Since the short-lived stock market crash in 1989, the housing prices and land prices in Xiangjiang have been increasing in a straight line until Clinton's succession as President of the United States prompted the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates. In terms of economy, it was quite a failure. After Clinton was elected, he learned from the experience and lessons of Bush Sr. and made a series of reforms in the economy, and one of them was to prompt the Fed to raise interest rates again and again. This year alone, the Fed has raised interest rates in a row Breathe seven times.

Affected by the Federal Reserve's continuous interest rate hikes, Xiangjiang has raised interest rates three times since March last year.

This has led to a continuous decline in housing prices in Xiangjiang at the beginning of this year-a drop as high as 14.72%.

In addition, it is getting closer and closer to the return of Xiangjiang in 1997.

A large number of British and pro-British people began to sell their real estate and land in Xiangjiang at the beginning of this year.

Can Xu Cun not do the money-picking business?

Before leaving Xiangjiang, Xu Cun gave He Chaoqiong an order: I, Xu Cun, will take as much property and land as the British and pro-British people throw away!

It was precisely because of Xu Cun's order that Xu Cun took another big bargain—He Chaoqiong actually helped Xu Cun buy six large villas on the top of Victoria Peak, and four of them were still next to each other.


The prices of these six large villas have not been affected by the drop in housing prices in Xiangjiang at all, and they are all much higher than the market price.

In fact, this is also very normal. You must know that the villa on the top of the mountain is more awesome than the famous half-mountain villa-it is not only synonymous with wealth, but also means a very high social status.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, no one cared about Taiping Mountain at all. Only those poor people who were too poor to live would choose to build houses on the mountain.

Later, the British built villas on the top of Taiping Mountain to escape the summer heat, and gradually, Taiping Mountain became popular.

Later, the construction of private houses was prohibited on the top of Victoria Peak, and smart real estate developers began to go to the middle of the mountain for development, so the so-called mid-level villa area was born.


This time Xu Cunzhi was able to buy six villas on the top of Taiping Mountain, mainly because the appearance of Xu Cun made the British completely desperate for Xiangjiang, and they withdrew from Xiangjiang to return to their British hometown.

By the way, it is precisely because of this that some British people hate Xu Cun even more than before. The three British foreign players of the Nanhua football team belonged to this situation. Therefore, after Xu Cun left the field, the Nanhua football team Those three British foreign players played like that, and even the Nanhua Football Team tried their best to play against the Xiangjiang Star Football Team. It was the result of the three British foreign players of the South China Football Team threatening to strike.



Yuzhong District.

The entrance of Xiaoshizi Arhat Temple.

Feng Xiaogang yelled at a Santana: "Akesh!"

As soon as Feng Xiaogang's words fell, Xu Cun, dressed as a nouveau riche, opened the car door and said, "What are you doing, I haven't seen a girl before!"

After closing the car door, Xu Cun hugged Cao Ying in the car, and then prepared to kiss Cao Ying.

Cao Ying wanted to refuse or welcome, but hid.

Xu Cun said: "Nothing!" Then he said: "What are you afraid of!"

Cao Ying said in Chongqing dialect full of Sichuan flavor: "Don't you think we are too fast?"

"too fast?"

Xu Cun sang badly: "I'll wait until all the flowers wither!"

After that, Xu Cun raised his eyebrows naughtily, and then went to kiss Cao Ying again!

Cao Ying wanted to refuse and greeted again: "It's not good to be seen by others."

Xu Cun let go of Cao Ying, and said, "What's the matter, who will see?"

Cao Ying pointed to the outside of the car and said, "There are people outside."

Xu Cun looked out at Guo Tao through the rear window, then pulled out a baseball bat and pushed the car door.

Cao Ying tugged at Xu Cun and asked anxiously, "What are you doing?"

Xu Cun didn't reply, "Broken light bulb!"

As soon as the car door opened, the car door was hit by a motorcycle that Xu Cun had arranged in advance with a motorcycle!

Seeing this, Xu Cun was stunned...

"Crack!" Feng Xiaogang stopped.

Hearing Feng Xiaogang yell "Ka", Xu Cun immediately walked out from the upstart just now.

Afterwards, Xu Cun turned around and pulled Cao Ying's hand to help her get out of the Santana, which had no doors.

Then, Xu Cun went to look at the picture just taken.

Feng Xiaogang immediately followed Xu Cun, and flattered him: "Teacher, your acting skills are simply amazing. If you become an actor, I guarantee that other actors will starve to death!"

Those who have watched the TV series "Half Life with Youth" directed by Ye Jing should know that there is a person named Feng Pants in it, who looks very similar to Feng Xiaogang.

In "Half a Day with Youth", Feng Pants is ugly, poor, not clean, greedy for life, afraid of death, ignorant of sex, and has no merits at all.

The Feng pants are based on Feng Xiaogang - of course, this is Feng Xiaogang in Ye Jing's eyes.

Whenever Ye Jing talked about Feng Xiaogang, her words were somewhat contemptuous.

This actually has something to do with their backgrounds—Ye Jing and Wang Min were both born in the compound of the Military Training Department of the General Staff at No. 29, Fuxing Road, Beijing. In the same compound are Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei of Huayi Brothers. Feng Xiaogang grew up in the compound of the Municipal Party School in the western suburbs of Beijing when he was a child. Later, his parents divorced, and he, his mother and sister moved out of the compound of the Municipal Party School.

Firstly, the party school is not a big compound, and secondly, after moving out of the compound, Feng Xiaogang lives in poverty.

Under such circumstances, it is only natural that the disciples in the big courtyard look down on Feng Xiaogang.

In order to mix with these big courtyard disciples, Feng Xiaogang is really willing to give in!

After graduating from high school, Feng Xiaogang joined the military art troupe as a stage designer.

Later, the army was streamlined and reorganized, and Feng Xiaogang was forced to retire early and change jobs.

After retiring from the army, Feng Xiaogang went to Beijing Urban Construction Development Corporation to work as a cultural and sports officer of the trade union. It was at this time that Feng Xiaogang met the first noble person in his life-Zheng Xiaolong.

Zheng Xiaolong was born in the compound of the General Logistics Department, and he was the son of the compound that Feng Xiaogang envied.

At that time, Zheng Xiaolong was in charge of production at the Beijing TV Drama Art Center. Anyone who wanted to enter the center had to go through him. Feng Xiaogang respected him very much and followed him all day long. Finally, he was transferred to the TV Drama Center as an artist.

Speaking of an artist, Feng Xiaogang was actually a handyman at that time. His main work was scene recording and drama management. Sometimes he helped the art artist. There is an insignificant little villain, a Vietnamese officer who was shot dead as soon as he played. People in the production team joked with Feng Xiaogang that you look like a Vietnamese villain, thin and shriveled, with a rat head and a row of front teeth.


Feng Xiaogang knows that everyone's booing is a bit mean, but he doesn't mind, as long as he has the opportunity, he is willing to climb up, no matter how small and unbearable the opportunity is-this is the same as the little characters in Feng Xiaogang's early movies. To seize every opportunity to struggle, to face every embarrassment and ridicule with a smile, is to live better for the little space given by the powerful.

Compared with other directors of the same era, although Zhang Yimou was a late bloomer, he was born in a professional class; Yeluzi was born.


Feng Xiaogang has more tenacity and desire to succeed than Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, and Jiang Wen——Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, and Jiang Wen are all noble and proud in essence, and they insist on doing something and not doing it, while Feng Xiaogang only considers how to To survive in this circle, he has no right to be noble at all.

Later, Feng Xiaogang met Wang Min through Zheng Xiaolong's introduction and had a meal.

Wang Yan didn't like Feng Xiaogang from the very beginning, but Feng Xiaogang seemed to be very weak when Mr. Wang was better than Mr. Wang and Mr. Wang was shorter than Mr. Wang.

It was rumored in their circle that the yet-to-be-famous Feng Xiaogang was stalking Wang Min like he was chasing the girl of his dreams, and he would even go out of his way to be kicked out at the dinner party to eat scraps with the last seat.

Although Wang Yan is a ruffian, he has a principle - he never bullies the weak, so he can't shame himself to drive Feng Xiaogang away.

Gradually, Feng Xiaogang got mixed into Wang Min's circle.

Feng Xiaogang is very good at being a human being. He sees that everyone in this circle is good and bad - because he knows that in this circle, there are all dignified people, and it is always right to get close to this group of people.

Feng Xiaogang was so willing to give in, so naturally he got corresponding benefits.

When planning "The Story of the Editorial Department", Feng Xiaogang joined the editorial team relying on Wang Shuo - the play has a total of 25 episodes, Feng Xiaogang probably wrote seven or eight episodes, and the rest were basically written by Wang Yan. Others' writings were all rejected. It was Wang Shuo who helped revise the draft and signed the names of his brothers. Feng Xiaogang's own writing was also imitating Wang Yan's language style.

When it came time to film "Peking Man in New York", Feng Xiaogang wasn't there at first, but Zheng Xiaolong couldn't resist Wang Yan's intercession and let Feng Xiaogang participate in the director.

Including Liu Zhenyun, who has been cooperating with Feng Xiaogang in the later period, was also recommended by Wang Yan for Feng Xiaogang.

Ye Jing was also known by Feng Xiaogang through Wang Min. In his last life, when filming "Party A and Party B", Feng Xiaogang was transferred to a battalion of tanks for free through Ye Jing.

In his last life, Feng Xiaogang really "loved" Wang Min - he could memorize every word of Wang Min's novels!

Moreover, in addition to the spiritual guiding light, Feng Xiaogang has indeed received many practical benefits from Wang Yan.

As a result, Feng Xiaogang often praised Wang Yan involuntarily—in Feng Xiaogang's own words, he often praised Wang Yan until his face turned red and white.


Soon, Feng Xiaogang found out that the rumors were wrong—the company he and Wang Min co-founded had filmed three film and television dramas in a row, but they were all shot down.

It is said that it was because of the nationwide administrative suppression of Wang Yan.

Later, Wang Yan had no choice but to leave the United States to avoid the limelight and relax by the way.

Before leaving, Wang Yan left a sentence for Feng Xiaogang: Let's separate, they are coming after me. You have a chance to live, not to die together.

After Feng Xiaogang heard Wang Yan's words, he went to execute it without saying a word, and went to live on his own. When "Party A and Party B" was released, the name of Wang Yan in the original work was removed. This movie is based on Wang Yan's novel " You Are Not an Ordinary Person" adaptation.

"Party A and Party B" was successfully released, and the box office was quite explosive.

Later, Feng Xiaogang asked his production director to send Wang Shuo 50,000 yuan.


Wang Yan threw out the 50,000 yuan on the spot.

From then on, the two broke up completely.


A few years later, Feng Xiaogang found that he had to go to Wang Min again—"A Sigh" that Feng Xiaogang planned to shoot was adapted from Wang Shuo's novel "Living a Wretched Life". conduct.

Wang Yan didn't answer Feng Xiaogang's calls at all. Feng Xiaogang asked all the people who had a good relationship with Wang Shuo, but it didn't work.

It was Ye Jing who came forward, and Wang Yan agreed to meet Feng Xiaogang.

(Feng Xiaogang acted as director of Ye Jing's debut film "Remember That Song of a Boy 1969", which is considered to be a repayment of Ye Jing's favor.)

"A Sigh" is Feng Xiaogang's first collaboration with Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei.

In the process of discussing cooperation, Feng Xiaogang wanted to curry favor with Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei as well as Wang Shuo, so he said, "My Lord, your script is good, and Boss Wang is also open-minded. I bought your script without blinking an eye. The tax money is on your back."

What Wang Shuo couldn't get used to the most was Feng Xiaogang's cowardly behavior, so he replied calmly: "Hey, such a big boss doesn't lack tens of thousands of dollars." At that time, Feng Xiaogang was very embarrassed.

In Feng Xiaogang's heart, "A Sigh" is his most important film, because this film is not only a microcosm of his own life, but also a work of his true transformation-before this, everyone thought Feng Xiaogang would only make funny films, but "A Sigh" is different, it is a drama with humanistic care.

In fact, after the film came out, both the box office and word-of-mouth were indeed good, and it even won an award at an Egyptian film festival.

Therefore, Feng Xiaogang was very proud.

But when a reporter asked Wang Min for his opinion, Wang Min said, "In my impression, the Egyptian Film Festival is equivalent to a township enterprise award in China."

Ye Jing later asked Wang Min, since you hate this person so much, why did you do it earlier? Wang Yan came up with a sentence: If a person flatters you every day, you can't be anxious with him.

Wang Yan is definitely a real man, a real veteran of Beijing, and he also has the confidence and talent to look down on Feng Xiaogang.


Feng Xiaogang is not Feng Pants in Ye Jing's eyes.

It is undeniable that Feng Xiaogang's rise to prominence is largely due to the support of Wang Yan.

But because of this comprehensive denial of Feng Xiaogang, it is wrong-you know, there are many people around Wang Yan, including Ye Jing who has always looked down on Feng Xiaogang, but Feng Xiaogang is the only one who has benefited the most from Wang Yan, and the most successful person in the end is also Feng Xiaogang, and, don't forget, Feng Xiaogang doesn't have the deep background like Wang Min and Ye Jing, he can only rely on himself.

Feng Xiaogang longs for success and dreams of being famous. In order to be successful, he can let go of all airs and is very good at being a man.

It can be said that Feng Xiaogang is a model of ** silk's counterattack with her own efforts.

Not only does Xu Cun not hate people like Feng Xiaogang, but he respects people like Feng Xiaogang very much. Even, to a certain extent, Xu Cun feels that he is also a person like Feng Xiaogang.

Therefore, Xu Cun not only taught Feng Xiaogang everything, but also gave Feng Xiaogang the opportunity to direct, and never hurt Feng Xiaogang.

Although Feng Xiaogang is willing to give in for success, but no one is born willing to do this!

Feng Xiaogang, who has been a grandson in Wang Min's circle for so many years, met Xu Cun who was sincerely willing to teach him and give him a chance, and he treated him like a spring breeze, so naturally he respected him—respect from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, this is also largely due to the fact that Xu Cun is more able to help Feng Xiaogang than Wang Min and his gang.


What's this?

To paraphrase a sentence Xiao Wang said in the last life: I don’t care if he has money or not when I make friends. Anyway, I don’t have money.

The same is true for Xu Cunjiao, who can only use one word to describe it based on his own mood-do as he pleases!



PS: This chapter is a big chapter with more than 4,300 words, so this chapter is for today.


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