“I know? So he’s from our school? The women we know together are limited to these female classmates in our school. Jiang Fei thought for a long time and suddenly said,”You won’t tell me that your girlfriend is the beautiful girl who drove the red car to our school last time, right?””

“Of course not. Lin Shen smiled and said,”You’ll know when you see me.””

“OK.”Jiang Fei is full of expectations

“Juanzi happened to be free tonight, so she came to school to see me. Liang Feng said from the side

“Okay, then it will be more lively if we all go together. Lin Shen said with a smile.

“Where is Lao Shen? Are you going?”Jiang Fei asked Shen Wentao, who was sitting on the bed and flipping through a pile of information.

“Go, of course.”Shen Wentao said without raising his head.

In the evening, Lin Shen had already booked a restaurant.

The restaurant booked this time was not fancy, it was HD Lao Hot Pot Restaurant.

Now HD Lao is no longer the only two restaurants in S Hai.

Well, a branch of HD Lao has been opened near Jiangwan Stadium, not far from Fudan University, so none of the store staff, including the store manager, happened to know Lin Shen, so this store was saved.

The clerks would be inexplicably nervous, thinking that the group boss was here for a”private visit”.

Lin Shen and his three roommates were already sitting in the private room

, so they were the first to sit down in the restaurant. Not long after, Li Juan arrived in a hurry. She entered the box and quickly apologized to Lin Shen and others.

“Sorry, there are too many things to do. I just rushed here. Did I keep you waiting for a long time?”Li Juan apologized.

“It’s okay, we are all our own people, this is just outside the scope of things. Lin Shen said.

Li Juan glanced at Lin Shen, and then sat down next to Liang Feng. Since she joined Juewei Company, she felt more and more that Lin Shen’s identity was not as simple as she knew. more mysterious

“Now we should call Li Juan”Mr. Li”.”Jiang Fei said with some envy,”I heard that after Juewei Yabo received investment from Master Kong, it has been opened everywhere in several provinces and cities near the S sea?”

“Don’t call me that, I just benefited from Lin Shen. If he hadn’t invested in Juewei in the first place and asked me to be the manager, I still don’t know where I would be working for someone else. But you are right, our duck products are indeed doing very well, much smoother than we imagined, and everyone seems to like our products. Our delicious duck neck recently won the S Hai snack food award. Li Juan said with a smile.

“How many Juewei duck neck stores are there now?”Jiang Fei asked

“After leaving the S sea, the main form of Juewei Duck Neck became the franchise form, and not many direct-operated stores were opened. But now, we have more than 400 stores in six provinces. Li Juan said with a smile.

“Oh My God!”Jiang Fei’s eyes widened.

“Incredible, really incredible.”Shen Wentao also shook his head in shock.

They never expected that a small shop selling duck products that they originally wanted to help Li Juan solve her employment problem would turn into 400 shops across the country in a short period of time. Big Mac in the branch.

Of course, it is too early to say that Juewei Duck Neck has not been opened in all provinces and cities in Longguo.

Jiang Fei looked at Lin Shen eagerly and said,”Boss Lin, I am. Can I work at Juewei after graduation? I now feel that Juewei is so promising! At this rate, Juewei Duck Neck will be available all over the Dragon Kingdom!

Lin Shen smiled and said:”Don’t ask me, I’m just a shareholder, you have to ask Li Juan.” She is the manager.”

It has to be said that Li Juan is also a diligent and studious person. After all, she was admitted to university but did not have the opportunity to go to university. Her own abilities are still very strong. After such a long period of study, she has become unique. Able

“Even if you are a shareholder, you don’t have this power? Jiang Fei said.

Since Juewei Company accepted the investment from Master Kong Company, Lin Shen is no longer the largest shareholder of Juewei Company. Of course, in fact, he is still the actual controller, because Master Kong is also his

“I have this power, but you’d better ask Li Juan. Lin Shen said with a smile.

Jiang Fei immediately looked at Li Juan and said,”Sister Li Juan, can I work at Juewei in the future?”

Li Juan was a little embarrassed. After all, she was the one who needed help before. She said,”Of course, you are a college student. Our company is in desperate need of talents.””

“Then can I still get the shares?” Jiang Fei said expectantly

“Yes, our company has an equity incentive plan, and employees have the opportunity to receive shares.”Li Juan said with a smile

“That’s right! I will devote my whole life to Juewei Duck Neck, and no one can stop me!”Jiang Fei waved his hand excitedly and said

“By the way, let me tell you another thing. Our Juewei Company plans to make packaged food in the future. We are already contacting factories to produce the kind of packaged Juewei duck products that can be purchased in supermarkets, such as duck Neck, duck tongue, etc.……”Li Juan said

“Juewei Company won’t become a big company like Master Kong in the future, right?”Jiang Fei said in shock.

“It’s hard to say. Looking at this development trend, I think Juewei really has this potential.”Shen Wentao said from the side,”Maybe we can also sell stocks like other companies, with a market value of over 100 million in minutes.

Jiang Fei’s mouth watered when he heard that the market value was over 100 million. Seeing how happy everyone was, Lin Shen said,”

Don’t fantasize about it yet, it will be at least ten years later.” But if we really want to get there, the market value will definitely exceed hundreds of millions, and it is not impossible to have billions to tens of billions.”

After hearing what Lin Shen said was so exaggerated, everyone didn’t believe it. The market value of tens of billions felt too exaggerated. How big a company it would be was unthinkable.

While they were talking, there was a comparison person outside the box. A rich voice sounded:”Boss Lin, you finally gave me the opportunity to take advantage of a big business, let me defeat you.”

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