Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 559: Talent, industry chain, comprehensive layout

Chapter 559 Talents, industrial chain, comprehensive layout

According to this efficiency, it is expected that the monthly output of Pangu chips will reach about 100,000 pieces in the middle of 2005.

This kind of output is considerable, and in terms of production capacity, Yanjiang Semiconductor can enter the top 10 in the world, becoming second only to TSMC.

Chen Xiao was a guest at Li Huaibin's house, and he also took advantage of the holiday to visit Shen Wei in Yanjing.

Chen Xiao proposed his own proposal to prepare talents for the chip industry, which Li Huaibin agreed with very much.

Li Huaibin also felt that relying on the relevant knowledge structure and teaching system of domestic colleges and universities.

It is impossible for domestic institutions to cultivate high-end chip talents.

Li Huaibin said: "Most of the talents in our IC industry have returned from studying abroad. The level of their teachers is not up to the international second-tier standard, let alone what outstanding students they have cultivated."

"So I totally agree with your suggestion to cultivate the IC talent system."

Chen Xiao nodded and said: "Changtian Technology has a complete knowledge reserve. And a large number of IT talents in the world are Chinese.

This shows that the Chinese are relatively good in terms of IQ, but there is no relevant cultivation soil. "

"I want to use school-enterprise cooperation to train graduate students and even doctoral students in the name of Changtian Technology to enrich IC talents."

"I also hope that the relevant national authorities and educational institutions can recognize the academic qualifications of the talents cultivated by our Changtian Technology and give them corresponding degree certificates."

Chen Xiao's consideration is quite appropriate, because the chip industry not only needs Changtian Technology to do it, but also needs to drive the entire Xia Kingdom's chip industry chain.

There are two most important elements in the chip industry chain, one is equipment and the other is talent.

Of course it comes down to talent.

As long as your talent team is huge and the technical level is high enough, it is reasonable to develop high-end equipment.

What Changtian Technology has to do now is to cultivate large-scale talents.

These talents are not only used by Changtian Technology. It will also be used by other high-tech industry companies in Xia Guo.

Only in this way, the entire IC industry chain can be formed.

When the time comes to buy raw materials and other products, there is no need to travel to the East.

Changtian Technology needs to buy a lithography machine to produce chips, and there is no need to beg father and grandmother to go to the Netherlands and see the face of the United States.

Li Huaibin asked for Chen Xiao's opinion and said, "Brother Chen, which school is more suitable to cooperate with?"

In response to this, Chen Xiao also has his own plans.

"Currently, we have two technology parks in Changtian Technology," he said.

"One is in Jiangzhou. The science and technology park in Jiangzhou has basically been completed, and the land area is relatively large. A separate school can be set up in that place."

"We can cooperate with Jiangzhou University. Jiangzhou University is my alma mater and one of the old key universities."

Li Huaibin nodded, thinking that Chen Xiao's idea was very reasonable.

Chen Xiao added: "Our second technology park is in Changze Prefecture in Suzhou and Hangzhou."

"This is a science and technology park that is completely independently designed by Changtian Technology and has independent management rights"

"I plan to set up a research university in Changze Prefecture, mainly in cooperation with some universities in Shanghai and Suzhou and Hangzhou."

Li Huaibin laughed and said: "Don't forget our Institute of Computer Science, Xiaguo Academy of Sciences, our institute can completely cultivate talents with Changtian Technology in the mode of school-enterprise cooperation.

Chen Xiao hurriedly filled Li Huaibin with water, and said, "Of course, no matter who you cooperate with, you will not forget Xia Guo Academy of Sciences."

"I will build postgraduate and doctoral colleges as soon as possible, and apply for relevant degree recognition from the state."

The specific procedures were assisted by Li Huaibin's Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

After parting with Li Huaibin, Chen Xiao went to Yanjing University to visit Shen Wei.

After graduating in July last year, Shen Wei has already received offers from many well-known overseas universities.

These include Harvard Business School, Princeton University and other world-renowned universities.

However, Shen Wei gave up postgraduate studies to study overseas under the balance, and continued to stay in Yenching University for postgraduate studies.

Shen Wei's choice made the relevant leaders of Yenching University and Shen Wei's tutor very surprised, and felt a little pity.

There are indeed many outstanding students at Yenching University, but there are still relatively few outstanding students like Shen Wei.

In fact, only Shen Wei herself knew why she stayed.

Jiangzhou City and Yanjing are separated by more than 2,000 kilometers. This distance has made Shen Wei quite uncomfortable. If she goes to the United States or the United Kingdom, then the distance between the two may be 10,000 kilometers.

The gap in distance cannot be made up by making a phone call every day or chatting with chat software for a few hours.

Shen Wei actually has endless worries in her heart, especially after knowing that the development of Changtian Technology is getting stronger and stronger, Shen Wei knows that there is no shortage of excellent girls around Chen Xiao.

Shen Wei is a very rational woman, she doesn't believe what it means to be in love with each other forever.

When a man and a woman have been separated for a long time, there must be many objective contradictions.

If there is another girl next to Chen Xiao who takes care of him every day, then things like a long-term relationship will definitely happen.

Therefore, when she stayed in Yanjing to study Shen Wei's own academic and emotional conflicts, the biggest trade-off and compromise were.

Yanjing University was not named by the lakeside, and hundreds of trees withered, revealing endless desolation. The wind by the lake was also strong, making Chen Xiao's cheeks hurt.

Especially in this dry climate, it is even more uncomfortable.

I don't know what kind of wild birds are chirping in the air, making the empty lake even more quiet and lonely.

Because of the extremely cold winter, the students of Yenching University did not read aloud or memorize words by the river.

Occasionally, a few couples walk by in a hurry, and they don't want to stay here.

Shen Wei trotted over in a thick woolen coat and looked at Chen Xiao with a happy expression on her face.

She couldn't help but quickened her pace and ran towards Chen Xiao's arms.

Chen Xiao smiled and hugged Shen Wei and stroked her black hair.

Shen Wei couldn't control her emotions, holding Chen Xiao's face and kissing frantically.

With their lips touching, Chen Xiao could feel the passion and longing from Shen Wei's heart.

This feeling is really beautiful. After a long time, Shen Wei put her arms around Chen Xiao's waist and leaned tightly against his chest, listening to Chen Xiao's heartbeat.

Chen Xiao patted Shen Wei's back and said, "Alright, alright, get up, let's go eat roast duck at night, shall we?"

At this moment, Shen Wei suddenly raised her head and said to Chen Xiao, "Chen Xiao, why don't I go to work in your company.

"Chen Xiao was stunned for a while, knew what Shen Wei was thinking?"

He patted Shen Wei's face and said, "The graduate student of Guanghua College of Yanjing University is not something that other people want to come."

"Changtian Technology currently lacks two kinds of talents, one of which is high-end talents in the semiconductor industry, and the other is high-end talents in economics."

"Sister Wang, the director of the financial department of our headquarters, has proposed to me several times to retire. The financial department is a very important position, and I do not feel relieved to leave it to others."

"If you accumulate more experience here, you will be able to work with ease in the future."

"This year, I decided to list Yuedong Internet as a whole in Hong Kong or Shanghai."

"The financial requirements are very high. I hope you can come and help me."

Shen Wei nodded seriously, she remembered every word and every word Chen Xiao said.

In the evening, Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant, two people enjoyed the food together.

After eating, Shen Wei seemed to muster up her courage, gritted her teeth and said to Chen Xiao, "Let's go sing in the evening."

According to the student management rules of Yenching University, at 10:30 in the evening, the door of the dormitory will be closed, and the students inside will not be able to go out, and the students outside will not be able to enter.

So Shen Wei said that the purpose of inviting Chen Xiao to sing was to delay the time until after 10:30, so that she would have an excuse not to go back.

Chen Xiao can be regarded as a person of two generations.

"If you go back late, can you enter the dormitory?"

When he saw Shen Wei's expression, he knew what Shen Wei was thinking.

Chen Xiao deliberately teased Shen Wei and said, "We will sing after 9 o'clock after dinner. It may be 11 o'clock in more than an hour. What if you can't go back to the dormitory?"

This kind of thing is usually seen through without telling the truth, Shen Wei's face suddenly turned red, and she gave Chen Xiao a vicious smile.

Chen Xiao liked Shen Wei's cute expression.

He laughed, and Shen Wei realized that she had been fooled.

Shen Wei was shy and angry and said disgust.

Chen Xiao quickly wiped his mouth, took Shen Wei and walked outside, and the front desk settled the bill.

Shen Wei's face turned crimson. But she still let Chen Xiao pull herself.

Chen Xiao is a normal man, under such circumstances, he must not be able to bear it. If he could bear it any longer, he wouldn't be a man anymore.

Zhou Linghua and the team have come to the Wanwan area of ​​Xia Kingdom.

This time Zhou Linghua released Chen Xiao's life.

Chen Xiao expects that TiSMC will soon launch an attack on Xiaxin International and Yanjiang Peninsula Emperor Company.

Intel's attack on the eastern and western semiconductor industries was the first shot. Most of this shot was a war of words and public opinion.

The real tough battle comes from TSMC.

TSMC will definitely file legal lawsuits around the world on the grounds that Zhang Jing’s team stole the TSMC data.

If the course of history has not changed.

Xiaxin International will face very serious difficulties. In the end, it has been suppressed by TSMC in both legal and public opinion. It has to pay fines, dissolve the team, and become very passive.

Rather than let Xiaxin International and the newly established Yanjiang Semiconductor Co. passively confront it, it is better to take the initiative to attack.

This time, Zhou Hua spotted Bida Semiconductor Co., Ltd. in the curved area.

Bida Semiconductor Co., Ltd. rose almost at the same time as TiSMC, and was once one of the best semiconductor companies in Asia.

However, due to poor management and the continuous expansion of the tire battery, Bida Semiconductor gradually lost its own market.

In the end, Bida Semiconductor became a subsidiary of TiSMC.

Some orders that TSMC disliked but were unwilling to discard were thrown to Bida Semiconductor, and people snorted under TSMC's hands.

Zhou Hua came here this time to discuss cooperation with Bida Semiconductor.

There are two cooperation plans. One is to have Changtian Technology wholly acquire or actively invest in Bida Semiconductor, and let Bida Semiconductor undertake some orders from Yanjiang Semiconductor, so as to increase the output of Yanjiang Semiconductor.

The second option is to enter Guo Bida Semiconductor Company to become an important shareholder of Bida Semiconductor Company, and the purpose is also to expand the production capacity of Yanjiang Semiconductor Company.

The conditions offered by Changtian Technology for Bida Company are very superior.

Not only the unit price of the order is much higher than the unit price given by TSMC.

The most important thing is that the attitude of the two sides during the negotiation is very good.

This feeling is something that the executives and technical staff of Bida Semiconductor have never felt before.

Most of the companies in the Wanwan area have inherited the inferiority of some companies in the East or the United States, and power has the final say.

Therefore, when cooperating with TSMC, TSMC rarely considers the feelings of Bida Semiconductor.

Bida Semiconductor feels that if it continues to be a vassal of TSMC, it will be swallowed by TSMC sooner or later, and it will become very cheap.

But at present, Bida Semiconductor has to accept such cheap orders.

Because the living environment in the curved area and the international semiconductor are under the external environment.

If Bida Semiconductor did not accept the orders from TiSMC, it would have no profitability at all.

One side is to live, the other side is to die.

Bida Semiconductor can only choose to live.

Therefore, instead of being a knife, I might as well find another Bida Semiconductor knows the influence of Pangu chips in Xia and the world.

As the world's first commercial dual-core chip, the Pangu chip is likely to become an explosive product.

So after some negotiation, Bida Semiconductor decided to cooperate with Changtian Technology.

Cooperative solutions are also beneficial to both parties.

Changtian Technology directly invested and held a 30% stake in Bida Semiconductor.

Changtian Technology assured Bida Semiconductor that Pangu Chip will have at least 10% of its production capacity handed over to Bida Semiconductor if Bida Semiconductor meets its quality and production capacity conditions.

This kind of cooperation is as if both parties are comfortable.

Changtian Technology spent the least amount of money and got a 24/7 partner.

And Bida Semiconductor has improved the company's financial capabilities following the investment it has received while maintaining its dignity.

With the contract just signed by Bida Semiconductor, the technicians from Yanjiang Peninsula brought by Zhou Linghua will guide Bida Semiconductor to start producing Pangu chips.

These teams are all elite teams of Xiaxin International, which have been operating in the semiconductor production industry for many years, so they are very familiar with the specific production process and intellectual property protection process of this industry.

Whether at the legal level or at the technical level, Chen Xiao will not worry about Bida Semiconductor stealing the trade secrets of Pangu chips.

Liu Dachuan, the boss of Bida Semiconductor, is from Hu Jian of Xia Guo, and he is also a person with national feelings.

He was quite angry. After getting the order from Changtian Technology, he immediately announced that the order from TSMC would be suspended.

Because of this bad breath, Bida Semiconductor held back for a long time.

After the agreement was signed, Zhou Linghua also called Chen Xiao.

Zhou Linghua smiled and said to the phone, "It's done, boss!"

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