Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 155: Adventure King's New Book

Eighteen-year-old Jenny Norfolk has been following Kevin's Twitter updates all the time. When she saw the news about Kevin's new book, she was happy for Kevin and planned to do a bookstore for the book at a bookstore. signing event. (Baidu search gives you the fastest and most stable update of Li

So, she called the person in charge of a bookstore over and told her what to think.

In fact, there is no need for Jenny Norfolk to order. The person in charge of a bookstore had already thought of this, because the last time they invited Kevin to sign for "Wuthering Heights", their customers increased a lot.

In other words: They've tasted the sweetness of inviting Kevin to the signing. So, they had this idea in the morning. Now that they have received instructions from Jenny Norfolk, they can proceed with more confidence.

The London Literary Publishing House has already printed 500,000 copies for the first time. Naturally, there will be no shortage of publicity and promotion for "Robinson Crusoe". So, after getting a call from a bookstore in Edinburgh. They also readily agreed to the signing event. Naturally, it must be big, except for the signing event in Edinburgh. They also plan to hold "Robinson Crusoe" signings all over the country.

Kevin's new book is not long before the publication of "Wuthering Heights", so the London Literary Publishing House has a better publicity bite. After all, it is unprecedented to write two works in such a short period of time.

Regarding the publicity, Enni also called Kevin to discuss it. Since the last time Bella was invited to do the cover promotion for "Wuthering Heights" was very successful, so this time they are thinking about whether to invite celebrities to do the promotion for this "Robinson Crusoe" again.

But this idea was rejected by Kevin. Kevin feels that the attention on "Robinson Crusoe" is already very high, and there is no need to spend a lot of money to invite celebrities to promote it.

After listening to Kevin's opinion, the London Literary Publishing House conducted another market survey. In the end, I also agreed with Kevin's point of view. After all, after the plagiarism incident, the attention on "Robinson Crusoe" is indeed very high, and this attention and hot spots are unmatched by ordinary stars.

After Kevin agreed to the signing event. Relevant personnel from London Literary Publishing House began to plan the signing event schedule for "Robinson Crusoe".

During the planning period of the London Literary Publishing House, another big news about the literary world suddenly swept through various literary newspapers.

"What? The famous "Adventure King" has released a new book? That's really great, I must buy it and have a look. You know, I have liked reading his books since I was a child."

"When I was in middle school, I liked to read the books written by "Adventure King". His books are full of excitement and excitement. I enjoy this feeling. So, when his books come out, I will definitely buy them."

"It's finally the day when the 'Adventure King' will open a new book.

I thought he had quit the literary world since then? His work is so wonderful and interesting. Therefore, I will not miss any of his works. Otherwise, I don't think God will forgive me. "

"It is said that the 'Adventure King' has gone on an adventure in a very dangerous jungle this time, and the new book is everything he has experienced. God, I am so curious about it all. Let this book come out soon."

The "Adventure King" that readers call is Paddyk, the most famous British adventure writer in modern times. Padik has been adventurous all his life. Since he was a teenager, he has gone alone to places that many adults dare not go, and he has spent many years there.

It is precisely because Paddyk himself is a person who takes risks all the time, so his works are also very popular in the British market. From when Padik first entered the literary world. His first work achieved the best sales result of the year at that time. It was also at that time that he attracted a large number of readers.

Later, Paddyk's works became more and more mature, and his literary achievements also achieved very good results. Today, when it comes to adventure writers, people in the UK can only think of one person, and that is Paddyk.

Padik is sixty-eight years old this year, and it has been 10 years since the publication of the last book. Just when people thought he was going to die and stop writing books, he announced that a new book was about to be published. This undoubtedly surprised and delighted the British literary world.

Padik's new book is called "The Horror That No One Understands", which is said to be based on his own personal experience after going on an adventure in a very scary jungle in the past few years. In addition to the exciting and interesting plot. Also added the color of horror in it.

Paddyk's name has long been known in the British literary world, and he is also known as the British adventure king and adventure writer. Therefore, the release of a new book after 10 years will undoubtedly make readers who like to read exciting and exciting books happy.

After hearing the news that Padik is about to publish a new book, many literary newspapers are willing to make headlines for his book, which is also a respect for him. After all, in this country that pays attention to literature, it is not easy to produce a great writer.

Therefore, in today's major literary newspapers, people will see such a piece of news that "The Adventure King's new book reappears after 10 years".

The content of the news probably tells about Padik's legendary life. And some of the highlights from his new book. It is precisely after seeing this piece of news that the readers sigh with surprise.

The news about Paddick's new book, "The Horror Nobody Understands," isn't just being reported by the major literary papers. Many writers in the UK have also expressed their support for it, not least of which are well-known writers. . After all, they also respect Paddyk's adventurous spirit. And some of them grew up watching Paddyk's work.

"I was pleasantly surprised to hear that Paddick's new book, Horror Nobody Understands, is coming out. Yes, he's a risk taker through and through, and a hero to me."

"After 10 years of writing a new work, I think this work of Paddyk will continue his previous exciting and exciting. I enjoy his style of writing. Hurry up and publish it, I can't wait."

"I'm very happy to hear the news of Padik's new book. I thought he would stop writing, but I didn't expect him to still be full of legends. Well done, Padik, the adventure king forever in my mind."

"A legend of English literature, 10 years of precipitation, I think this new work must be exciting and exciting. What I want to ask God is: Is there any reason for me to miss such a good book? God's answer is: no For any reason." (To be continued)

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