Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 498: Shocking the world, "Nature" apologizes (2)

The operation is definitely going to be carried out. Now Li Ting has fallen into a deep coma and may die at any time, so the operation is necessary.

However, family members should also be consulted.

Li Ting's husband, Zhang Yong, is from Shanchuan and works at a construction site in Yanjing.

When the two of them went to Yanjing for 5 or 6 years, the man did some physical work on the construction site, while the woman cooked.

They have made great contributions to the urbanization process of Yanjing.

But it is a pity that the two have neither a registered permanent residence nor a house of their own in Yanjing.

Just follow the construction site to run around, hoping to make more money.

In an interview with the media yesterday, Zhang Yong said that his biggest wish when he came to Yanjing was to earn more money, to be able to return to his hometown, and to make the house in the village more beautiful, so that his children could have the conditions to study and have a future when they grow up. Be an intellectual, don't do manual labor on the construction site like he does.

The two have no household registration and no housing, and of course there is no medical insurance or social security in Yanjing.

So when faced with the sky-high cost of treatment, Zhang Yong was already hesitant - should this person be saved?

Fortunately, just when Zhang Yong was about to give up, the state had made it clear that this type of disease was treated by the state at the expense of the state, and Zhang Yong was relieved.

So when Qu Ping communicated with Zhang Yong, Zhang Yong's first sentence was, "Is this new treatment at my own expense? Does it cost a lot?"

He didn't care about how Li Ting's body would react after receiving the treatment, and how it was different from the past, but about how much this treatment method cost.

The working people are indeed the most simple and the most realistic.

Qu Ping understood Zhang Yong's current state of mind very well.

Did you say Zhang Yong was worried about his wife and the child in his womb?

It must be worried that there is no husband who doesn't care about his wife and children. If he didn't care, Zhang Yong wouldn't have stayed outside the hospital for so many days in the cold.

But the most realistic problem for the people at the bottom is the economic problem. If there is no money, how to deal with it?

Qu Ping said in a very gentle voice: "The state has made it clear that if we want to save lives at all costs, the cost of treatment will be paid by the state."

"I will now tell you about the patient's treatment and some of the future life situations after successful treatment."

Qu Ping tried her best to tell Zhang Yong in a language that people could understand, what would happen to Li Ting's body after using the combined colony treatment method—

In order to avoid septicemia caused by severe infection of the lungs, the hospital will completely remove Li Ting's lungs after the combined colony treatment method is completed.

Because the joint colony is still in the initial stage of development, the oxygen supply to the body must not be as sufficient and balanced as the lungs, and Li Ting will not be able to engage in heavy physical labor in the future.

In addition, after losing her lungs, Li Ting's voice is no longer as natural as before, and her voice will be a little weird.

Finally, because the colonies need culture medium, Li Ting needs to go to the hospital regularly to replenish the culture medium of the combined colonies.

And in order to ensure that the colony can obtain energy from ionization, an electric pump will also be installed in Li Ting's body. Although the power supply of this electric pump has a similar principle to that of a cardiac pacemaker, it does not rule out damage, which may lead to a broken stomach. to replace.

Since the current treatment method of combined colonies has only been tried in the Medical Center of Xiaguo Academy of Sciences, in the future, if Li Ting wants to replace or add the culture medium, she will either go to Jiangzhou to find Changtianke, or she can only find Yanjing in Yanjing. Medical Center of the Academy of Sciences.

Not particularly convenient.

However, Qu Ping said: "Because Li Ting is the first ordinary patient in the treatment method, Changtian Technology will provide you with on-site follow-up services, and will also reduce all subsequent culture medium and treatment costs for you."

"It's just that after the patient is treated, there are other abnormalities or side effects in the body. There are no more examples and medical evidence for this."

When Qu Ping communicated with Zhang Yong, the media at home and abroad were all around carrying cameras and recording.

This incident from 2012 to 2003 also made everyone understand that it is better to be open and transparent about some things than to cover them.

So they agreed that the media would shoot and record on the side without affecting the communication between the two parties.

On the one hand, it is to express that all the information about the disease is open and transparent, and on the other hand, it is to inform the world that the most real thing in Xia Guo from top to bottom is the safety of life and property of ordinary people.

The country will do whatever it takes to save the lives of patients.

Zhang Yong hasn't read a lot of books, and Qu Ping understands some of what Qu Ping said, while others don't.

Zhang Yong nodded again and again and said, "As long as I can save the lives of my wife and children, I am willing to pay any price."

After speaking, Zhang Yong signed his name on the operation notice and consent form.

At this time, the operating room was undergoing an emergency operation.

In this operation, multiple departments cooperated, and the surgeon needed to complete the predetermined operation under the leadership of Shu Rou.

After the combined colony transplantation is successful and fully functional, Shu Rou will ask the medical staff to turn off ECMO and perform lung surgery as soon as possible.

Xiaguo National TV, local TV, and foreign BBC, CNN, Reuters, Agence France-Presse, Deutsche Presse-Agentur, The New York Times, The Washington Post and many other well-known media have all shared information on Li Ting's surgery progress and Qu Pinghe. The situation of Zhang Yong's dialogue was fully reported.

At this time, the Xiaguo Academy of Sciences was in a state of blockade, and Kelly also saw the video report of Xiaguo TV, and received an email from his family—the English report from The Times.

Kelly was suddenly moved and shocked.

Westerners' lives are expensive, and everyone can't afford to die. Xia has a large population, and the country may not cherish human life. This is Kelly's previous understanding of the living conditions of people in various countries around the world.

But now that he is in Xia Guo, he has also seen the truthful reports from Xia Guo media and The Times, which completely subverted his past thoughts.

Kelly knew for sure if the combined colony therapy approach would succeed and be mastered by Westerners.

Then this treatment method must be quite expensive, not for ordinary patients, but for those powerful groups.

In the Xia Kingdom, it is common labor patients who use this treatment technique.

At this time, at the Cleveland Clinic in the United States, experts and professors from the Department of Respiratory Medicine were also paying attention to Xia Guo's situation.

This time the disease occurs almost exclusively in East Asia, so it has little to do with the United States.

Relevant experts and scholars in the United States can watch the fire from the other side and study the relevant situation of the disease.

The Cleveland Clinic is one of the most authoritative respiratory hospitals in the United States and one of the few hospitals in the world that can perform lung transplants.

The clinic's chief respiratory expert, Professor Kyle Carson, a doctor of both Harvard Medical School and Stanford University School of Medicine, said to his subordinates and the students he brought: "You know exactly what the Xia Guoren used to treat Li Ting. situation?"

The subordinates and the students shook their heads, obviously unaware of the treatment methods in Xia Guo.

The Clafland Clinic has obtained the relevant medical records of Li Ting through internal channels (when Li Ting was in serious condition, the relevant experts of Xia Guo consulted the relevant situation of lung transplantation in the United States, so the United States provided the relevant medical records. Some medical records of Li Ting, including CT of the lungs.)

Kyle Carson said: "We should all have analyzed Li Ting's pathology, especially her lung CT, which has a large area of ​​infection and fibrosis. As far as clinical medicine is concerned, in addition to switching back to this path Besides, there is absolutely no cure.”

"But because of Li Ting's current special situation (pregnant) and the skills of Xia Guo's lung surgery, the possibility of performing lung replacement in Xia Guo is 0."

"And because the disease is contagious, it is impossible for Li Ting to be transferred to the United States for a lung replacement."

Kyle Carson said: "My judgment is - the death penalty!"

Kyle Carson thought it was very absurd and ridiculous, "Xia people actually came up with some kind of joint colony method, hoping to use the colony method to treat the infected lungs. This is probably the same as the army of the Xia people during the Opium War. There are similarities in using dog blood to drive away the enemy at the beach."

After Kyle Carson said this, the team and his students laughed.

Kyle Carson added: "But our laboratory is very interested in this virus, and it would be great if we could get some strains and samples back for research."

When Kyle Carson, his subordinate team and students talked about Li Ting's condition, the whole public opinion and the atmosphere of the conversation were full of disregard for life, but limited to medical talk.

There are even students making bets in private.

"Shideley, don't let us take a gamble, when will this patient die?" Kalikhi said.

Sidley looked at the lung CT in detail and said, "Okay, what are you betting on?"

Kaliji said: "Betting on a bar, whoever loses will invite us all to drink."

Gu this time the atmosphere in the laboratory warmed up.

Sidley said happily: "There is no problem, this lung CT was delivered to our laboratory three days ago, and it seems that the situation has deteriorated quite seriously, and I just read the news report that the patient has advanced 8 hours ago. ICU."

Sidley looked at the lung CT and medical records in detail and said: "I guess there must be news about the patient's death in the next 4 hours, and the error will not exceed an hour. Of course, I am talking about the exact time of death, not the time reported by the media. ."

Everyone thinks what Shi Deli said is very reasonable, because Li Ting's lungs have been completely infected and fibrotic, and according to the development of the disease, he will die in the next 4 hours.

Where to know Kalickey said: "My guess is that proving the patient is not at all that we don't get any news of her death."

When Kaliki said this, everyone, including Professor Kyle Carson, couldn't believe it.

Kyle Carson said: "Kaliki, what do you mean by that? Do you believe that Xia Guo's unheard and unscientifically proven combined colony treatment method can be successful?"

"No no no!" Kaliji said with a smile: "I mean the patient must have died, but according to Xia Guo's situation for publicity, they will definitely say that the patient has been rescued and went home to This is to show their great nationalism, after all, if the body is dead, can the news still live?"

"Hahaha!" Everyone burst into laughter, and then they realized that Kaliji was sarcasm.

In the operating room 4 hours later, according to Sidley's prediction.

All the staff in the operating room, including Shu Rou, were sweating profusely.

The combined colony that had been cultivated in advance was successfully implanted into Li Ting's body, and began to work and multiply under the combined action of electrodynamics and culture medium.

"Blood oxygen saturation is up!" The nurse saw that Li Ting's blood oxygen saturation and heartbeat index were returning to normal, much better than when ECMO was running just now.

Director Xiao turned to look at Wu Yong and Shu Rou.

Wu Yong asked Shu Rou for advice.

After examining the patient's physical condition in detail, Shu Rou's team nodded and said, "Team Leader Shu, you can turn off the phone."

This means that the ECMO machine can be turned off.

Shu Rou said to Director Xiao and Wu Yong, "Director Xiao, teacher, you can turn off ECMO."

Director Xiao hesitated for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and easily shut down.

After the ECMO was shut down, the entire operating room suddenly became quiet, except for the beeping sound of the vital signs.

The heartbeat was normal, the breathing was normal, and the oxygen saturation was normal.

Surgery was a success!

The next thing is the surgeon's business, Director Xiao immediately arranged and said, "Prepare to remove the lungs to avoid infection!"

Another four hours passed, and it was already one o'clock in the morning of the next day in Yanjing time.

The door of the operating room opened, and other medical staff at Xiaotang Hospital had been paying attention to the operation.

Because it is contagious, medical staff are wearing protective clothing.

During the operation, she didn't care about eating at all. She stood for more than ten hours without eating or drinking. As soon as Shu Rou came out, she slumped to the ground.

The director of Xiaotang Hospital quickly arranged for the staff to send Shurou and her team to the lounge to rest.

Everyone asked about Director Xiao's situation.

Director Xiao nodded wearily and said, "The operation was successful."

Cheers resounded throughout the hospital.

The dean walked out of the hospital and immediately reported the good news to the reporters: "Our operation was very successful. The combined colony treatment method jointly developed by Changtian Technology and Xiaguo Academy of Sciences Biology and Medical Center was successfully applied for the first time in severe cases. in patients with pneumonia and pulmonary fibrosis, with great success."

"This is our first combined colony therapy operation. In the future, this operation will treat more severe patients and save more lives..."

At this moment, the reporters who had been guarding the whole day in the cold wind screamed with excitement.

Reporter Fang of Xia Guo TV was so excited that he shed tears.

This moment is worth remembering.

Reporter Fang turned to face the live camera and said while weeping: "Friends from the audience, friends from the audience, good morning everyone, it's April 24, 2003, 1:35 a.m. Yanjing time."

"We just got news that after the combined colony therapy operation and treatment jointly developed by Changtian Technology and Xiaguo Academy of Sciences, Li Ting's operation was successful, her vital signs were intact, and the fetus was preserved!"

"This is a great moment! This is a great moment when our researchers and medical staff in Xia Guo saved their lives with their own efforts!"

"This means that all critically ill patients are no longer life-threatening and will be treated."

"We hope the difficulties will pass soon, and we hope the sun will come earlier tomorrow!"

The earliest news of Xia Guo TV was instantly reported to the world.

Kelly was also the first to get the news, and he was so excited that he stayed up all night.

Kelly immediately called her relevant friends in the medical field in Yanjing and confirmed that Li Ting was indeed rescued because of the combined colony treatment method.

And the other party also clearly told Kelly that Li Ting's lungs had been removed.

This time Kelly was excited and shocked.

what does that mean?

It means that the facts stated in this paper by Changtian Technology are completely true and can be operated.

It means that this treatment method can be promoted globally to treat more patients with severe lung diseases.

This is definitely a leap forward in the history of human medicine.

This time Kelly went to Xia Guo with a long article in his hand, "Rhodospirillum and Cyanobacteria are genetically sheared to replace photosynthesis with electric charge, and explore the combined mechanism of oxygen production in biological organisms and biological aerobic demand". Papers written by Tian Technology.

It was London, England, and it was less than 6 o'clock in the evening.

Kelly immediately opened his laptop and wrote an apology letter himself.

The content of the apology letter is that "Natural Medicine" missed the publication of this great scientific research result related to the progress of human medicine because of the lack of meticulous research on the paper and lack of responsibility...

"Natural Medicine" expresses its deepest apologies to all the scientific researchers of this paper, and expresses its sincerest respect to the scientific researchers and medical staff of Xia Guo who are still fighting on the front line...

After writing the apology letter, Kelly immediately made a long-distance call on his mobile phone and called Ferris, the editor-in-chief of "Natural Medicine".

"Ferriss." Kelly said, "I just wrote an apology and passed it on to you, and decided not to publish "Rhodospirillum and Cyanobacteria after gene shearing replace photosynthesis with electric charge" This paper is my biggest mistake, and it is also the biggest mistake of our entire editorial department.”

"At the same time as the publication of the paper, this letter of apology was published on the front page. I also solicited the opinions of other leaders of the editorial department by email."

Ferris was immediately excited, because he was very impressed with the paper, and felt that the rigorous and logical content of the paper was completely closed-loop, and it was a scientific research paper that could definitely change the entire history of human biomedicine.

But neither Kelly nor other senior executives in the editorial department considered this paper to be rubbish.

Now, it can be regarded as a mess.

Ferris said quickly: "The latest issue of "Nature" will be published at the end of April three days later, and I will speed up the typesetting here."

Kelly then immediately called his wife and mother.

"Hurry up and charter a flight (with life and medical equipment), the flight from London to Yanjing, while father's condition is still relatively good, go to Yanjing immediately."

This time the wife thinks Kelly is crazy, how terrifying Yanjing is, how can she come?


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