Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 457: The performance is so powerful that you close yourself

According to the official real-time statistics of Shenchuan.

24 hours after the end of the Ark Star conference.

The total sales volume of the Ark Star is 2,000 units in the major sales points of the gods across the country, and the sales volume is about 22 million.

It is true that because it is the first day of sales, the number of sales will definitely show explosive growth. In the future, the number of sales will become lower and lower, and finally stabilized.

So selling 2000 units on the first day does not mean that Shenchuan will sell 2000 units every day.

But a new laptop sold 2,000 units immediately after its release, which is unprecedented in the history of Xia Guo laptops.

Wu Jun's jaw dropped when he saw the sales results on the first day.

His initial estimate was that it was not bad to be able to sell 100 units a day, but it turned out that he ate 2,000 units a day.

The ship of God seems to have mastered the code of wealth.

That is the ultimate cost performance of Changtian Technology's hardware products plus Firefly os operating system and Shenchuan.

Whether it's a desktop or a laptop, after its launch, word of mouth has exploded.

Wu Jun was still a little uneasy.

He wondered if the Ark Star could continue to sell well after the explosive sales of this day?

The results proved that Wu Jun was indeed overthinking.

A week after the release of the Shenchuan Ark Star, the Ark Star can also guarantee sales of about 1,500 units per day.

After a detailed analysis by the marketing commissioner of Shenchuan, according to the relevant cycle and speed of sales after the product is released, it is stable.

Shenchuan Ark Star can guarantee sales of about 700 to 1,000 units per day for a long time in the future.

Wu Jun quickly calculated the sales volume for one year.

That is to say, according to this sales rate, it is expected that the total annual sales of Shenchuan's notebook computers will reach 300,000 units.

After getting this result, Wu Jun was completely restless.

In the field of notebooks, he originally just wanted to be a small prince, but he didn't expect to suddenly become a domestic overlord.

If the total sales in a year can reach 300,000 units, it means that the Ark Star of the ship will occupy 30% of the notebook computer share.

It also means that Shenchuan will definitely replace Lianxiang as the numberone of domestic notebook computer sales.

When Wu Jun saw such sales, his first reaction was to ask Chen Xiao to discuss it! The production line must be expanded as soon as possible.

At this time, Wu Jun also wanted to understand a question, why is it easier for Shenchuan to break through on a laptop?

Because most of the government agencies, enterprises and institutions only purchase desktop computers in a centralized manner, and rarely purchase laptop computers in a centralized manner.

Most of the notebook computer users are high-end private enterprise users or individual users with better economic conditions.

Without the various restrictions on purchasing, it is of course easier for everyone to choose related products by themselves.

The price advantage of Shenchuan, the advantage of hardware, in the competition with Lianxiang, it is natural to achieve success.

The after-sales service of Shenchuan will call the users who have purchased the Heart of Shenchuan Ark after 24 hours to inquire about their experience and ask for their valuable opinions.

All the feedback I got after the sale of the God Ship was that the Ark Star of the God Ship was really easy to use.

"Why are your computers so thin and light? It's so convenient!"

"I didn't charge the computer after I got it. I have been using it for 4 hours. The display shows that the text and pictures are processed, and it actually shows that the battery is still 60%!"

"Yinghuo os and Cangjie office software are really easy to use!"

Of course, there must be bad reviews after sales, such as:

"It's just that the price of the computer is too high. It would be great if the standard version could drop below 10,000 yuan!"

Seeing this kind of bad review, the after-sales staff of Shenchuan are also dumbfounded.

With such a high-end computer, the price falls below 10,000 yuan, which means that other brands on the market are really not allowed to live.

Xinlang Technology reporter Lei Wentao returned to Yanjing headquarters.

He quietly took out the heart of the divine ship Ark and put it on his workstation.

When the laptop was taken out, Lei Wentao immediately attracted the attention of colleagues around him.

"Taozi, this is the Shenchuan notebook you just bought! It looks so beautiful!"

"Let's see, let's see, my God, it's so light! It's really a laptop? I believe it if you say it's a laptop!"

"What is the configuration? Can I see the configuration?" Colleague Wang Zhi said this.

Wang Zhi just bought a Lianxiang Zhaoyang series at a price of more than 10,000 yuan.

Some time ago, he played in the office every day, showing off to his colleagues all the time.

Lei Wentao didn't want to pretend to be coercive, but at Wang Zhi's strong request, he still clicked on the settings, showing such a configuration.

Wang Zhi saw that his whole person was not well.

"1G memory and 80G hard disk!"

Wang Zhi was very unwilling and said, "Why don't I wait a few months before buying a laptop?!"

It's not unreasonable for Wang Zhi to say this, let's compare his Lianxiang Zhaoyang series.

Not to mention the CPU, the two are half a catty.

His Zhaoyang series uses a Pentium 3 notebook processor, and the main frequency is only 1.0Mhz.

The most exaggerated is that his memory is only 128 megabytes, and the hard disk is only a pitiful 20 G.

This configuration is completely beggar-level in contrast to the Ark Star of the God Ship.

Wang Zhi endured it, and finally asked, "How much is your computer? It's like 20,000!"

Lei Wentao couldn't bear to hit him anymore, "I don't have much money."

Wang Zhi: "Alas, they are all good buddies, good comrades, what can't I say?"

Lei Wentao only said: "The price is not expensive, only 10,999 yuan."

"Pfft!!" Wang Zhi felt that he was about to shut himself up.

The price of his Zhaoyang computer is 11,199 yuan.

It is 1,000 yuan more expensive than the Ark Star of the **** ship.

But in contrast, its own configuration is garbage.

Wang Zhi screamed startled all his colleagues.

Wang Zhi hurriedly closed his laptop and said, "No, no, no, no, I have to take it easy! I've been hit so hard!"

"I t, m, d is an idiot! I actually spent more than 10,000 yuan to buy a garbage computer! Isn't the computer of the **** ship delicious?"

The more Wang Zhi thought about it, the more angry he became.

Xinlang's salary is not bad, more than 3,000 yuan a month.

But the computer also cost him nearly three months' salary.

Unable to bear it any longer, Wang Zhi directly called the Lenovo salesperson who bought the computer.

"The Lenovo Zhaoyang computer I bought three months ago has a one-year warranty. I haven't used it much now. Can I return it?"

Hearing Wang Zhi's phone call, Lei Wentao couldn't help laughing, but he laughed.

Jiangzhou, Changtian Technology Headquarters.

Chen Xiao met Wu Jun and his party at the headquarters who came to report the results.

Along with Wu Jun, there are related companies in the Shenchuan production chain.

When they came to Jiangzhou this time, in addition to asking Chen Xiao to report their results, the main purpose was to discuss the expansion of production capacity.


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