The success of Kevin’s first magazine has also put pressure on many peers, especially "English Literature" and "Youth Literature". picture.

But the sudden appearance of "Wen Feng" also gave them a powerful opponent. For this reason, they had to hold a meeting in the company, planning to discuss how to increase the sales volume of the magazine again.

At this time, Kevin has already started preparing for the next issue of "Writing Style". He has written all the chapters of "Study in Scarlet", so at this time he only needs to write the chapters to be serialized. Just send it to Crawford and ask him to arrange it.

The first issue of Kevin serialized the first four chapters, so the second issue of Kevin intends to finish the content of the first volume. Anyway, the first volume is only seven chapters, and there are only three chapters left.

The last three chapters of the first volume are also very important three chapters. In these three chapters, the author also reveals who the murderer is, and the story also renders Sherlock Holmes' wisdom to the extreme. Kevin believes that when the content of the three chapters of this issue comes out, readers will definitely cheer.

Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. is not only serving the "Wenfeng" magazine, so after the magazine was successfully launched and achieved good results. Kevin still has to think about taking care of the company in an all-round way.

Crawford also walked to Kevin's office at this time, intending to discuss with him about the company's prospects.

"Dear boss, we at Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. should not be limited to running the magazine "Wenfeng", so we have to do something related to culture." Crawford expressed his thoughts.

"Crawford, your suggestion is correct. I was also thinking about this issue just now. We still have to publish some books. At present, the company has relatively few editors, so you still have to be responsible for this." Kevin said arrive.

Crawford sees the future from Kevin, so he is more positive about the new company. He didn't care about doing more of what Kevin ordered.

"Of course there is no problem. When we publish our own works, we can develop other channels." Crawford said.

The development of other channels that Crawford mentioned refers to movies or games. After all, a good work can have many ways to make money.

As the first work of Sihua Culture Co., Ltd., Kevin must carefully consider it. so. After Crawford left, Kevin planned to write a new book and publish it.

His mind is full of the works of the great British writers on earth,

So he is not worried that these works cannot represent Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. and the like after publication. What worries him now is whose work he should copy down next.

Before that, he had transcribed works such as "Jane Eyre", "Wuthering Heights" and "Robinson Crusoe". And also achieved a series of successes. The choice of subsequent works has also become particularly important.

In order to prove his comprehensive writing ability as a great writer, Kevin plans to try a new genre novel this time. So at this time, he intends to exclude the types he has written in the past.

What Kevin thought was to transcribe novels of all genres, and then slowly write other classic works of the same type.

He has transcribed touching love novels, strange and adventurous, affectionate poems, and even thoughtful detectives one by one. So what other types can be copied? Kevin thought of fantasy novels.

Magic novels are the abbreviation of magic fantasy novels, which are defined in the framework of non-rigorous European and American fantasy novels, created with reference to European fantasy worlds, and feature fantasy-style novels in the magical world. Most of the themes are magic, elves, dwarves, different world continents and time travel.

The characteristics of fantasy novels are: the strongest realistic significance, the strongest allegorical color, and the most profound. Its value lies not in the "illusion", but in the real life under the "illusion". To create fantasy novels, you need sufficient social experience and life accomplishment. Therefore, there are not many people in the UK who can write good fantasy novels. Not to mention wonderfully written.

If realism is a mirror of society, then the technique of magic realism can be likened to a distorting mirror of society. Although it is covered with a layer of mystery, it is still to describe the real world. It's just that it doesn't take a realistic approach. Instead, it uses hyperbole and allegory.

And speaking of magical novels, Kevin's literary memory system immediately displayed "Harry Potter" created by JK Rowling, a well-known British writer on Earth.

Yes, in the United Kingdom on Earth, or even the whole world, when it comes to "Harry Potter", even if you don't like reading it. I'm sure you've heard its name too. Because this is a great work, no country that needs culture will resist it.

"Harry Potter" is a series of magical literature novels written by British writer JK Rowling from 1997 to 2007, with 7 volumes in total. Among them, the first six books take Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft as the main stage, describing the protagonist's young wizard student Harry Potter's study life and adventure stories in Hogwarts for six years before and after; the seventh book describes Harry Potter. It is the story of Te's search for Horcruxes and the destruction of Voldemort during the Second Wizarding World War.

The "Harry Potter" series of novels has been translated into 73 languages, and the total sales volume of all editions exceeds 4.5 billion copies, ranking among the best-selling novel series in the world.

The British version of Earth on Earth is published by Bloomsbury Publishing House, the American version has been partially revised and published by Scholars Publishing House, the simplified Chinese version is published by Huaxia People's Literature Publishing House, and the traditional Chinese version is published by Crown Publishing House.

In addition to being a big seller in the book market, this literary masterpiece is also a sought-after item in the film market. The Warner Bros. film company of the United States changed these 7 episodes of novels into 8 movies, one for each of the first 6 episodes, and the seventh episode is divided into two parts. Moreover, the Harry Potter film series is the highest-grossing film series in the history of the world, with a total box office revenue of 7.8 billion US dollars.

The reason why "Harry Potter" is so hot is that everything is related to its wonderful story, which is not comparable to the so-called hype. Therefore, Kevin has reason to believe that when Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. publishes "Harry Potter", it will definitely cause a frenzy of reading magic novels in the UK and even the world.

At that time, people will know that they can not only run companies and magazines well, but also write novels better. Because for a true writer, the word "no" should not exist on the road of literature. To be continued.


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