Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 289 Playing with public opinion

Xu Chaoyang smiled slightly, and then turned into a very serious expression: "Sir, we are very strict in commending heroes. If you can't tell the truth clearly, we will sentence you to fixed-term imprisonment for defamation. ;”

Fixed-term imprisonment may be just going to prison in peaceful times, but now, fixed-term imprisonment means that you must go to the front line to repair fortresses, protective walls, and work under the noses of zombies!

Some time ago, several groups of people were sent there. Among the hundreds of thousands of people, there were always those who raped women and sneaked around. They were engaged in the most dangerous jobs. It is said that many people were not paying attention. See, it has been eaten by the zombies that suddenly came out of the alley.

For a moment, everyone including the men on the stage fought a cold war, and the venue with hundreds of thousands of people instantly became quiet.

More spectators began to get excited slowly, curiosity, doubt, let them start to get excited. Undoubtedly, this is obviously a reversal of the plot. A hero is accused of becoming a murderer! What exactly is going on! Is there some conspiracy here?

Are these people in power trying to hide the truth again!

"Comrade, you need evidence in everything!" The clerk also interjected. To be honest, being questioned by a commoner like this is a huge blow to the credibility of the army and those in power!

"Will I talk nonsense without evidence?" The middle-aged man sneered, he grabbed Xu Chaoyang's microphone suddenly, and shouted in a sonorous voice: "I was the one who was trapped in the medical building with him! There were ten people, but only four or five escaped! But how do you think the others died? They were thrown by this man as bait to a monster. The ability to kill that monster and kill so many zombies! The bait! Those familiar people and two middle-aged women were all thrown to the zombies by this guy! This guy ! Just a scumbag!"


The place exploded in an instant...It is true that some people may have had this idea or even practice of letting others die. But once it is announced, it will definitely be criticized and cast aside by thousands of people!

Zhang Hongtao's hands were shaking: "What nonsense are you talking about? When did I use you as bait!"

He has already recognized it, this is the boss of the construction company, with four men under his command! Unexpectedly, the few people who took refuge at the same time turned out to be the ones who identified themselves as the murderer!

Xu Chaoyang!

Zhang Hongtao's eyes immediately shot to Xu Chaoyang,

This guy! Is he planning to ruin his reputation under the eyes of everyone?

"What evidence do you have!" Xu Chaoyang smiled slightly, but immediately asked: "This is not a joke! You must be responsible for what you say!"

The man began to laugh miserably: "Evidence, all of us who survived are evidence! Zhang Laosan, Ma all come up!"

Following his shout, several people came out of the venue one after another, their faces were full of anger towards Zhang Hongtao! These men quickly rolled onto the stage and stood beside Xu Chaoyang.

Zhang Hongtao's eyes immediately turned to Xu Chaoyang, he is not a fool, such a scene was obviously planned in advance by someone!

Xu Chaoyang? He was the only one in charge of this matter. He strongly advocated that the big screen must be aimed at the faces of every winner, and even gave him a lot of close-ups. He did this to let others identify himself?

Xu Chaoyang, why would he do this!

Xue Pihua also had this question. He stood up from his seat in an instant, and hurriedly ordered: "Take Zhang Hongtao away!" His eyes were fixed on Xu Chaoyang. What exactly does this guy want to do? !

As soon as the commander ordered, a few soldiers came up and tried to take Zhang Hongtao away, but Xu Chaoyang frowned, and those big men beat and kicked the soldiers: "Don't take him away!"

"You officers and officials protect each other!"

"Let go of him, we're going to confront him!"

The soldiers didn't dare to do anything to these people at all, they could only let themselves be punched and kicked helplessly, their eyes looked at Xu Chaoyang, and they pinned their hopes on Xu Chaoyang.

But Xu Chaoyang obviously wanted to disappoint them: "Yes! Let him go! Leave her on stage! We can't tell the truth and bury it. The people! Need the truth!"

Xu Chaoyang's hand instantly pointed at the crowd, and when the deafening roar spread throughout the J University!

"We need the truth!"

"A hero or an executioner!"

"Fuck, I know this guy is not a good guy!!!"


The excitement of the people was ignited, and it was a terrible thing. Xue Pihua became furious immediately, he couldn't bear it at all, and immediately walked to Xu Chaoyang's side: "Xu Chaoyang, what are you doing!"

"Teacher, I am thinking of everyone! A person who throws other people's lives at monsters, even though he has made great contributions, cannot conceal the fact that he is an executioner!" Xu Zhaoyang's voice sounded loud, but Zhang Hongtao was pushed to the brink of death!

Looking at the angry crowd, Zhang Hongtao felt cold in his heart! Once the people really believe that they are murderers, they will end up dying on this high platform for the sake of common people's anger!

Xu Chaoyang, this move is too ruthless! **Barely playing with public opinion!

He really wants to deal with himself! But where did I suffer from him!

"I swear to God, I never did the things you said!" Zhang Chaoyang said angrily to the men: "After you got out of the elevator that day, at the most critical moment, I was the one who found something wrong and let everyone Run for your life! Even if those innocent people were used as bait, those young people did it. It was a fat man and a thin man who caught your people as bait! How can you blame me for this matter!"

"They are with you! You clearly said that you want to abandon us and run for your life first. The four of you were originally a gang. You went out to escape, but attracted a large wave of zombies! The rest of you were killed by zombies. You are the ones who killed them!" The middle-aged man raised his arms angrily and called out: "Now you are going to be a hero, but you are talking about our lives, you saved us? Damn! It’s good that you don’t kill us all! Such a person still wants to be a hero, and still wants to deceive the world! Is this possible!”

The man waved his arms! It's just tears!

The audience below was immediately ignited! Everyone called in unison and shouted loudly: "Impossible!"

"Yes! Impossible! This man disregarded our lives and used the lives of those innocent people to establish his own success! This is the truth! We don't need such heroes! We must hold them accountable!"


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