Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 529 Small Palm

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The new OP is "Qingming Cherry Blossom Festival". This song is not a song of "ad", but this song fits the atmosphere of "ad" very well, so it has been used by many fans to make "ad" mad.

He Chen fell in love with this song after listening to it once. The meaning of "Song Engraved in Time" is to describe Okazaki's mental journey after Nagisa left and before Xiaoxi died. Then the "Qingming Cherry Blossom Festival" can make people feel Xiaoxi's psychological activities after his death and when everything he once owned left him.

The "Qingming Cherry Blossom Festival" combined with the scenes from the past made people's eyes wet almost instantly.

When the song ended, Okazaki came back to his senses, but returned to the moment when Xiaoxi was born and Nagisa left the world.

This scene is a memory that almost everyone is unwilling to touch. Is it that we have to taste the heart-wrenching sadness again?

However, the plot reverses here.

People were surprised to find that Nagisa, who was supposed to die, did not die, and she and Xiao Xi were both alive!

The clouds of sadness dissipated instantly, and the two sudden reversals made the audience's hearts feel like they were on a roller coaster, falling from happiness to the abyss of sadness, and then rushing from the abyss of sadness to the paradise of happiness in an instant.

It all seemed like a dream, a sad dream.

The final reversal is so abrupt and absurd, allowing an ordinary world to interpret a fantasy story... However, for fans who love "ad" deeply. This is the miracle of happiness.

People who yearn for "happiness" believe in such "miracles".

The final reversal of "ad" is also very controversial. Some fans felt that the "loading" style resurrection technique at the end seemed to tease the audience's emotions, making all the previous touches seem so unreal.

However, no matter what people think, no matter what He Chen thought about this ending before, but here...he believed it!

He himself is a living example.

He has stronger feelings than others about "ad" and the final ending.

"Far away.

In the distance, the ears of rice swayed. That golden ocean,

Raise the sails, hoist the sails, and bring the memories with you. Let's search together,

Together we have come to this day, and the sorrows we have experienced,

Can you still remember? Or long forgotten?

The small palms also contain the strength that surpasses you and me.

Under the ripe grape trellis, look forward to those times filled with tears. Wave goodbye.

With these little hands, even if they are separated from each other, they can still move forward on this road.

Until one day in the future, those extremely precious memories will be buried deeply.

The seasons change silently, the once cold wind,

Also fell asleep quietly, in that spring. Among the songs.

The small palm also contains it. Beyond the strength of you and me,

The face full of tears reflected a few beautiful smiles from the past.

With these little hands, even if they are separated from each other, they can still move forward on this road.

When that day comes, we have already buried all the memories deeply.

With these little hands, one day we will surpass the hurried pace of you and me.

The day that finally comes will gently open a new time for us. "

The part is consistent with the melody of "The Tuanzi Family", with soft and simple melody, warm and sincere lyrics, no gorgeous extra arrangements at all, and no trace of hypocrisy. It collects all the unforgettable memories in the story. , pieced together this song - "Little Palm".

In the gentle singing, Xiao Xi grew up little by little from a baby, and gradually overlapped with the little figure deeply remembered in people's memories.

The figures of familiar characters also flashed one by one: Xing still followed her dream and became a kindergarten teacher; Muku became a nurse; Kotomi went to the United States to further her studies and continued her parents' research; Chunhara became an ordinary person. clerk...

After many years, every character who has appeared has undergone great changes and matured. They each have their own different lives, but all of them have the same happy smile.

This "home", here, is sublimated from a small "home" to a big "home".

Although the world has changed, Fengzi has not yet met Xiaoxi when he wakes up here, but Fengzi still feels Xiaoxi's familiar smell, which attracts Fengzi to Xiaoxi again.

Fengzi was the first to move her, and she also brought the story of "ad" to a happy ending!

The last ed is still the "big Tuanzi family".

The only difference is that the last singer is a chorus of everyone.

This song runs through the entire story of "ad". Every change in the story allows people to hear different feelings from this song. At the end, people seem to hear the resonance of the vast universe - this universe Everything inside seems to have become a member of the Tuanzi family. People feel their own insignificance and the greatest emotion - love.

Xu Yiru cried and laughed, feeling moved by the wonderful ending of the story.

Mo Mo's situation is similar. There is no image of a lady in either of them.

"It's great. It's great to see such an ending. It's great to see "ad"!" Xu Yiru was incoherent.

After chasing it for a whole year, the two of them pooled their money to buy a TV in their dormitory just to watch "ad". Turning on the TV every Wednesday has become a habit and instinct for them.

From the spring of last year, I saw the spring of this year. From the days when the cherry blossoms were flying, I saw the cherry blossoms flying again.

"ad" brought her too many touches and too much growth. Following the story of "ad", she seemed to have walked through an unforgettable life.

The love of parents, the love of friends. Couple's love, these great loves deeply affected her.

She has a deeper relationship with her parents. Although she has no experience in love, she is no longer a little girl who longs for "love". She has a deeper understanding and understanding of love - love is a kind of commitment and responsibility!

She has become mature, and even the comic stories she writes are no longer a pale picture. Her emotions gradually merged into her writing, and each character became vivid.

Although there may still be many flaws. But she likes comics, and even more so the stories she creates, which are full of her deepest love and her responsibility for the characters she creates.

this responsibility. Let her "children" have flesh and soul.

"Yes, it's over, "ad" is over, this is great." Mo Mo also murmured, feeling happy that he was lucky enough to follow "ad" from the beginning.

For a whole year, she could not calm down because of the emotional excitement caused by "ad".

Although the final ending seems absurd, instead of being immersed in the pain of sadness, she is more willing to feel the beautiful and happy story with her heart!

She hopes to bring light and hope to the world, not darkness and despair!

Miracle. Isn't it precisely because of those hearts that never give up in the face of despair and yearn for the light that it is almost impossible to happen in people's perception? Is it also impossible to recreate the story?

Although "ad" is over, the impression it made on her will forever affect her throughout her life!

"Dad, how do you feel now?"

Qiao An's eyes were very bright, as clear as the sky after the rain, and he wore a happy and touched smile. asked his father who was watching "ad" with him and his mother.

He remembered that at the beginning, his father didn't like "ad"... or rather. My father doesn't like romantic dramas at all.

However, I don’t know when my father complained less and began to watch the animation quietly and attentively with them.

Facing his son's ridiculing inquiry, the father did not feel embarrassed or angry... Compared with the touching feeling of "ad", such a small emotion is really insignificant.

He pondered for a long time, thinking a lot about the story of "ad", the story of him and his wife, and the story of their family. Then he let out a contented and long sigh, with a warm smile flowing in his eyes.

"Okay, I was wrong before. I retract my rash words. "Ad" is a very classic, very profound, and very good work."

With three "extraordinary"s in a row, "ad" melted the ice between him and his parents. It also reminded him of the happiest days of himself and his wife, allowing them to understand and cherish the present again. The hard-earned life also made their cold family warm.

For their small family, "ad" has extraordinary significance.

"ad" brought them happiness and changed their family's life!

He will always remember "ad".

Changes like those in Qiao An's family are not rare. "AD" has affected many people and many families. Countless families may become fragmented, because of "ad" they understand the happiness that was ignored in the past, the broken rifts in the family have been perfectly repaired, and they have even become closer and happier than before - because now they can feel better than There used to be more happiness that was very subtle and easily overlooked.

Spring is coming, and "ad" brings warmth and hope to the world.

This is a miracle that only "ad" can achieve.

Of course, this isn't the finale yet.

In the second week, Okazaki told Xiao Xi the story of his parents and the story of tragedies that had never happened in this world. After this summary of "ad", "ad" ushered in a big chapter. ending! (To be continued)

ps: ...It’s finally almost finished.

"ad" is the longest chapter. Some of the things I wanted to write didn't feel right, and some parts weren't written well. Although it's not satisfactory, I am very satisfied that I was able to finish "ad".

... ()

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