Jiang Fei waved his hand and said,”What’s there to say? We’re still signing the agreement. We’re all our own people. Everything should be kept simple.”

Lin Shen smiled and said,”That’s not possible. There is no rule without rules. We must nail down the rules. , so that when we make money in the future, we will quarrel over money and destroy our friendship.”

Jiang Fei said very proudly:”That can’t be done, how can money be more important than our friendship?”

Lin Shen said,”Ten yuan and twenty yuan. , three hundred and five hundred, or even three thousand and five thousand, of course it will not destroy our friendship, but what if it is a few million soft girl coins?”

Jiang Fei was stunned and said:”I just want to make a few hundred dollars. Wan, Fourth, please stop joking, how can you make so much money selling duck meat braised meat?”

Others were also shocked. When Lin Shen said he could make millions from selling braised meat, they thought it was a fantasy.

Shen Wentao still has some knowledge. His family is a coal digger, so he naturally knows that the distribution of interests is a very serious issue. He has heard of many cases where partners failed to do this well in the early stages and relied on a sense of loyalty to get things done, but later on they made money and turned against each other.

Shen Wentao said:”I think the fourth child is right. We should make an agreement. I think it is reliable.”

Shen Wentao also agreed, and Jiang Fei naturally couldn’t say anything else.

Seeing that Jiang Fei agreed, Lin Shen said,”Old Jiang, how much money can you give?”

Jiang Fei said,”I’ll take five thousand yuan.” This was all left after Jiang Fei obtained the stock subscription certificate. money.

Shen Wentao also said:”I guess it won’t cost much to open a store, so I’ll pay 10,000 yuan.”

Lin Shen saw that the two of them had paid 15,000 yuan in total. Considering that prices are cheap these days, there is no need to rent a large one. The house, and it was only Li Juan who was working on it in the early stage, it really didn’t cost much, so she said,”In that case, I’ll pay fifteen thousand to get it together.”

Lin Shen, Jiang Fei and Shen Wentao, a total of thirty thousand.

The equipment is just a pot and stove. There is no high-tech equipment. It only costs a few dollars. The initial capital of 30,000 yuan should be enough.

“That would be easy. If Li Juan contributes 5,000 yuan as an individual, we will divide the shares according to proportion. Lin Shen said.

When Li Juan heard this, she waved her hands quickly and said,”This won’t work, this won’t work. If you pay so much money, I will pay for it myself. I can’t take so much.” Give me less and keep more for yourself.

Liang Feng and Li Juan were considered shareholders. He also said:”Yes, this is so unfair to you.””

“Li Juan, you think too simply.

” Lin Shen said,”Because you are the only one at the beginning, I will probably be even more tired than you at work.

I estimate that you will have to get up at two or three in the morning to prepare the goods for sale in the morning, even if you only sell them in one morning.

After everything is sold out, you have to go to the market in the afternoon to buy ingredients for the next day.

I estimate that four or five hours of sleep is enough for you.

You have to do everything by yourself, which will be very hard.

When Lin Shen said this, several others felt that it was reasonable and the shares given to Li Juan were indeed reasonable.

Then Lin Shen said the most important part and said:”Of course, this share is not unchanged. This is the part of the agreement I’m talking about. If one of us continues to increase capital, how should the shares change? If someone withdraws, how should we be compensated, including later, if our investment is recovered, how should Li Juan’s shares change as the main contributor.”

The others who were talking about Lin Shen’s words were confused.

They could understand the previous division of shares according to the amount of investment, because it was common sense, but they really didn’t understand the latter part.

Lin Shen proposed This problem is also a problem that many entrepreneurial teams will encounter and must be solved. Of course, Lin Shen will raise it here.

To give a very simple example, Lin Shen has enough confidence that he can make the duck store bigger.

To become stronger, it will be necessary to hire people, open branches and standardize production, which will require more investment, and his roommate cannot count on it.

Lin Shen will definitely need to invest more.

If Lin Shen wants to increase his capital by 1 million, Shen Wentao will need to invest more.

With the little money invested by Jiang Fei, the shares will definitely change.

When the money they invested can be said to be negligible, their shares will become very small, very small.

Lin Shen can bring these two. I treated my good roommate, but that didn’t mean I was going to suffer a loss.

In the end, Jiang Fei’s share was probably reduced to a few tenths of a percent, because with Lin Shen’s increase in capital, his money had already been reduced. It can be ignored.

Of course, this must be written into the agreement.

Seeing the three roommates looking at him in confusion, Lin Shen cleared his throat and said,”Let me give you an example.

Let’s say that after our duck shop opened, the business was very booming.

After a few months, we made back our investment.

As investors, the three of us don’t work and there is no risk of losing money.

We only need to sit back and get dividends, and we can even give instructions on the work of the store.

However, Li Juan still works every day.

Is that right? Is it unfair to her?”

This is also a problem encountered by many entrepreneurial teams. Two people invest 1 million together, each holding 50% of the shares. One person is only responsible for providing money, and the other contributes both money and effort. The investment is quickly earned back. The person who only contributes will make money every day and does not have to take care of things. It is obviously extremely unfair to the other person who contributes. So generally speaking

, there will be an agreement in this situation.

, and everyone thought it made sense.

But they were even more confused.

Shen Wentao thought for a moment and said,”We can just leave this matter to Lin Shen. We don’t understand, so you can do it.” protocol. Jiang Fei also reacted and said,”That’s right, we can just do whatever you say.” But Lin Shen, where did you learn this? If you say this, I think it is really not easy for those who start a company. They have to consider so many things.”

Unconsciously, the two of them no longer called Lin Shen the fourth child. They felt that Lin Shen knew so much and was much better than them. He should be their boss and could not be ranked according to age.

“From the book.” Lin Shen said,”Then it’s settled.”

“I’ll go to the bank to withdraw money later. Shen Wentao said,”Lin Shen just said that he would rent a house today, right?””

“right. Lin Shen said,”Buy a shop along the street. The door doesn’t have to be too big, but it’s best to have two floors.””

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