There were only two classes in the morning, and after class, Shen Qingtian notified the class to hold a class meeting to select the subsidy objects for poor students and discuss the outing with the class cadres.

Shen Qingtian stood on the podium, with dark skin and short hair, "Ladies and gentlemen, the subsidy quota for poor students in the class has begun to be reported, and the counselor will let the whole class select it for the sake of fairness."

"In the early stage, we have adopted the principle of voluntary declaration and have been solicited from all students. Because of the limited number of places, the students who applied took the stage in turn to explain their family situation.

"Finally, we use secret ballot to count the number of votes, and the three people with the highest votes are the recipients of the subsidy for poor students. Now, let's get started.

"Zhang Anli

!" Zhang Anli

: "My family is very poor, my parents make a living from farming, my grandparents also generally farm, there is no car at home, only a tricycle, which is used to harvest crops..."

Wang Deyang: "I didn't have parents when I was a child, I was raised by my adoptive parents. The adoptive parents are old, and they are relying on their pensions to support the family..."


Fan Zhongjiang: "I grew up in my grandmother's house, and my parents worked outside the home for the sake of the family... Grandparents are old... My father broke his leg in an accident and lost his ability to work..."


"Xiao Youwei. Shen Mengyao shouted.

Hearing this name, Ye Su set off a monstrous wave in his mind, and he never forgot this name for the rest of his life.

Xiao Youwei's family is extremely poor, her father died when she was a child, and she is lonely and follows her mother and grandmother to make a living.

When she was eight years old, her family was involved in demolition, which was a good thing, but because there was no male in the family, she was cut off from the village.

The bullies not only seized her family's house and land, but also drove the three of them out of the village.

Since then, the trio have wandered around and rented a house for a living.

Later, my grandmother fell ill and her life became even more difficult.

Ye Su just helped her catch the thief and retrieve the stolen wallet, but who knew that the silly girl was grateful to the entire university.

The money that was stolen was not much, but it was all her living expenses for half a semester.

In the year when Ye Su licked the dog and vomited blood, she sent Ye Su to the hospital and took care of her carefully for a long time.

However, in the end, her end was not good, her grandmother died of illness, and her mother was beaten to death by bullies for going to the village to dispute the demolition money, and she also committed suicide by throwing herself into the lake after that.

In her previous life, she called Ye Su on the last phone before her death, "I'm leaving." At

that time, Ye Su was still licking Chu Yurong's dog, and she didn't think much about it, simply thinking that she was leaving the city.

caused his lifelong regrets.

Xiao Youwei doesn't say a word on weekdays, always wears canvas pants and a wide striped shirt, and her long hair covers her delicate face.

With such a small transparency, Ye Su was reincarnated, so it is no wonder that he didn't notice it at the first time.

Looking at the thin figure, Ye Su felt heartache.

Xiao Youwei's beauty has not been discovered at this time, and no one knows that under the long hair, there is a peerless face.

Xiao Youwei's stammering words pulled Ye Su back to reality.

Xiao Youwei fully meets the standards of poor students, but her language is not good and she can't describe.

The rest of the classmates will sell miserably, even if they are not so poor, they are all described quite miserably.

Ye Su sighed, this can't be done!

He decided to help her, "Xiao Youwei, how many people are in your family?" Xiao Youwei's

body trembled slightly, she was slightly surprised, and she lowered her head and replied: "Three... Mouth.

Ye Su: "Who are they?"

Xiao Youwei: "Me, mom and grandma."

Ye Su: "What about your father?"

Xiao Youwei: "I passed away when I was a child."

Ye Su: "Your family has a house now, or do you rent a house to live in?"

Xiao Youwei: "Rent."

Ye Su: "Is there still land?"

Xiao Youwei: "No." Ye

Su: "What do mom and grandma do?"

Xiao Youwei: "Grandma is sick and has no job. Mom was washing dishes in a restaurant.

Ye Su: "That is to say, your whole family of three, grandma is still sick, and you go to school, all of which are supported by your mother washing dishes and making money, right?"

Xiao Youwei: "Hmm!" Ye Su: "I have no problem, I believe everyone has an understanding of Xiao Youwei's


Shen Mengyao didn't stop it, she knew that Xiao Youwei's situation did meet the standards of poor students, and she originally wanted to supplement her.

With Ye Su's help, she didn't have to do anything else.

She glanced at Ye Su gratefully, hum, she looked like she was a little bit righteous.

Xiao Youwei lowered her head and returned to the audience, and secretly glanced at Ye Su, no one knew what she was thinking.

At this time, it has become a small transparent existence.

The selection continued, with eleven students actively participating, and finally three students were selected, and Xiao Youwei was among them.

Shen Qingtian: "Thank you for your active participation. Do you have any comments? Without us, we would have dismissed. "

The class was silent, they all wanted to end it early, and no one wanted to go on again.

"I have!" Suddenly

, a loud voice sounded in the back row of the soldiers.

Ye Su stood up and looked at the whole class:

"I have an opinion! First of all, I have no opinion on the results of the selection, but I have a very big opinion on the way of organization.

"What is this kind of behavior called by you organizing all the poor students from the pulpit? What do you want to do? You are organizing them to sell themselves misery and expose their scars; you are pouring salt on their wounds.

"You are putting other people's wounds in the open eye. Let everyone see their scars, see their jokes.

"Don't poor students have dignity?, do you respect people?"

the class was silent, and the pins could be heard.

"I felt uncomfortable in my heart, and I couldn't understand what was going on, but Ye Su said what was in our hearts. Suddenly, a male classmate spoke.

"I also think Ye Su is right. Poor students themselves have a difficult life, and we have to poke at their sore spots

! "Yes, that's true! The organizational form is a little too much..."

The students began to express their opinions, and the classroom began to be chaotic for a while.

Ye Su's words not only won the favor of poor students, but also established a tall and positive image among all students.

Shen Mengyao "coughed" twice, neither humble nor arrogant, "What Ye Su said is reasonable, and all the students also expressed their opinions.

"We will report relevant matters to the counselors, and in the future class work, we will also learn from the experience and communicate with you in a timely manner. "

No leaks! Responsibility is pushed cleanly.

This set of high-sounding words is really worthy of being a child of the official family, Ye Su sighed.

After the meeting, the class committee stayed to discuss the outing.

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