Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 557 When a country is about to perish, there must be a ship girl

"Teacher Yi, long time no see..."

A seemingly elegant middle-aged man came to visit Yi Tianxing. He was a student of Yi Tianxing and now he has become a professor. The two exchanged a few pleasantries before getting straight to the point.

Yi Tianxing is not a person who likes to beat around the bush. His students naturally know Yi Tianxing's nature well, so he asked Yi Tianxing straightforwardly: "Teacher, have you read "Things About That Rabbit That Year"?"

Speaking of "Things About That Rabbit That Year", Yi Tianxing is also responsible for talking about it. He Chen also discussed and consulted a lot of information and opinions with him. After all, "history" is something that Yi Tianxing understands It is far more profound and familiar than He Chen, whose "foreign household registration" whose age in the two lifetimes combined is not as big as Yi Tianxing's. However, He Chen is not a big talker either. Perhaps to others, the participation of the winner of the "Novara Literary Award" is something worthy of special mention, but to the two of them, this "fake name" has nothing to do with it. meaningless.

Therefore, others may at most only know that Yi Tianxing and He Chen have a close personal relationship, but they don't even know that Yi Tianxing had had in-depth exchanges with He Chen before "Things About That Rabbit That Year" was published.

Yi Tianxing nodded: "I have seen some, and I understand a little bit."

He knew He Chen's thoughts and plans very well. After "Things About That Rabbit That Year" was published, he only followed up a part of it, so it is not an exaggeration to say that he has "a little" understanding.

Yi Tianxing looked at his student, waiting for his next words. Since the student mentioned this, the purpose of his coming should be this work. After thinking about it a little more carefully, he already vaguely understood the purpose of the student. His student It is teaching modern history.

I sighed slightly in my heart. no matter what. Both have two sides. If there is only one voice, it will be extremely dangerous, so although he does not agree with the students' views, he still appreciates the students' attitude of daring to express dissent.

He waited for the student's words, wanting to verify the guess in his heart.

"I know that the teacher and He Chen have a good personal relationship, but I still have to be blunt. "Things About That Rabbit That Year" is an insult to history! It tampered with the whole history, it is against history. Yes Disrespect to the thousands of heroic souls who died on this land!"

"There are more and more things that make fun of history, and all kinds of places are full of these messy things, misleading the audience and readers. I don't want the brains of children in the future to be overwhelmed by these garbage information Occupation, I don’t want our descendants to know their own history. Therefore, I implore the teacher to lead us to oppose these cultural dross that falsifies history and misleads our children!”

The students made a sincere request to Yi Tianxing.

Yi Tianxing's eyes were clear,

As expected.

Since the serialization of "Those Things That Rabbit That Year", such voices have never stopped. Whether it's an old-fashioned and conservative personality, or a covetous He Chen. Or they are just looking for trouble to earn back the attention of Tie Bo, but they are all overwhelmed by He Chen's burgeoning and terrifying reputation.

So, someone finally found Yi Tianxing.

As a leader in the cultural industry, Yi Tianxing is literature, while He Chen represents comics.

The relationship between Yi Tianxing and He Chen has always been good, and he is upright and upright. He is known for his outspokenness, his writing style is sharp, and he also has a heart for the people. He has a very high influence in both the world and China's literary world. Let him come and He Chen. Confrontation, that is perfect.

In fact, this kind of voice existed long before He Chen. Before comics, web articles were everyone's focus.

For some old-fashioned people, such rebellious things should be "burned books and buried Confucianism" to restore the world to a clean place.

However, what Yi Tianxing noticed was another aspect. He has been pursuing a balance between entertainment and thought. How can we enhance the fun without affecting the content he wants to express? That is to express deep things in very simple language. What he pursues is Xiaobaiwen, not ordinary Xiaobaiwen, but to make more people like to read it, but can easily feel what he wants to express Profound little white text.

He doesn't want to leave his name in history and write any magnificent masterpieces. He hopes that there will be countless such people in China in the future, instead of the few now.

On this point, he very much agrees with He Chen's point of view that fun is the first element that attracts people, and only then can people be led into this world by them from the bottom of their hearts.

He Chen's talent is amazing. He can create extremely in-depth works (eva), which can be said to be a book of gods. He is also willing to create for commercialization, and he has created very interesting and attractive works (Pokemon) .

Looking at the history of He Chen's family fortune, one can see that he is almost step by step, from shallow to deep, from low to high. It is becoming more and more prosperous, and it also uses a variety of different things to attract countless different people to this industry, making this industry more prosperous and prosperous, forming a virtuous circle.

If it wasn't able to attract enough people to invest in this industry, no matter how much money He Chen made and how famous he was, the entire industry would eventually fall to the point where the trees fell and the monkeys scattered.

What Yi Tianxing admires the most is He Chen, who has a clear goal, a firm will, and is hardly moved by any external objects.

Literature and even all things expressed in words are actually nothing more than this, wrapping history.

Why are there so many readers of historical novels, but so few people read history books? Obviously some historical facts in history are more exaggerated and exciting than YY's novels, but there are still very few readers.

It's just a question of expressiveness, it's not interesting enough, it's not engaging enough.

History should be cold. It has witnessed the rise and fall of countless dynasties, the fall of countless heroes, heroes, and overlords, and the footprints of countless celebrities, from birth to dust.

However, Yi Tianxing felt that this kind of boring, full of heavy historical coldness, should be discovered, verified and felt by historians. Ordinary people should feel interesting stories, only they find it interesting Only then will these "interesting" histories be remembered.

He feels that what really makes people "forget" history is not the group of novels, but the ones who write history books. If they can write history books that let people know history better than novels, will anyone still read those novels?

Perhaps, it will also promote the development of Chinese literature.

In this regard, history has set countless examples for them, such as some masterpieces, which also belonged to Xiaobaiwen at that time.

"History has already proved to us that standing still and sticking to the rules will only bring us a very painful lesson. Don't be too conservative, open your eyes, and look at the world. This is an era of information explosion, and births happen every moment. New things. We must have the courage to touch new things, take the essence and discard the dross, so that we can keep enriching us and keep us moving forward.”

"Some of these things are really not good. This is what we want to correct, but there are also some good things that can bring us another way of thinking. "Things About That Rabbit That Year" is a very rigorous investigation. The materials and multiple researches all have very clear records. This is a very good work. If you don’t even agree with this work that draws "history", then do you think "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" 'What?" Yi Tianxing calmly expressed his views to the students and expressed his attitude.

He didn't know if his words were objective or not, but they were words from the bottom of his heart, and words he wanted to say to his students.

"Things About That Rabbit That Year" completely draws "history" and excludes the influence of the picture. In terms of content, it is basically the same as "history".

And "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is just a novel, and some of the described content is fictitious and does not exist in history. For example, the very famous Taoyuan Three Knots has no relevant records in history.

If you want to use this as an argument to oppose this, I am afraid that all historical masterpieces in the world will have to lie down.

You can target some bad stories, but you can't kill everything with one stick. This is Yi Tianxing's attitude.

The student's eyes darkened, he was silent for a moment, and then said stubbornly: "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a very classic novel, but I don't like it either."

"Three Kingdoms, this story is so widely circulated and popular, but most of the reasons are because of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms." Yi Tianxing explained, "People need to improve, eliminate the shortcomings and choose the advantages , This is exactly what is left for us to do. "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has been passed down for so long, and it is still enduring, not only because of its classics, but also because it shows our failure... Even works of the same level have written If you don’t come out, isn’t it enough to fail?”

"However, even so, history is not a joke. It is a relic left by countless heroic souls, and it should not be used by us to spoil it at will. In "Things About That Rabbit That Year", not only the people of the country were turned into Animals one by one, even wars and weapons have become like child’s play. Airplanes have been anthropomorphized, warships have been anthropomorphized, tanks have been anthropomorphized, and even those guns and other weapons have been anthropomorphized. Teacher, maybe you said Yes, but as far as I am concerned, I absolutely cannot bear to see the battlefield where countless martyrs died become a plaything in the hands of some people!"

When a country is about to perish, there must be a ship girl! (to be continued...)


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