to fill in the text on the upper and lower ends of the table.

But between Wang Xiang and Xiaoying, they were talking and operating.

Xiaoying is able to do in seconds what a user might take half an hour or even an hour to do.

13 minutes and 48 seconds.

After Wang Xiang clicked save, the financial report of this condensed version (condensed more than 100 pages into more than 30 pages) was completed.

The entire scene was silent, and reporters and industry insiders were extremely surprised.

Now everyone knew why there were not so many complicated functional columns in Cangjie's office documents.

Because even if these functional columns are set, many users can't find them at all.

The Cangjie office software developed by Changtian Technology integrates the underlying code of the office software with the entire Firefly os.

And using Xiaoying's language library and the logic function commands of the built-in nine-chapter compiler, Xiaoying intelligent assistant and Cangjie office software are associated.

In this way, Xiaoying can help users to complete the editing of documents very easily.

The scene erupted into warm applause.

Many reporters are quite excited, this is definitely an artifact! A proper artifact!

"If Cangjie office software can be popularized, our work will be much easier!"

"Yeah, I also strongly agree! They usually don't spend much time getting the news materials and writing them, and a lot of time is spent on the typesetting and editing of the text!"

"If we use Cangjie office software, it will be much easier!"

"My God! The content and functions are much richer than Microsoft's office! I am so excited!"

"Don't say that. When I get home, I want to replace the computer with the Shenchuan computer and directly install the Firefly OS and use the Cangjie office software! I will no longer have to work overtime in the future!"

The reporters hurriedly used video cameras, cameras and words to record the ready-made moment.

Everyone is strongly aware that Microsoft's office will be severely challenged after today.

As long as users are not stupid, they will definitely choose Cangjie office software between Changtian Technology's Cangjie and Microsoft's office.

What loyalty and foreign brands are worthless in the face of ease of use.

Wang Xiang did not stop at but immediately created a form document, and also used form documents at the beginning.

The same form document also has a corresponding template, a financial statement that appears on the Windows system.

This financial statement is quite complicated. It is necessary to calculate the monthly sales growth rate, net profit, cash flow and other data based on the basic data. It is also necessary to analyze the relevant data of each type of product, and Horizontal and vertical contrast.

Wang Xiang smiled and said to the reporters at the scene: "I don't know if there are any financial related people at the scene. Everyone thinks that with the basic data in our hands, how long will it take to form such a financial statement?"

Not to mention, there are really financial and financial reporters on the scene, and many of them have turned from accountants to reporters.

Looking at such vast amounts of underlying data, and such complex budget results.

One who studied finance for 4 years and finally turned into a reporter said: "If you do it yourself, someone who is very familiar with finance and office software may take a day or two to get it done."

"It's more than a day or two. If I don't use accounting software and just use Excel spreadsheets, I'm going to look over my head!"

Wang Xiang smiled and said, "Give me 20 minutes, and I will bring you a miracle."


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