The full moon is like a disk, silver light is like jade, and under the bright moonlight, a huge team is starting from the camp and rushing to the designated destination.

Two days passed, and on the night of April 11, there were less than ten hours left before the full offensive was launched.

The noisy environment and the urgency of the war made Li Mingyuan restless.

Raising the curtain with his right hand, he got up and left from the tent. More than ten guards acted immediately, and the guards were around Li Mingyuan.

Standing high in the camp, through the telescope, a faint stream of light came from a distance.

The large-scale movement of the National Defense Forces stimulated the sensitive nerves of the Argentine troops. From the troop migration that began this evening, it is not difficult for the Argentine President to see the deployment of the Han forces.

The night was hazy, blowing cold air from the coast, blowing the flag in the camp.

"His Highness, the wind is blowing. Would you like to go back to rest?"

A security guard approached Li Mingyuan and asked carefully.

"The wind is blowing, and the situation in Pampas should change."

Looking away from the city of Buenos Aires, looking up at a dark cloud floating above his head, Li Mingyuan thoughtfully.

The Pampas grasslands in April had plenty of rainfall. Buenos, located on the eastern edge of the Pampas grasslands, is more vulnerable to the effects of marine weather due to its proximity to the coast.

Before the start of the war, the National Defense Forces were fortunate to enjoy a few days of fine and sunny weather, and judging from the weather conditions tonight, tomorrow is likely to be another rainy day.

The established battle plan will not be changed due to weather changes. Li Mingyuan stunned his wind-strapped uniform and said, "Write a letter to the second and third divisions, remind them to pay attention to recent weather changes, and try to avoid rain. Impact on combat. "

"His Royal Highness, his staff immediately reported to the communication!"

"Also, order the logistics units to prepare defensive equipment in advance to prevent rainwater erosion of food ammunition ..."

Once the huge war machine is started, it means that the Han country,

It can only end when one of the two sides of Argentina falls.

On the night of the eleventh day, the second division, the third division, and the third mixed nearly three soldiers, divided into two lanes, and proceeded from the flank to Buenos Aires.

On the morning of the 13th, the rain in the gray sky gradually stopped. The soldiers of the Third Division and the Third Mixed Brigade had breakfast, carried imitation National Defense rifles, and stepped on the pothole ground. Mas positions attacked.

On the front of the Wehrmacht, rifles and artillery ammunition were fired intensively at the onslaught soldiers.

Artillery and bullets formed a sharp blood web, which was continuously devouring the lives of attacking soldiers.

The nature of the war is so cruel. The soldiers who launched the attack first had no cover that could effectively protect their bodies. At the same time, they faced the most fierce fire attack from the enemy.

The Argentine garrison fought hard to resist, and the commander of the IDF commando force, which was strongly blocked by the other party, had to suspend the attack and hurriedly withdrew the remaining 200 soldiers.

"Brigadier, the Argentine defense situation is clear. At present, there are about 1,300 Argentine troops blocking us, and the number of regular troops is about 500."

"I need more detailed information about the enemy ’s artillery position, fire strength, and whether there is a reserve force."

Wu Fengdian asked his commander in a serious tone.

"There are two old-fashioned field guns and about three Gatling machine guns on the opponent's position."

The assault officer took off his army hat and smeared the muddy face with his hand, and continued, "The Argentine garrison abandoned the highlands west of the town of Lomas, leaving only the troops to defend the gate and surrounding walls. It is assumed that their strength is insufficient, and the total strength will not exceed 2,000. "

"Is the Argentine defensive machine gun different from before, and is our army's casualties mainly caused by the other machine gun?"

After listening to the reports of his officers, Wu Fengdian asked a question he paid much attention to by visiting the battlefield.

"Brigadier, my staff is about to report to you. The performance of the Argentine's machine gun is much better than before. When the staff found the other party's weak point twice before, the charge was several times because their machine gun was intensive and had to retreat halfway. ! "

The assault officer said, with a hate in his eyes. "A total of three company commanders in a regiment, two battalions. Just one charge, there were one company commander and three platoon commanders. I have never had such a big loss! "

"The war is consumed by both the enemy and us. When joining the army, losses and casualties are inevitable."

Wu Fengdian's unfriendly words sounded a little uncomfortable in the ears of the assault officer, but Wu Fengdian didn't care about his feelings.

The war is a constantly changing battle. The attacked party is more likely to feel the pain caused by backward weapons and tactics. When the Han Dynasty started, it emphasized the use of machine gun tactics. The improved machine guns were distributed to various regiments. The power of rifle tactics, the President of Argentina is also within his ability to increase the purchase of machine guns, artillery and other weapons, and try to strengthen the strength of the Argentine army

The change of the Argentine forces was slightly reflected in the Lomas outpost, but the Han National Defense Forces, which are also in the process of development and change, will not give the other party a longer time to develop and improve.

The frontal war in Argentina must end within two months. Even if the Argentine desperately resist, Li Mingyuan and the senior generals of the National Defense Forces will take the heavy casualties and smash the other side!

The strength of the frontline enemy forces has been roughly figured out. Wu Fengdian left the strength of the two battalions to cooperate with the withdrawn assault troops to monitor the movement of the other side. I took the company with more than 100 soldiers and set off to the headquarters four kilometers away. go with. ...

The commander of the Third Division of the National Defense Forces, Li Sandou, commander of the Third Division, sat at the table and listened carefully to Wu Fengdian's report.

"General, the defense of Lomas is higher than our prediction. If Lomas is won before tomorrow afternoon according to the plan, our army will need to deploy two 75-mm guns and a battalion reinforcements. Offensive forces. "

"Lomas is just a small town outside of Buenos Aires ~ ~ Our army cannot spend more time with the Argentines here.

Brigadier Wu, from now on, you will be responsible for the combat mission to attack the bases around Buenos Aires. As long as you can remove the three main bases of Lomas, De Zamora, and Floren within five days, the first The strength of the three divisions is called by you! "

After getting older, Li Sandou gradually felt overwhelmed. After seeing his old partner Chen Guozhu retired due to illness, he began to adapt to devolving power to the younger generation of generals. He took a sigh of relief and wanted to lead the troops himself and follow His son, Li Mingyuan, broke into Buenos Aires and watched the whole of Argentina become the land of the South American Han people. When he saw Li Mingyuan ascending the throne, he closed his eyes and followed the underground attendant Li Shixian and the old man. brothers.

Jiangshan is picturesque, and a new generation replaces the old. Wu Fengdian understands that there are not many days left for Li Sandou to stay in the army. After the Argentine war, he will retire from the army and leave the military camp for most of his life to enjoy his late life.

In the eyes of Li Sandou's complaint and unwillingness, Wu Fengdian even hoped that he could fight the current war and lay a more glorious glory for the future military career.


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