Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 458 The King of Destiny

After the final test of the fighting module in "fate-stay-", the action fighting game developed by Tianman for a long time is finally released!

"King of Destiny" - "the--of-fate", in abbreviation, this is He Chen's bad taste.

Although the name is fate, and the final test is also using the fate test, it does not belong to the fate series of games.

Like mugen, it added all the highly popular characters of Tianman's works. Since they all belong to different works, they were added to the same game to fight, just like the Holy Grail War of "fate", so the name was finally determined. For "the--of-fate", the abbreviation is still, but it is the king of fate.

The person who wins will dominate the fate!

A domineering (middle) air (2) arises spontaneously.

The basic gameplay of the game refers to "The King of Fighters", a horizontal action fighting game. The game picture quality maintains Tianman's consistent frenzied characteristics. You can refer to "The King of Fighters 2013".

Tianman's games are all released on multiple platforms, and this one is no exception, across all platforms: computer, console, handheld, even mobile phones.

However, due to the limitations of mobile devices, it cannot reach the high quality of other platforms. It belongs to the leisure (cheat) leisure (money) game, allowing players to rub their hands anytime, anywhere, entertaining the body and mind, and good for health.

The real core games are the client, host and handheld. Players can challenge or fight with their friends.

The popularity of the Internet is very high now. Everywhere. He Chen is like "Oriental Fantasy Township". Network mode is turned on.

Players use dm account to log in to the game, and then they can choose to play against netizens online. The thoughtful setting makes players no longer feel lonely because they have no friends to play with.

Tianman even frantically launched the ladder system like his competitive game "League of Legends".

Let fans really feel the excitement of bloody battles!

Some people like gorgeous heads-up, while others like hearty group fights.

It doesn't matter, He Chen will satisfy every fan's needs!

In "Oriental Fantasy Township", the barrage group chaos mode of "Wu Shuang Fantasy" was opened. The response has been very good.

Because it is a battle between players, it is more interesting and exciting than fighting against the computer. Various tactical developments also allow players to have a deeper understanding of the barrage of characters in the game.

At the same time, in order to conform to the fantasy difficulty setting, He Chen made the difficulty of the game crazy. Even after a long period of contact, only a few people can complete the level. Some people with deep disabilities may not even be able to open the fantasy difficulty.

However, "Wu Shuang Fantasy" does not have any threshold restrictions, all players regardless of their level can play, and they can also compete with the same level masters in qualifying matches. You can also play matching entertainment, and you can also play the survival mode of indiscriminate fighting.

overall. The difficulty is much lower than the fantasy difficulty, and it is more gorgeous, making players flock to it.

Once it was released, the number of online users increased by leaps and bounds, pulling more and more players into the bottomless pit of Gensokyo.

The action fighting game "King of Destiny" naturally also has such a group fight mode. This mode is not considered innovative, whether it is in this world or the previous world. "Dragon Ball CS" mode.

3D first-person perspective, fighting skills.

Its fun and excitement are not lower than the two-player battle mode, each has its own merits.

Girls in Gensokyo vs. superheroes, Eva vs. Gundam, Pokémon vs. Digimon. Just think about it.

With full of malice, He Chen provided a duel venue for the party struggles in all works.

In addition to the characters from Tianman's works, the characters from Tiange's "Fist of Fury" are additionally added, which is a symbol of Tiange.

Ye Jun and the others did not tell He Chen that this was a special request from He Chen.

The addition of Tiange to Tianman does not mean that the original Tiange will disappear, just like the meaning of He Chen's addition, it is a kind of recognition and tolerance, and the two will always be one - the former Tiange , now Tianman, Tianman is a big family!

He Chen's move won the unanimous and deep affection of the former Tiange employees. Although the name of Tiange is gone, their dreams and will will be passed on forever.


Li Yun bought the game "King of Destiny", and took out a somewhat dilapidated Tiange game console at home with a blackened handle. This is already the fourth game console he has replaced, and it is also the last one. Because the Tiange is gone, all the game consoles that are sold now are Tianman dm girls.

When he has nothing to do, he will take it out to play games, which has almost become a habit he can't get rid of.

On the game box of "King of Destiny", countless characters are crowded together, but in his eyes, the characters of "Fist of Fury" are so conspicuous.

He opened the game and it was extremely well made. From a player's point of view, game production is much more attentive than the company he is currently working for.

Although the picture has changed and the quality has long surpassed that of "Fist of Fury" back then, he felt a familiar taste, and a smile unconsciously hung on the corner of his mouth.

"It hasn't changed yet."

He muttered something in his mouth, and then started the game.

He didn't connect to the Internet, but simply played with the computer. In the sea of ​​complicated characters, he directly searched by "from works", and chose the most familiar "Fist of Fury".

As there are more and more Tianman's works, more and more characters are appearing on the stage, and the interface for selecting characters can make people dazzled.

In order to make it easier for players to choose, Tianman has set up the option of "from the work" in "King of Destiny" and "League of Legends".

There are a total of twenty or so characters in "Fist of Fury", all of which can be swept away at a glance.

In the previous battle mode of Jingwumen, only one character can be selected, but in "King of Destiny", four characters can be selected. Three main characters and one interchangeable foreign aid. The competition system is adopted.

He chose four of the most used roles in the past. Then set the order of appearance and start the game.

The operation is smooth and the impact is very strong. Since Tianman's main business is manga and animation, it is unmatched in terms of graphics.

Familiar characters, familiar movements, the character of "Fist of Fury" in his hand, and even the button operation to release the tricks. It's all the same as before.

Suddenly a warm current surged in his heart, this is the continuation of the dream!

Tianman, come on!

He silently sent his blessings to Tianman in his heart.


"Old Chen, I'm happy!"

Ye Jun ate and drank with his old friends in the game department. Ye Jun laughed heartily and talked to his old friends.

There are two boxes on the table, one is the commemoration left by them when the first edition of "Jing Fu Men" was released, and the other is "King of Destiny". The games they make now.

The two picked up the cups and touched each other lightly. Then he drank it all in one gulp, the strong taste of liquor irritated his mouthpiece.


"I'm also happy, Lao Ye. Sigh, who would have imagined that we can really go to this day?"

While eating appetizers, the two talked cheerfully. Although life has been getting better every day since joining Tianman, they have never felt as comfortable as they are now!

"Go one!"

Ye Jun picked up the wine glass, and Lao Chen was unambiguous. When the two glasses were touched, it was double the wine.

Old Chen's wife saw that the two were drinking so vigorously, she shook her head with a smile, but said nothing.

Ye Jun touched the cover of the game box of "Fist of Fury", and touched the cover of the game box of "King of Destiny".

With emotion in my heart: "Old Chen, I'm not afraid to say that even though I insisted on it at that time, I just wanted to fight for it. In my heart, I had actually given up..."

Old Chen nodded. In those days, they all knew that their wages were almost out of pay, and it could be said that they could close their doors at any time.

"However, it may be that the sky is always on me. When we first talked with He Chen, it was actually a gamble. Whether we succeed or not, that's all. Anyway, our original games at that time could no longer afford it, and the copyright of game adaptations was also lost. I can’t buy it anymore. However, I never expected that we not only turned over and survived, but also achieved the glory we are now!”

""Fist of Fury", after so many years, is alive again!"

The two games in his hands seem to be shining brightly.

"The boss can add "Jing Fu Men" here, I am very happy, and the brothers below are also very happy. It is really great to see "Jing Fu Men" reappear."

Ye Jun chuckled, and the two clinked another glass.

""King of Destiny"... that's a good name, "King of Destiny" inherited from "Fist of Fury", no matter how difficult it is, we can't defeat us, because we are the king of destiny!"

The two talked to each other, and soon a bottle of white wine was finished by the two of them, and then they were not satisfied, Lao Chen opened another bottle of good wine, the faces of the two were flushed, and the eyes were already drunk. But still in high spirits.

"Speaking of which, Lao Ye, since "Fist of Fury" can be added to the game of "King of Destiny", do you want to publish a comic? Although our "Fist of Fury" is only an action fighting game, it needs If you tell a story, you will definitely be able to create a wonderful story... How about asking the boss? If I can see it in my lifetime, then I will be truly content!" Lao Chen suddenly tapped his wine glass with his chopsticks, and said to Ye Jun suggested.

Ye Jun thought for a while, asking the boss to write stories for them seemed a bit "rebellious". He Chen's current status is really beyond the reach of ordinary people. However, based on his understanding of He Chen, he knew that He Chen liked comics, so if he was allowed to talk about it, it should make sense.

Just about to nod, but he shook his head again: "Not right, not right."

""Fist of Fury" belongs to us, how can we bother others? Let's draw it ourselves!" Ye Jun said angrily.

"...None of us can draw manga." Old Chen thought for a while and answered.

When Ye Jun said "ourselves", he naturally meant people from Tiange. Ye Xiaoyu was also famous in the comics world, but he was not from Tiange.

"If you don't know how to draw, don't you know how to learn? How long has it been since the comics came out? The difficulties in the past didn't break us down. Could it be that our life is better now, that we have been at ease for a long time, and we can't even overcome such a small difficulty? ?”

"Okay! You're right! We draw our own stories!"

"We are the kings of destiny!" (To be continued...) ()

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