Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 684: Changtian Technology, shocking!

The tough attitude of Changtian Technology really surprised Xia Guo's netizens.

Xia Guo's netizens did not expect that there would be such a tough attitude in the negotiations between Xia Guo Technology Company and overseas.

And the other party has no confidence at all to object.

This fully demonstrates a problem.

in the midst of brutal international and technological competition.

Strength is king.

Technology is king.

If you have the strength and strong science and technology, then even the old Western powers will respect you three points.

If you do not have strong strength, there is no convincing science and technology.

No matter how big your country is, no matter how big the population is.

You are in competition, you have no right to speak.

This kind of behavior of Changtian Technology has indeed set an example for the majority of technology companies in Xia State and the people of Xia State.

In the past few decades, especially after the reform and opening up.

Xia Guo company, whether it is a technology company or a foreign trade company, in order to be able to obtain a little profit in the cruel international competition.

It is an infinite compromise to the West.

Take foreign trade companies in coastal areas as an example.

The profit on a toy might be a few cents.

In order to obtain these few cents, these foreign trade companies in the coastal areas of Xia Country completely regard Westerners as uncles.

According to the requirements of the other party, whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, it is repeatedly revised, in order to obtain this market, the price is reduced to a minimum.

Don't even have dignity in order to get your own cents of profit.

The path that Changtian Technology has taken today has set an example for Xia Guo's company.

Let Xia Guo's enterprises find out that Xia Guo people can also be tough in front of Westerners.

The news about Changtian Technology in the past few days has also allowed many domestic college students to find a new goal in their life.

Even if you want to work in the future, you need to find a company.

You must also go to a technology company like Changtian Technology.

Only a company with dignity in the international community can really bring great prospects to its employees.

If a company is all-your-own-yourselfers, looks up to others, and seeks life humbly.

What kind of prospects can such a company bring to its employees?

The French National Electric Company has also seen the news that the relevant media will send armed security personnel to France.

Such news made EDF quite embarrassed.

Because from the beginning to the end, even if the French National Electric Company chooses to compromise with Changtian Technology, it hopes to compromise quietly.

It's not that I hope that this matter will be riotous and everyone will know it.

Westerners still have Western pride.

France also has the arrogance of France.

After the 18th century, Westerners established their own strong position.

The Eight-Power Allied Forces and the subsequent signing of an unequal agreement between France and the people of Xia gave France a strong psychological advantage over the people of Xia.

This psychological advantage has persisted for more than 100 years until now.

It is also this powerful psychological advantage that makes Westerners never want to face the development of Xia Kingdom.

No matter how well the economic conditions of the Xia Kingdom develop, no matter how high people's living standards are improved, no matter how well the city's infrastructure is built.

These advances are invisible to Westerners.

They just stood arrogantly and saw some shortcomings of Xia Guo.

and condemned these determinations.

For example, the smog problem in Yanjing and Xia Kingdom, such as the income problem in rural Xia Kingdom, and so on.

Arrogant Westerners can only see this.

It is their thinking that determines their vision.

This time, Changtian Technology sent heavily armed security personnel into France, and asked the French National Electric Company to pay for the security personnel.

It completely shattered the arrogance of the Westerners towards the people of Xia.

Let Westerners face up to the fact that Xia Guo is developing rapidly, and Xia Guo's technology companies are also developing rapidly.

In particular, Changtian Technology is far ahead of Western technology companies in many technology fields.

There are quite a few critics in the West who are extremely shocked and amazed after seeing such news.

They don't understand EDF and the French authorities, why would they agree to this approach of Changtian Technology?

"France has fallen!"

"Changtian Technology is representing Xia Guo in the world!"

This is the most comment on Changtian Technology by Western critics.

Westerners can be so sensitive and stingy, even if many of the media in Xia Guo did not expect it.

But from start to finish.

Neither EDF had any comment.

This is the default, and I don't want things to ferment further.

After all, private armed forces are allowed to enter France to protect the safety of overseas workers.

This is hitting France in the face.

Chen Xiao looked at these comments from the West, and everything was as expected.

Chen Xiao said to Wang Xiang: "The arrogance of the West has always been like this. They have never faced the legitimate interests of the Xia people and their mistakes."

"These countries send people to protect the safety of their own people. This is actually very common in the West."

"Western capital basically dispatches its own private armed forces to build factories overseas, especially in Africa and other regions."

"At that time, why didn't they think it was incredible?"

"It's a classic double standard."

Chen Xiao said to Wang Xiang: "Changtian Technology's capital, technology and personnel will go abroad several times, cooperate with overseas to build some projects, and have more reports like this, and everyone will become accustomed to it."

The reason why Chen Xiao took such a measure this time is for only one purpose - to make Western countries adapt to the power of Changtian Technology and get used to the power of Changtian Technology.

When Western countries gradually recognized that Changtian Technology is one of the most powerful technology companies in the world.

The products and technologies of Changtian Technology make it easier to go overseas.

Because Chen Xiao is also very clear now, with the current strength of Changtian Technology, especially the scientific and technological strength.

To achieve stable and peaceful development, it is absolutely impossible not to conflict with any overseas technology company.

The strength of Changtian Technology has become so strong that there is no way to hide its strength.

Since it cannot be hidden, it is necessary to find ways to protect Changtian Technology's own interests.

Wang Xiang felt that what Chen Xiao said was very reasonable.

Only by letting the other party get used to your strength can you be respected by the other party.

Wang Xiang said: "At present, Shu Rou and other technicians can set off for France at any time after completing the preparation work."

"Ye Qiangdong has also trained security teams in West Asia, and they will go directly to France from West Asia."

Chen Xiao nodded.

This kind of thing is handled by Wang Xiang, and he is still very relieved.

As for why Ye Qiangdong was asked to train the Anbao team in West Asia.

The most important thing is the issue of national conditions.

After all, in China, training security personnel is no problem, but training security personnel to carry weapons is a big problem.

But in some countries in West Asia, this kind of thing is not so strict.

Changtian Technology now has money.

The West Asian region has a wide variety of weapons, and it is very easy to obtain.

Many weapons can be bought for as long as you spend money.

Here are some countries where you can even arm an army for money.

Wang Xiang hesitated for a while.

This is the second thing that is fundamental to Changtian Technology.

Wang Xiang put the official audit report in front of Chen Xiao.

"This is the audit report on Shenchuan, the official version."

Wang Xiang sighed and said, "Shen Wei is under a lot of pressure on this matter."

"I know through my informants that Sun Yanfang used a lot of contacts in Yanjing to suppress this report."


Wang Xiang didn't want to say anything later.

Because it involves some business issues of Changtian Technology.

Chen Xiao now put down the report in his hand, "Brother Xiang, we have both known each other for so many years, and we can be considered brothers who are born and die."

"Is there anything else you are inconvenient to tell me?"

At this time, Wang Xiang gritted his teeth and said: "Sun Yanfang even made a shameful agreement with Lianxiang in order to suppress this report. I hope that Lianxiang will use some higher-level relationships to make this matter a big deal. It's the little things."

"Shen Wei even received some threats..."

"This official report was not sent by KPMG to Changtian Technology, but sent by Shen Wei by all means."

Wang Xiang said apologetically: "One more thing is that Shen Wei has resigned from KPMG."

"She is in Yanjing now. Because of some follow-up things, it is not convenient for her to leave Yanjing now."

Chen Xiao wasn't worried about Shen Wei's safety.

Because Ye Qiangdong personally arranged several confidants to protect Shen Wei in the dark.

Chen Xiao took out another report from the drawer and handed it to Wang Xiang.

"This is the reason analysis of the audit report written by Shen Wei. I remember that each item is very reasonable, and it took a lot of effort."

Chen Xiao thought about it in his mind.

The situation that Wang Xiang came to report today gave Chen Xiao three pieces of information.

The first is Sun Yanfang, who has reached the point of madness.

In order to prevent himself from being exposed, he even hooked up with Lianxiang, and in exchange for the interests of survival.

The second thing is that Sun Yanfang still has concerns. The biggest reason is that his father is still receiving treatment at the intermediate treatment center in Shanghai.

Therefore, Sun Yanfang did not flee abroad immediately, but tried every means to put down her own affairs.

The third thing is that after weighing various interests, KPMG did not immediately hand over the final audit report to Changtian Technology.

And Shen Wei may be facing some pressure, or it may be some choices of her own.

So she chose to leave KPMG.

Wang Xiang said to Chen Xiao: "It's almost the middle of the year, and the Shenzhen market has never asked Sun Yanfang to go to the headquarters to complete the work report."

"I think Sun Yanfang is still alert."

"I think we should take immediate action."

"Sun Yanfang is, after all, the vice president of Shenchuan and an executive of Changtian Technology."

"If this matter is exposed, it will have a very large impact on Changtian Technology, and it will be very detrimental to us."

In fact, Chen Xiao had already made up his mind on this matter.

At the beginning, Sun Yanfang looked for connections everywhere, hoping that the intensive care center would bypass the integrity review system and allow her father to treat the disease.

After searching around, they found Zhou Linghua.

Chen Xiao simply took the plan and asked Zhou Linghua to inform the following, and without the premise of the integrity review system, he would treat Sun Yanfang's father.

The purpose of Chen Xiao doing this is actually to warn Sun Yanfang from the side, hoping that Sun Yanfang can do it well.

Who knew that Sun Yanfang completely misunderstood what Chen Xiao meant.

I thought it was because of my relationship, and I sent a lot of money out, and this was done.

The firmer Sun Yanfang's belief that money can make ghosts push the mill.

Chen Xiao said to Wang Xiang, "The two reports in your hands, one is an audit report, and the other is an analysis report written by Shen Wei in private. You can hand it over to Sun Yanfang in the name of the company headquarters."

"The contents of the report are temporarily closed."

"Huh??" Wang Xiang didn't expect Chen Xiao to do this at all.

The contents of the report are not made public.

Instead, it was directly given to Sun Yanfang in the name of the headquarters.

What exactly does this mean?

Chen Xiao said: "After the report is sent, you will know what I mean."

Soon, after a day.

The headquarters dispatched a special person to send the two reports to Sun Yanfang.

Sun Yanfang opened the report and looked pale.

She is not a fool.

Knowing that Chen Xiao has read the two reports, and sent the report after reading it.

Sun Yanfang knew that all her efforts were in vain.

The boss knows everything.

Sun Yanfang laughed miserably.

In fact, as Shen Wei is the chief judge of this project, Sun Yanfang should know that it is impossible to hide things from Chen Xiao.

Why is she still holding out hope?

Why are you still daydreaming.

And my brother was calling. Said that the intensive care center on the Shanghai market stopped treating his father for some unknown reason.

Also in the Shenzhen market.

Shenchuan urgently convened the board of directors.

The board of directors has a very important topic, that is, the appointment of the general manager of Shenchuan.

Wu Jun is currently the general manager and chairman of Shenchuan.

Wu Jun resigned from the position of general manager in the way of letting Xian In fact, he chose reserve talents for Shenchuan.

According to the operation mode of the **** ship.

The general manager is elected first, and then the general manager will serve as the chairman and general manager one year later.

And Wu Junhui will step back to the second line this year. After giving up the position of chairman next year, he will completely fade out of Shenchuan and return to the headquarters of the group company to be the vice president.

For such a big meeting, the Shenzhen market did not invite a person from the Yanjing Shenchuan headquarters to attend.

Sun Yanfang, who was originally a popular candidate, also did not participate.

In fact, there was a sound of wind inside the divine ship.

That's what happened to Sun Yanfang.

And something big happened.

Sun Yanfang's face was pale, and she knew that she had reached a dead end.

The younger brother is still urging Sun Yanfang to find a relationship as soon as possible, and let his father continue to receive treatment as soon as possible.

The board of directors of Shenchuan has already been opened, and the new general manager is not generated by Shenchuan, but Zhou Ming, the technical director of the headquarters chip laboratory.

After hearing such news.

Sun Yanfang knew that she was finished.

She wrote a lot with pens and letterhead paper from the **** ship.

Then she put on the clothes on the first day of her employment, opened the window of the headquarters office, and jumped down from the 18th floor.


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