Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 588: Stick to the bottom line

Chapter 588 Stick to the Bottom Line

When Cassien said this, Luo Tianming, who was listening to the negotiation, was very surprised.

Because in Luo Tianming's view, the cooperation agreement proposed by Bristol-Myers Squibb is quite superior.

Including the right to use immune drugs and the agency and use rights of tumor-targeted drugs.

These things are quite valuable.

Take pd1 tumor class targeted drugs as an example.

Among the major pharmaceutical companies in the world, only Bristol-Myers Squibb has drugs for this type of tumor.

Most of this type of tumor is similar to untreatable lung cancer. .

With the economic and social development of Xiaguo, while people's living standards are getting higher and higher, pollution mitigation is becoming more and more serious.

Although experts have repeatedly said that there is no clear link between environmental pollution and lung cancer.

But in fact, the number of people suffering from lung cancer has increased in recent years.

10 years ago, it was rare to hear that people around me died of lung cancer.

But today, 10 years later, everyone is surrounded by relatives and friends who died of lung cancer.

Lung cancer is the number one cancer in Xia.

Lung cancer is definitely incurable.

This is also an internationally recognized fact.

Including the combined colony therapy of Changtian Technology, there is no way to cure lung cancer.

Because the root of lung cancer is cancer, lung problems are second.

Tumor cells in the lungs can metastasize.

Lung cancer often metastasizes to the head, kidneys, and liver in many places.

At this time, even if Changtian Technology uses the combined colony therapy to treat the lung diseases, there is no way for the cancer cells to metastasize to other locations.

Small cell lung cancer, in particular, has a very low survival rate, and it may only be a few months from diagnosis to death.

But what is the role of Bristol-Myers Squibb's drugs?

Its role is to use targeted drugs to precisely kill cancer cells and prolong the survival time of patients.

This targeted drug certainly does not completely cure advanced cancer, but it can successfully cure early cancer, control intermediate cancer, and prolong the survival time of patients with advanced cancer.

Humans have only one life in this world.

When you have cancer, you face death.

Many people are willing to give everything to cure their cancer, or to live a few more years.

Especially the rich and wealthy, even if they know that targeted drugs cannot completely cure cancer, they will spend a lot of money to buy them and try to use them, because they think that even if they live an extra year, they will make money.

So Chen Xiao kept saying a word.

What monopoly business is the most profitable?

The monopoly on life is the most profitable.

Bristol-Myers Squibb's tumor-targeted drugs are a monopoly on life.

Last year, Shanghai Pharmaceutical Corporation sent experts and teams to the United States to negotiate with Bristol-Myers Squibb. The new purpose is to introduce targeted therapy technology.

Unfortunately, the negotiations did not go well.

Bristol-Myers Squibb is simply not willing to hand over various technologies to Xia Guoren's agents.

Because if the various technologies are handed over to the agents of Xia Guoren, then the profits of Bristol-Myers Squibb will be much lower.

Now even if they did not find Xiaguo Company as an agent, their targeted drugs have flowed into Xiaguo's market through various channels, and they are at high premiums and high profits.

For example, a cycle of targeted therapy drugs may only be sold in the United States for a few thousand meters, but through some improper means to the hands of patients in Xia, it may be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of meters, or even more expensive.

After the huge profits are taken away by Bristol-Myers Squibb, drug dealers and even clinical doctors will take a cut of the profits.

Qu Ping came from a medical background, and she knew that some professors she had come into contact with specialized in selling some overseas medicines to patients.

These drugs are ridiculously expensive.

In addition to purchasing goods through improper channels and high prices, doctors and professors also need to take a commission.

For a box of tens of thousands of dollars of drugs, it is easy for doctors to get a commission of thousands of dollars.

In 2007, in places like the Shanghai stock market, doctors' wages were only a few thousand yuan a month.

Maybe the commission for a life-saving medicine is worth one year's salary.

Many patients with cancer are really using money in exchange for their lives.

The patient is the real leek, the real fat sheep. Let those medical dealers and unprofessional doctors repeatedly cut leeks and chop wool repeatedly.

When will we stop scouring wool?

The patient went bankrupt and borrowed countless loans to treat the disease, but in the end he was not cured, and he would not be shaved after losing his life.

In this case, the fool will choose to give up the agency.

Luo Tianming didn't expect that the Shanghai Pharmaceutical Corporation spent one of Niu Erhu and didn't get anything, and the other party would come to Changtian Technology directly.

This is the charm of science and technology.

Changtian Technology has strong enough technology to make Squibb Company feel in awe, so they will be willing to cooperate.

Everyone's eyes were on Qu Ping, waiting for Qu Ping's reply.

In fact, in all fairness, Bristol-Myers Squibb's conditions are indeed very favorable.

In addition to some of the previous immune drugs and the agency of tumor-targeted drugs.

The most important thing is that Bristol-Myers Squibb has good cooperation with the medical sector in the United States.

If we can cooperate with Bristol-Myers Squibb, it will definitely be beneficial to the promotion and application of combined colony therapy on a global scale.

Especially in the US.

It's hard to get an FDA license.

But if Bristol-Myers Squibb is coordinating it, the Combined Army's therapy could potentially be available in treatment clinics and major hospitals in the United States in just a few years.

The United States is the most developed country in high-end medical care, and it is not one of them.

If this technology can be marketed in the United States for treatment, then Changtian Technology can definitely make a lot of money.

However, before Qu Ping received Cassien and his party, Chen Xiao had already greeted Qu Ping in advance.

If Bristol-Myers Squibb wants to cooperate with Changtian Technology, there is only one way to go.

That is Bristol-Myers Squibb as the agency of Changtian Technology.

Instead of Changtian Technology transferring all technology to Bristol-Myers Squibb.

There is no other way of cooperation.

As for the targeted therapy of related tumor drugs.

This is indeed a huge market.

But this market is currently not practical for most of Xia Guo's patients.

Because targeted therapy is quite expensive, it is not affordable for universal patients.

Most of the people who can afford this kind of treatment are wealthy people in Xia.

For these wealthy people in Xia, even if they don't have any agents in the country, they will try their best to buy drugs from the United States.

Luo Tianming was very nervous.

Of course, he is very much looking forward to the cooperation between Changtian Technology and Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Because only these two companies have reached a cooperation, then Shanghai Pharmaceutical Corporation will have the opportunity to turn to Changtian Technology to promote targeted drug treatment methods.

Gu ZhuBut the protagonists of the negotiation at this time were Changtian Technology and Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Luo Tianming was just listening in.

Therefore, he has no right to advise, let alone the right to speak.

Cassian was also very nervous at this time.

He is quite clear that if the cooperation is successful this time, the market involved will be tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of meters.

He was very worried about Ms. Qu Ping, who looked very old-fashioned, and directly refused to cooperate.

So Kasheen said very kindly: "Ms. Qu Ping, we are not in a hurry to get an answer on this matter immediately. I hope you can report to Changtian Technology Headquarters, especially Mr. Chen Xiao."

Just when everyone was looking forward to it.

Qu Ping said with a smile: "Mr. Cassian, the door of cooperation is always open, but our cooperation conditions are slightly different from those just proposed by Mr. Cassien."

Cassian also smiled and said, "I would like to hear the details."

Qu Ping said very calmly: "There is only one condition for cooperation, that is, Bristol-Myers Squibb can be called Changtian Technology's agent, and you have the right to sell and provide Changtian Technology's combined colony treatment method in North America."

The expression of the entire Bristol-Myers Squibb team changed as soon as these words came out.

What kind of company is Bristol-Myers Squibb?

It is one of the largest medical companies in the world.

Their medicines have taken the world by storm.

Their treatment technology is the world's leading.

Only other companies have ever hoped to cooperate with Bristol-Myers Squibb and become Bristol-Myers Squibb's agents.

There is no instance of Bristol-Myers Squibb as someone else's agent.

What Bristol-Myers Squibb wants is this complete treatment technology, and Longsky Technology is only part of Bristol-Myers Squibb's global money-making plan.

The reason why Chen Xiao put forward such conditions.

The most important reason is that he has clearly seen the essence of the combined colony therapy.

Because even if it doesn't cooperate with Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Those wealthy American patients will also try their best to get Xia Guo treatment.

If Changtian Technology wants to make money.

Then the best way is to cooperate with more Xiaguo hospitals.

Allow these hospitals to add specialized outpatient and specialized inpatient units for combined colony therapy.

Not only a large number of patients taking over national strength, but also a large number of foreign patients.

Whether or not to cooperate with Bristol-Myers Squibb will not affect the profits of Changtian Technology.

This kind of gap is absolutely unacceptable to Cassian.

Luo Tianming and others were also very surprised. He did not expect that the conditions proposed by Changtian Technology would be so harsh.

Cassian showed a very embarrassed smile, and after talking for a long time, he talked about loneliness.

And Qu Ping doesn't seem to be interested in targeted therapy technology at all.

In fact, it is not that Changtian Technology has no interest in targeted therapy technology, but Chen Xiao is confident that with the upgrading of technology and lighting up more and more technology trees, Chen Xiao will sooner or later find a way to treat malignant tumors.

And this approach will certainly be more advanced and more effective by now so-called targeted therapy technology.

Snyder and the rest of the Bristol-Myers Squibb staff looked very ugly.

Cassien added: "Ms. Qu Ping, I think this condition we put forward is very reasonable. This is the best way for Changtian Technology to promote various technologies to the world."

"You should also know that Europe and the United States have a completely different medical system from Xia Guo."

This is actually a bit of a threat.

That is to say, if Changtian Technology does not cooperate with Bristol-Myers Squibb, it will be more difficult for this technology to go abroad and enter the US or European markets.

At present, the right to speak in the world's medical technology is still in the hands of Westerners.

If the combined colony therapy is not recognized by the Western society, then this method of treatment will never be able to enter the world just like the traditional Chinese medicine in Xia.

Moreover, if the negotiation between Changtian Technology and Bristol-Myers Squibb Company collapses, the influence of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company in the global pharmaceutical industry will be used.

Combined colony therapy may be demonized by the entire Western society and the international medical community.

Just as it is currently recognized internationally that traditional Chinese medicine is not complete enough to treat diseases, and even has a large number of side effects.

In many countries, Chinese medicine treatment is completely banned.

Qu Ping smiled and nodded and said, "Of course I know, sir, otherwise you wouldn't have come all the way to Tianyue Island of Changtian Technology."

Both sides have talked about this point.

There is nothing to talk about.

Cassian looked at Luo Tianming, who was sitting beside him. He still had a lot of trump cards in his hand.

However, he was unwilling to continue negotiating with Qu Ping.

Cassian stood up and said, "How much trouble today, we still hope that the two sides can reach a cooperation."

Cassian's team left Tianyue Island, and they will also go to Suzhou and Hangzhou, Shanghai and local management departments and hospitals for exchanges and discussions.

And Qu Ping immediately reported today's negotiation situation to Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao said: "Bristol-Myers Squibb doesn't have many means to restrain us, but we have to prepare for the reduction of overseas patients."

Overseas customers are the cash cows of Changtian Technology.

If overseas customers are severely reduced, the cost of domestic patient treatment will increase.

This is definitely not in line with the working principle of Changtian Technology's "robbing the rich and helping the poor". UU reading www.

Without the possibility of reducing the cost of the combined colony treatment method, if the treatment cost of domestic patients is greatly increased, it will definitely affect the willingness of patients to come for treatment.

The number of patients has decreased, and the combination of colony therapy has also lost its meaning.

But all of this is an afterthought.

On the second day after the Cassian team left Tianyue Island.

Chen Xiao received several calls.

Chen Xiao was very surprised by these calls.

The callers included the leaders of Xia Guo in charge of medical-related departments, the chairman of Shanghai Pharmaceutical Corporation, and even the relevant leaders of the Medical Treatment Center of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, including Professor Wu Yong, Chen Xiao's long-term acquaintance.

These people call for only one purpose.

It is hoped that Changtian Technology can reach a cooperation agreement with Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Although Wu Yong did not express this intention, he still hoped that Changtian Technology and Bristol-Myers Squibb would continue to negotiate.

These calls made Chen Xiao stunned.

Chen Xiao asked Wu Yong directly.

"Professor Wu, do you know what conditions this Squibb has proposed?"

"They hope that Changtian Technology can transfer the combined colony therapy technology to them."

"You should know the importance of this technology to Xia Guo."

The technology is in Changtian Technology's mobile phone, and Changtian Technology can also grasp the scale of treatment and charging, so that more patients in Xiaguo can receive treatment at a lower price.

If the technology is transferred to this hungry wolf who eats people and does not spit out bones.

Not to mention the soaring treatment costs, Changtian Technology will also lose its initiative.

The doctor with a wry smile said, "Isn't the domestic market still in your hands? What they want is the international market, and some things are not as simple as you think."

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