Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman

Chapter 50 Gu Jin defrauds silver

"What are you doing!" Gu Fangzi cried and grabbed her hand, saying bitterly: "You don't want to see me well, don't want to see me well! Do you want to kill me?"

"I am still relying on you to support me, how can I be willing to harm you!" Gu Jin sneered: "You are my daughter, is it only natural for me to come home with you? No matter what the Shi family does, they can't hold my daughter captive, right? ? Humph, you want me to have a daughter as beautiful as a flower for free without taking the betrothal gift, so beautiful for them!" He spat hard on the ground, "Profiteer!"

Gu Fangzi's lips trembled with anger and she was speechless.

"I won't leave with you!" Gu Fangzi said angrily, "If you want to leave, go by yourself!"

"I understand, it's the old lady from the Shi family who won't let me go, right? I'll ask her to argue!" Gu Jin shouted, "The Shi family is occupying my Gu's daughter and won't let her go. What do you mean by that today? If you don’t give me an explanation, I won’t leave!”

"Dad! Dad!" Gu Fangzi was so anxious that she desperately pulled Gu Jin.

Gu Jin, a member of the Shi family, was afraid of Shi Fengju. Shi Fengju seemed to be a gentle and gentle man. He never raised eyebrows at him, let alone insulted him wantonly. But he was such a person, and he could make him feel miserable while making dumplings in a teapot without saying a word! So over the years, as long as Shi Fengju was at home, he didn't dare to come to Shi's house to make trouble. Even if he came, he would meet Fangzi in secret and low-key to ask for a few drinks.

No, Shi Feng raised his front foot to go far away, and he came with his back foot! And of course, it’s going to be a big push.

"Why are you pulling me? You girl's elbows are turned outward, and you treat your kindness like a donkey's liver and lungs! Do you think the Shi family really values ​​you? If they really value you, why did that boy Fengju marry a member of the Sang family but not you? This is a lie. You, you lied to you, my silly daughter! If not me as the father, who else could make the decision with you! If my family doesn’t give me a correct answer today, I won’t leave, master!"

"Stop talking! Dad, please stop talking!" Gu Fangzi choked with tears. This matter was a thorn in her heart, and it would bleed whenever she moved. She would not even think about touching it on weekdays. How could she resist Gu Jin saying this?

"What are you afraid of! Let's go! Let's go! Find that old woman! Although our Gu family is bigger than the Wushi family, we are not easy to bully! Today I still have to give you an explanation!"

The father and daughter were quarreling, and some of the servants had already taken revenge on the Wang family for fear of causing disaster to Chi Yu.

As soon as Mrs. Wang heard that Gu Jin was coming, she frowned deeply. Gu Jin is idle and addicted to alcohol. He will never stop drinking until he is completely drunk. That's fine, the problem is that he hits people when he's drunk, and his attacks are not the most severe, only more severe. Mr. Wang's sister was beaten severely by him many times before. She was bruised and bruised, which was mild. Severe cases included fractures and being unable to get out of bed!

"Ask him to come in quickly!" Wang sighed. As soon as her son left for a long journey, she knew that Gu Jin would definitely come to her house to cause trouble, but she didn't expect that he would come so quickly this time. He must have been short of money! Wang thought so.

"Aunt!" As soon as she saw Wang's face, Gu Fangzi's tears rolled down like broken beads, she threw herself into Wang's arms and cried: "It's all because of Fang's bad appearance, and it's causing trouble for aunt again! It's all Fang's fault. posture!"

Gu Jin sat down, rudely raised his sleeves and wiped a few handfuls on his face and forehead. Seeing this, he twitched the corners of his mouth with disdain, rolled his eyes, and shouted to the girl beside him: "Where's the tea? This is you Shi family’s hospitality!”

Mrs. Wang saw that Gu Fangzi's hair was loose, her clothes were wrinkled, and she was crying like a girl. She was so distressed that she was trying to comfort her. When she heard this, she glared at Gu Jin fiercely and moved towards the girl. Nuzui: "Serve him tea."

Mrs. Wang licked Gu Fangzi's bun, wiped her tears, pulled her to sit aside, and said coldly to Gu Jin, "What are you doing here again? It's not enough to kill my sister, and it's not enough to see my niece live in peace for two days." Isn’t that the day?”

Gu Jin raised his head and drank the tea in one gulp, then put the tea bowl on the coffee table, emptied the tea bowl and nodded.

The maid had to fill him up again.

Gu Jin picked it up and drank it in one gulp. After drinking three large bowls, he sighed with satisfaction, wiped his mouth, smiled at Mrs. Wang and said: "Sister——"

"Who is your sister!" Wang scolded.

Gu Jin chuckled, not taking it seriously at all, and continued: "I didn't cause your sister to have such a bad luck. Now I am just a relative of you, so why don't you think of her well? Sister--hehe, Mrs. Shi, I am today Come on, I have something important to discuss with you!"

"Okay, okay!" Mrs. Wang impatiently raised her hand to stop, holding back her anger and said: "You still know that Fangzi is your daughter, so don't make her sad from time to time! Aunt Jiang, bring me a hundred taels of silver notes! "

"Wait!" Gu Jin stopped.

"What? It's too little! Aunt Jiang, add another hundred taels! Take the silver and leave quickly!" Mrs. Wang sneered, showing unspeakable disgust.

"I'm not asking for money this time," Gu Jinguai said with a smile, "I'm here to take my daughter home!"

"What did you say!" Wang was surprised, and Gu Fangzi's face turned pale.

"Fangzi's surname is Gu, and she is my daughter, Gu Jin. Madam, you won't deny this, right? What's wrong with me taking my daughter home?" Gu Jin said carelessly.

Mrs. Wang's face suddenly darkened, she turned away from the maids, and Su Rong said coldly: "Let's be honest, what do you want?"

"What do you really want!" Gu Jin stretched his neck and snorted: "Keep my daughter in the Shi Mansion without any explanation. If word spreads, our Gu family will be completely embarrassed!"

"You!" Wang was so angry that her breath was stuck in her chest. Is it unclear whether he is detained in the Shifu? To save the face of the family!

Does the Gu family still have face? This scoundrel!

Gu Fangzi's face turned red with embarrassment. She felt infinitely ashamed to have such a father and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"Did I make a mistake?" Gu Jin waved his arm and said excitedly: "I didn't say anything when Fangzi lived in your house. I thought that in the future she would also be a member of the Shi family, and it would be the same if she came in earlier or later! But the eldest young master Shi has already married a girl from the Sang family. What is my daughter still doing here? Is it embarrassing? You Shi family won’t say a word, and there is no way to be confused! Today we will just put this Tell the truth!"

"Dad!" Gu Fangzi's tears rolled down again. She quickly raised her hand to wipe them away, and gently tugged on Wang's sleeve, her face full of prayer and sorrow.

Although Gu Fangzi was filled with resentment and dissatisfaction with her father, although what he said was unpleasant, it was exactly what Gu Fangzi cared about. Yes, the Shi family should give her the truth. What she wants is a real guarantee, not Shi Fengju's "Believe me, I will not betray you!"

believe? The most worthless and ridiculous thing in the world are these two words. Especially these two words from a man's mouth.

Even if it comes from the mouth of the eldest cousin, the credibility is still somewhat compromised.

Wang was speechless for a moment, her face turning blue and white with anger. He was so angry that he almost wanted Gu Jin to take Gu Fangzi away, but together with them, the Shi family made a mistake by pitying the orphan and helping the scoundrels! It’s just that I didn’t get a good word in exchange for spending money, but I still have to suffer such slander that confuses right and wrong!

But when she saw Gu Fangzi's pitiful and pitiful appearance, and thought of how smart and well-behaved she had been serving her all these years, Wang's heart softened again, and she had to bear it.

"We will give Fangzi an explanation!"

"Who wouldn't say it with empty teeth!" Gu Jin pressed forward and said aggressively: "Unless you divorce the girl from the Sang family right now, I will believe you if you have three matchmakers and six beauties to welcome Fangzi into the house!"

"This is unreasonable!" Mrs. Wang was furious: "My daughter-in-law is virtuous, decent, gentle and elegant, how can I abandon her!"

"Then what do you want?" Gu Jin smiled coldly.

Mrs. Wang snorted and looked away, and said calmly: "The Shi and Sang families have a marriage contract. You don't know about it. Why did you just think of taking your daughter home now? Huh?"

Gu Jin rolled his eyes and said, "Then let's open the skylight and speak openly! Don't your Shi family just want to take my Fangzi as your concubine?"

"She is a good concubine," although she and Gu Fangzi had already agreed upon their wishes, she had never mentioned it openly. Now that she said it like this, Wang felt a little embarrassed and a little sorry for Gu Fangzi, so she hurriedly said : "After I entered the family and gave birth to my son, I was treated as an ordinary wife and wore a red dress! Our Shi family will never treat Fangzi badly."

"That's great!" Gu Jin clapped his hands and said, "We are relatives, and I can trust you! In that case, let's get this thing done! My daughter is not too young anymore, and we can't keep waiting like this!"

Damn thing! Wang cursed inwardly.

The daughter-in-law had just entered the house less than two months ago, and yet another concubine was accepted with great fanfare. The concubine was a cousin who had grown up in the house. Not to mention that the new daughter-in-law was embarrassed and her in-laws did not agree. The Shi family also did not agree. You will be criticized by outsiders for being unkind.

"Even if you don't come in now, you can just pay the betrothal gift first!" Gu Jin added immediately. This sentence is the key point.

bride price? Wang's mouth twitched.

I have never heard of a bride price being paid for taking a concubine. The Shi family is a respectable family and they have to follow the rules when doing things!

"Let's wait until Feng Ju comes back to discuss this matter! As a woman, I can't be the master of this!" Wang thought about it and decided to wait until the end: "I have five hundred taels of silver notes here, you can take it back and use it first."

Gu Jin was satisfied and grinned: "Okay! That's it! Mrs. Shi is so happy!"

Gu Jin felt very proud and wished that Wang would not be so happy to agree to Gu Fangzi's entry in the future, so that he would have more excuses for blackmail. If my daughter becomes someone else's, it will be difficult to get money from someone else so easily!

"Aunt, I'm sorry..." Gu Fangzi didn't expect Wang to shirk, and she couldn't help but feel secretly disappointed, but the look on her face was extremely guilty.

Mrs. Wang gently patted the back of her hand and said softly: "Don't worry, aunt will make the decision with you."

"Yeah!" Gu Fangzi lowered her head half-ashamedly and gratefully, but clenched her hands tightly. She couldn't help but think, one said "You trust me" and the other said "I will make the decision with you". They are indeed a mother and son. !

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