The party ended hastily because of Chu Yurong's crying, but Ye Su was very happy.

Because he knew that this meant that Chu Yurong's expectations for him were completely over.

In the future, as long as she stopped pestering herself, the last dark clouds of his world would all dissipate.

The next private room 666 ended almost at the same time.

Except for the episode of Man Yiting's poor drinking and flirting with Ye Su, there were no other novel incidents.

Chen Hong and the design sister sent the drunk Man Yiting back to the dormitory.

Zhang Haoshun returned to his rented residence, and the two of them returned to HKUST as part-time workers.

Jiang Da's senior man was in the mood, and he said that he wanted to go back to the base to "crackle" and write code.

After all the personnel left, only the four men in Ye Su's dormitory and the little genius Xia Tongxin were left.

Four Eyes and the women's clothing boss hinted that Ye Su kept the agreement and was a tender model in the club.

Han Dewang originally planned to send Qu Lingling back to the dormitory, but Qu Lingling went to chase Chu Yurong, so he had to say that he would send his cousin back to HKUST.

Unexpectedly, Xia Tongxin resolutely refused to follow in Ye Su's footsteps, which made Han Dewang confused.

So Ye Su had no choice but to agree and take Xia Tongxin with him.

The four eyes and the women's clothing boss looked embarrassed and twisted, and their words were full of insinuations that this scene was not suitable for taking little girls.

Han Dewang sternly objected, took his cousin to the club to find a young model, and he would definitely be killed when he went home.

Ye Su was busy for several days, and he was tired, so he wanted to find a place to relax, so he encouraged: "Wash your feet, what are you BB?" Don't go, go back to the dorm and sleep!

Xia Tongxin had never experienced this, and took the lead in agreeing.

Four Eyes and the women's clothing boss were silent and nodded in agreement.

Han Dewang resolutely disagreed, especially with Xia Tongxin.

However, in the end, I couldn't do it, so I had to follow my cousin closely.

The five of them chatted all the way and followed Ye Su towards Erdao Street.

Erdao Street is relatively narrow, with red and willow lights on both sides, which is a place for eating, drinking and having fun in the bottom market.

At this time, the weather was already slightly cold, and there were not many citizens barbecuing outside.

But the atmosphere that has been built up for a long time is indeed undiminished, and the mud and smell of alcohol are full of grease and dirt under your feet.

The fat man shook the fat all over his body, and a trace of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, for fear that Ye Su would take everyone to some unclean place.

"Otherwise, let's go back, it's not fun."

The women's clothing boss was unwilling, pretending to be a person who had come over, and said: "It's all here, how can you do it if you don't have fun!" You take your cousin in a moment and eat a fruit bowl in the hall.

Neisao's four eyes shone with golden light, and he looked expectant.

Xia Tongxin completely ignored the chatter behind him and followed Ye Su closely.

I wanted to grab Ye Su's arm but was thrown away, stomped angrily, and muttered, "Today I am the boss lady!"

Ye Su led everyone and stopped at a small door with lights on.

The women's clothing boss is unbelievable, shouldn't the clubhouse be brightly lit?

Why is it so shabby?

How can there be a tender mold here?

Could it be... Red-light district?


Ye Su, you are bold!

Han Dewang read something from the expression of the women's clothing boss, his panting heart was instantly cold, and he looked at Ye Su with murderous eyes.

The four-eyed expression is two heavens in the heart, the expression is surprised, and the heart is ecstatic.

Xia Tongxin looked at the tattered doorway and found four swarthy small characters on the door frame, "Blind people wash their feet." Han

Dewang: "..."The big man in women's clothing

: "..."Four eyes: "..."

Under the surprise of everyone, Ye Su had already stepped in.

Finally, I can justifiably take my three roommates and go to my aunt to wash my feet.

Ye Su thanked Xia Tongxin.

The interior is not large, with only two small rooms.

Xia Tongxin found Ye Su and walked to a room.

The other three had to be in one room.

The four eyes complained in their hearts, but they were embarrassed to speak, so they had to encourage the women's clothing boss with their eyes.

The women's clothing boss sighed, and silently mourned in his heart that Ye Su should not lower the standard of the rich woman he found for himself!

The fat man was full of smiles, and the corners of his mouth couldn't close, "Hehe, the blind man washes his feet... Good foot washing! "

As long as you don't go to the place where the filth is hidden, it's fine!

When you go home now, you won't be skinned.

There are only two foot washing aunts in the store, and there have never been so many people who come to wash their feet.

Five people came at once, but the aunt was very happy.

Two aunts, each in charge of a room.

Although it can't be seen, the items in the house are all placed in a fixed position, and the aunts have not missed anything.

The fat man looked at the busy blind aunt and couldn't bear it, so he asked the women's clothing boss and the four eyes to wash first.

Seeing this, the four eyes were entangled in their hearts, and they promised to let the women's clothing boss wash it first.

The women's clothing boss pretends to be a regular customer on weekdays, but after all, he is a freshman, and he is also scared at this time.

In the end, the aunt called for water, and the three men began to wash their feet by themselves.

The same scene happened next door.

Ye Su was lying on the recliner, not drinking much, but the strength of the wine made him a little sleepy.

Coupled with the fatigue of the past two days, I squinted and fell asleep.

Xia Tongxin looked at Ye Su who was confused, her small mouth was cocked, and she didn't open her mind.

Hum! Also said that today I am the hostess!

I fell asleep before I could wash my feet!


Xia Tongxin is a little girl after all, she has not been dyed by the big dye vat of the world, and her heart is simple and kind.

Seeing that the aunt was blind, she hurriedly ran over and took the initiative to help the aunt carry water.

When the aunt sat down to wash Ye Su's feet, Xia Tongxin stopped and said, "Auntie, let me come, I want to try." She

felt that Ye Su had massaged her feet, and as the proprietress she had to serve the boss.

The aunt didn't agree at first, but it wasn't until Xia Tongxin said that the money was correct, and the aunt happily agreed.

Xia Tongxin sat on the small bench, excitedly took off Ye Su's sneakers, and withdrew her socks from the crook of her legs.

Nine times out of ten, a man's feet are sweaty feet, but Xia Tongxin didn't feel stinky at this moment.

She felt that the boy lying in front of her had a special smell on his feet, which was not unpleasant.

Put Ye Su's feet in warm water and rub them with his little hands.

There was a thick layer on her feet, which she had rubbed off.

However, Xia Tongxin was very careful and did not let go of every inch of her skin, just like when Ye Su rubbed her feet.

Grabbing the wide soles of her feet, Xia Tongxin's heart rippled, and she raised her head and looked at the sleeping Ye Su gently.

I'm going to be a boss lady forever!


The emotions she has hidden since she was a child seem to be released at this moment.

Scenes of vicious words appeared in my mind.

"It's a cheap thing that is loaded high on weekdays, but no one wants it when it is delivered to the door."

"Where there is a mother, there must be a daughter! When you grow up, you're also a lowly embryo! "


Xia Tongxin's little hands kept rubbing her big feet, and her eyes gradually moistened.

I'm not a slut!

My Xia Tongxin is consistent!

The man who has recognized it will never let go!

Even if your head is bleeding, you will never look back.

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