As Lin Shen mastered more and more wealth, Lin Shen could actually feel that the attitude of the elders who gradually grew up with him at the beginning treated Lin Shen from the beginning as that of friends and partners. Becoming more and more awed.

Especially Sun Qiang, after experiencing the last conflict between Sun Qiang’s son and Lin Shen, Sun Qiang became more and more respectful of Lin Shen and worked hard to regain Lin Shen’s trust.

But deep down, Lin Shen really didn’t blame Sun Qiang for that incident. It was Sun Qiang who thought too much.

“Call Sun Qiang for me and tell him that I am at the company now and ask him to come over.”Lin Shen said to Gao Wen.

Gao Wen immediately picked up the phone and called Sun Qiang.

Not long after, Sun Qiang hurried over with a serious face.

Sun Qiang who came over felt a little unnatural when he saw Lin Shen. Authentic:”Director Lin, I didn’t want to cause you any trouble. You gave me a lot of suggestions last time. It’s just that I’m at a critical moment and I’m a little unsure. I want to hear your opinion.””

“Mr. Sun, there is no need for you to be so unconventional. Running a supermarket is a brand new attempt. It is completely normal to be unsure of your decision without experience. You can discuss it with me. Lin Shen said in a kind tone,”Tell me now, what are you unsure about?””

“Director Lin, in fact, the problem is still the same.

Competition in the supermarket industry is very fierce now.

I can’t find the core competitiveness of our supermarket business.

Sun Qiang said,”Now that private enterprises are on the rise, everyone pays great attention to service attitude and will not look at people through their nostrils like the salesmen of state-owned department stores in the past.

We can create competitiveness by improving service quality, but even if we can improve, improve also limited”

“Last time I asked you to visit the cigarette shop in Xuchang, Yuzhou, you didn’t get any inspiration? Lin Shen said

“I’m inspired. The inspiration I got is that details determine success or failure. That cigarette shop has done a lot of work on details, and we can emulate this. However, because our supermarket is very large and not a small store, it must create profits quickly, and it takes time to create details that are recognized by customers, and we cannot wait that long.” Sun Qiang said

“What you said makes sense, but whether it’s service or details, they still need to be done well. Lin Shen said

“I understand.” Sun Qiang said

“By the way, how big is your supermarket? Lin Shen asked

“Our supermarket is located in Wujiaochang, with an area of 20,000 square meters. This area should be regarded as the largest supermarket in Shanghai.” Sun Qiang replied.

Twenty thousand square meters, which sounds quite big, is actually an area of 100 meters times 200 meters. Supermarkets of this size are quite common in later generations.

But now, it is indeed quite big.

“Okay, if you want to do it, do it as much as possible, that’s good. The supply of goods and so on are all done, right? Lin Shen continued to ask.

“Already done. According to what you said before, we have started to build a distribution center in the suburbs of Shai. If we open a chain in the future, we will distribute goods uniformly from the distribution center.” Sun Qiang said,”We have basically recruited all the employees, but I still think that if we want to be an instant success, we need a place that is different from other supermarkets.

Lin Shen rubbed his chin, nodded and said,”Please tell me what products our supermarket sells.””

Sun Qiang said:”We make all the products made by other supermarkets, and they are more complete than them.”

“You report it and I’ll listen. Lin Shen said calmly.

Sun Qiang was stunned, but he still followed Lin Shen’s request and began to report to Lin Shen. It seems that Sun Qiang really wants to make a good supermarket and has basically memorized all the types of goods in the supermarket.

Lin Shen listened to Sun Qiang’s report and said,”No fresh food? No produce? No food and oil?”

“ah?”Sun Qiang was stunned.

“From what you just said, it seems like there are no fresh foods, right? Lin Shen said

“Fresh food?”Sun Qiang was also stunned.

“Yes, fresh food. No fresh pork, beef, fish, shrimp and crab? There are also agricultural products, various vegetables and grains, are they not available? Lin Shen asked

“No……”Sun Qiang was questioned by Lin Shen

“Are you kidding me?”Lin Shen suddenly caught a key point in his mind.

“Can supermarkets still sell these things? Are they not sold in other supermarkets?”Sun Qiang was stunned.

Only then did Lin Shen remember that supermarkets in this era did not sell these things.

Because a few years ago, buying pork required meat stamps, and buying rice required food stamps.

Later, in 1992 and 9 After the planned economy was abolished three years ago, there was no need for these complicated tickets to buy these things.

Then various wholesale farmers’ markets appeared, and various private rice stores and grain and oil stores appeared.

When people buy these things, they are still used to going to the market.

There are so many supermarkets opened in Shandong Province, but none of them carry these products.

In fact, it was not until 1999 in the previous life that a supermarket called Jiajiayue appeared in Shandong Province and began to sell meat and other products. Fresh products began to be sold in supermarkets, creating a new model of agricultural-supermarket connection.

This model was then carried forward by Yonghui Supermarket, founded in 2001, which completely introduced fresh agricultural products into modern supermarkets and was praised by seven national ministries and commissions as”agricultural reform super market”.”The pioneer, the sales of fresh agricultural products entered a new page.

Since then, various supermarkets have introduced this model

“In this way, you set up an area in the supermarket dedicated to fresh products and agricultural products. Without these things, it is still a supermarket or a one-stop shopping. Lin Shen said

“ah?”Sun Qiang was stunned. He stuffed these things into the supermarket. He had never thought that this would become a vegetable market. Sun Qiang couldn’t imagine combining the noisy environment of a vegetable market with a supermarket.” Lin Dong, is this okay?”

Sun Qiang obviously had doubts.

“Didn’t you say we want to find the core competitiveness of our supermarket? Then we have to do something different from other supermarkets. What other supermarkets don’t have, our supermarket just needs to do it, so that we can differentiate it from other supermarkets. Lin Shen said.

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