Rebirth of the 92 Business Tycoon

Vol 6 Chapter 902: Change general

Feng Yiping, who broke out such an ambitious plan, did not go to the theater this evening. When there was a lot of discussion outside, he held a senior management meeting in the park.

He knows that Google is also there. Since the news has been released, of course he has to consider how to implement it.

It's just that they didn't have a quiet meeting at this meeting. His cell phone, Meyer's cell phone, Mike's cell phone, Xiao Zha, Sandberg... kept ringing all the time.

It's okay on his side. The people who are looking for him persistently are mainly Musk and Bezos who want to make business for their own business. It is estimated that they still have the idea of ​​getting a foot in this huge plan.

As for Meyer and the others, there are many. From well-known arms companies with satellite business to professional scientific research institutions to universities... and even some raw material suppliers, they have contacted them through various channels.

Without exception, what they did was the opportunity contained in the plan they just disclosed.

Everyone knows that Feng Yiping and Google's companies are not only very reliable, but also very rich, so don't hurry up?

It's not without reason that they are so active. In the past two years, except for some companies in Silicon Valley, everyone's life is actually difficult!

Feng Yiping once again noticed that a few missed calls were added to the phone, but he still saw the one he wanted, so he simply reached out and turned it off, "Come here, it's all turned off,"

"I also want to tell you, including after the meeting, if you are not notified, please refrain from discussing this plan with anyone outside the meeting."

It doesn't matter if you haven't waited for the call, he estimated that it is very likely that you will get relevant information through other means.


This evening, the plan disclosed by Feng Yiping and the others was boiled, which originally did not include one of Ouhei’s close associates, Jacob Lu.

As a core figure in the O'Hare team, but because he has always been very low-key, Jacob Lu, who does not have much presence in the public, did not pay too much attention to the hot news from Silicon Valley.

Launch thousands of satellites to travel a global Internet satellite network?

To be honest, he really doesn't care about this.

In recent years, Wall Street has become the target of public criticism. Silicon Valley has won more praise and affirmation than before. But in truth, how small is the negative impact Silicon Valley has on the American economy and the American people?

How much negative impact did the Internet bubble at the beginning of the century have on the US economy, and how many Americans lost their money?

In the past two years, the atmosphere in Silicon Valley seems to have returned to before the Internet bubble. Under the guise of changing the world, they told meticulously woven stories one after another, and entered one field after another with high profile—including the financial field.

But compared to the space field, their actions in other industries are much more low-key.

In the field of space, they shouted the slogan of thinking about the future of the earth and all mankind. They threw out one plan after another like a race. If you want to return to the moon, I will develop Mars, and today you are going to launch 600 more. Satellites, then I will launch at least 2,000...

He really didn't think that these super eye-catching plans would be much more reliable than the subprime mortgage that almost ruined the entire United States a few years ago.

Of course, the main reason Lu doesn't care about this problem is that he now has more urgent problems to solve.

As the most important department in the president’s office, the head of the Administration and Budget Bureau is promoting administrative reforms, determining the deployment, supplementation, training, rewards and punishments of federal personnel, etc., and also formulating the federal budget. To plan and supervise the execution, that is, to help the president take charge of the money bag, his biggest headache is no different from most people in the world, that is, money is never enough.

This year, this problem is particularly prominent.

In the last year, although what many experts called "another economic crisis" did not really come to the United States, the impact of the Occupy Wall Street movement that broke out last fall was even more severe than an economic crisis.

The movement that originated from the occupation of Wall Street, later extended to the occupation of colleges and universities, the occupation of Washington, and then spread to the whole country and even the whole world. It has really evolved into a sister version of the "Middle East Spring" and subverted the American "Autumn America". situation.

Although such a trend ended in a fairly perfect way as a small-scale bloodshed, in such an environment, where can the domestic economy get better?

In addition, Europe, which accounts for a quarter of U.S. exports, has intensified its debt crisis. The EU failed to save Greece. Instead, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, and Spain have fallen into the quagmire of sovereign debt crises, showing a trend of spreading to Germany and France... Therefore, it has severely affected US exports.

At the same time, the European debt crisis has inevitably increased the difficulty of financing for US companies, and liquidity will be further lacked, which will greatly increase the burden of the US economic recovery.

What is even more annoying is that the European debt led to the decline of the euro, the Japanese earthquake caused Japan’s economic recession, and even China used inflation as an excuse to devalue the renminbi... This allowed the dollar to appreciate across the board, which once again affected US exports, and immediately affected the promotion of exports. A plan to achieve employment growth and fundamentally improve economic conditions...

Income is difficult to improve, but there are more and more places to spend money, so from morning to night, he is thinking about which one to reduce expenditure and which one to increase taxes.

In addition, the guys on Capitol Hill are all very proficient, but they all want to show their existence... He now has a hunch that this year’s budget proposal is likely to become a deadlock. By then, the government will shut down. dream.

So, satellite? Float where it’s cool!

The phone rang, he saw it, and quickly picked it up, "Mr. President... OK,"

What are you calling for at this time?

It won't be any trouble again!

With the help of his wife, he hurriedly put on his clothes and tie, and drove to the White House. He was thinking along the way, what might be the matter?


"Hi, Jacob," Little Ohei stood up from the sofa, smiled and shook hands with him, "I'm sorry to call you here temporarily,"

Jacob Lu took a look, and there was no one other than Little O'Hei. Little O'Hei's expression seemed to be very relaxed.

He breathed a sigh of relief. So feel free to ask, "Is there any problem?"

"A glass?" Little O'Hai asked with a bottle of Chardonnay.

"Thank you," Jacob didn't follow up when he saw it. In short, it's fine. He took a sip, "It's great!"

"I think this year we will definitely go further on the basis of 2008," he said with a glass of wine. "There must be more wineries across the country to support us."

"Haha," Xiao Ohei laughed again after hearing the words.

In the data of the 2008 election, the state that supports him has an annual wine output of nearly 800 million gallons, and a total of 4,927 wineries; while the state that supports McCain has an annual wine output of only more than 4 million gallons. There are only 660 dealers.

If this situation can continue this year, of course it will be great!

"Jacob, what do you think about our campaign? I mean, from a holistic perspective,"

From a global perspective? Jacob Lu's heart suddenly felt like electricity, could it be?

Thinking about the struggle within the White House since the midterm elections, he immediately felt that his idea should be right.

His eyes couldn't help but light up.

This is an opportunity!

Get rid of the hot potato and get a higher position.

Although that position is essentially a back-to-back position, it is undoubtedly the best springboard for them who belong to the White House to advance to a higher position.

"Sorry, you know, I have been paying attention to the budget issue,"

As a technical official, he believes that the more at such a time, the more you should not rush to throw out those ideas that are not fully mature ~ He is also worried that at this time, if you are concerned about this problem The answer, which makes the boss very satisfied, may also make the boss feel that he is a little unsatisfied.

"If you need it, I will give you a report within two days,"

"Very good," Xiao Ohei nodded, and stopped continuing the topic, motioned to the TV, "What do you think of their plan?"

On TV, the Fox anchor is analyzing Feng Yiping's plan with the guests.

Jacob Lu's brain is running at a high speed again, there is no way, people are the boss, naturally they can change topics as they like.

"I think this is a very good plan," he said immediately, who was too lazy to look at the plan.

Xiao Ohe didn’t seem to want to hear him say too much, and nodded, “Jacob, I have always appreciated your work in the Budget Bureau very much, but at this critical moment, have you ever thought about it, Take more responsibility?"


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