Rebirth of the Little Military Wife

Chapter 778: Cook duck meat for dogs

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update rebirth 80: wife is a little bit of the latest chapter!

The scorpion coquettishly looked at Tang Huai grievously: "I'm not all right yet, I'm still weak."

Tang Huai reached out and let it come to her palm.

She held it, placed it in front of her eyes, and looked at it carefully: "What should I do so that you can get better soon?"

Scorpion bowed his head and rubbed Tang Huai's hand with his small head. "You don't need to do anything. I can come out now. Give me meat."

Tang Huai said: "I will give you a lot of meat for a while."

The scorpion scratched Tang Huai's hand with small claws, Tang Huai felt a slight itch.

The scorpion grieved and said: "I am badly hurt, my soul is weak, and there is no essence secretion."

Tang Huai comforted it: "It's okay, I have a lot of your essence in my body, you don't have to blame yourself for this."

Scorpion raised his head and looked at Tang Huai faintly: "Aren't you treating the old lady now? My essence will make her condition much better, you don't have to work so hard."

It's so considerate, there is such a thoughtful scorpion, really better than boyfriend!

Tang Huai loved this lovely scorpion. She lowered her head involuntarily and fell a kiss on the body of the scorpion: "I don't work hard, without your essence, if I can cure the old lady's illness Does n’t it mean that my medical skills are superb? ”

If the scorpion was a boy, he must have blushed, and the master kissed it, although it was very arrogant.

"With my essence, you can become a magician." As long as its essence becomes an important medicine, what kind of medicine will naturally be considered superb by the world.

"The magician is just a name, don't mind too much. You come out, do you need to attract 'Aura' here?"

"Uh." The scorpion nodded weakly.

"Okay, you are here, I'll get you some food."

"Well." The scorpion nodded weakly, but his eyes lit up when he heard something to eat.

Oh, its meat!

Tang Huai put the scorpion in the tent and came to the Tang Pei military.

In the past five days, Tang Huai has been busy.

Tang Peijun didn't understand herbal medicine. She had to go to the mountain to find some wild herbs in person and use it to boil water to bathe Peng Jiayao.

Every night, when Peng Jiayao had the worst cough, come over to give her acupuncture.

Fortunately, she did not need her to come, how to decoction, how to decoction, she told Tang Peijun, Tang Peijun will also, or she will be more busy.

With everyone working hard, Peng Jiayao's condition was under control. Although he still coughed, it was not as serious as before.

Insist on drinking Chinese medicine every day, Peng Jiayao has good spirit and appetite.

Before Tang Huai did not treat her, she and Tang Peijun had no money to eat, and the food was very bad.

Now, the three hundred pieces Tang Huai gave Tang Peijun, there is still one hundred left.

Eat lean meat every day, the meat and vegetables are even, nutrition is enough, Peng Jiayao's complexion is also better.

When Tang Huai came to their house, Tang Peijun was giving Peng Jiayao decoction.

Outside the courtyard, I smelled a smell of Chinese medicine, which was very strong.

"Tang Huai, have you come to see your grandma?" Su Linfang came over with a live chicken, and when he saw Tang Huai, he immediately smiled.

Seeing that Tang Huai stayed in the village specifically, the villagers treated Peng Jiayao for the disease, and gave Qian Tang Peijun to buy some meat for him. The villagers also saw Tang Huai personally go up the mountain to pick herbs. Heard that it was used to boil water to bathe Peng Jiayao. Tang Huai was in the village and became a good story.

The villagers all knew that the first birth of her parents was a son. When she was the daughter exchanged by Yang Hongxing, the villagers' views on her suddenly changed 180 degrees.

No matter what kind of person Tang Huai's biological father or mother is, and regardless of the biological father's biological mother's family, even if she is abandoned, but they really have the ability.

Dare to love and hate, and can afford to let go, can decisively sever ties with Tang Peijun, and selflessly cure Peng Jiayao.

What made the villagers even more admire was that under her treatment, Peng Jiayao's condition actually improved.

Peng Jiayao is walking now, not as tired as before. When walking in the village, the villagers saw her in good spirits, and occasionally saw her playing with the children in the village ...

Change is too fast.

In just a few days, Peng Jiayao and Tang Peijun went from a pair of desolate old men to a pair of old men who loved life.

The villagers are discussing that they loved life so much under the influence of Tang Huai.

The villagers discussed and discussed, and they also brought Tang Zhidong into talk.

At the beginning, Tang Zhidong fell asleep at home, eating lazily and doing nothing.

When he went to work outside, he couldn't find a job and cultivated the field at home. He couldn't and couldn't eat the hardship of the field.

A 25-year-old man who has no money and no wife-in-law, will not dig roots of sweet potatoes, nor will he plant seedlings, is really a waste.

Now when I went to the county to talk with Tang Huai, I heard that he became a good restaurant manager.

After getting the boss's heavy equipment, the salary was very high, and a girlfriend who was a nurse was also talked about.

At this time, nurses and doctors are tall jobs. A nurse girl can be treated as a girlfriend.

Su Linfang and Tang Youqi are rich when they listen to the villagers bragging about Tang Huai and envious of their son.

Tang Huai put aside his previous resentment and treated Peng Jiayao. The villagers now saw her and all showed admiration.

It may be that there is a coal mine in the village, and the men in the village will dig coal to make money, so that their wives and children can live a good life.

Their gossip also turned in the same direction.

No longer the same as before, look down on lazy people, look down on women who can't give birth to sons.

Now, they gossip about which TV series is good-looking, how much is the clothes to buy in the city, what is delicious today, who will make money, who is filial, etc ...

It may be that the standard of living is better, women do n’t have to be so tired, their grievances are reduced, and their words are beginning to change.

The villagers boasted about Tang Huai, Tang Huai became the story of the village. As a side person, Surin Fang was proud of Tang Huai. It would be great if the villagers praised themselves like this!

So she did her daughter-in-law's filial piety and brought a chicken to visit Peng Jiayao.

Yesterday, the mine paid wages. Tang had money to dig coal in the well and received a lot of wages. She worked in the cafeteria of the mine. Although the wages were small, it was enough for her living expenses.

Surin Fang also had ten dollars in his pocket, which he brought to Tang Peijun.

Tang Huai was seen outside the courtyard. Su Linfang was in a good mood. Tang Huai was really strange. Before her grandparents did n’t love her, she could still do this. Her heart is so good.

Unlike Tang Ying, the appearance is gentle and generous, in fact, it is a girl with a heart and a heart!

Before she was stupid, she went back to the village to raise the baby. Seeing that Peng Jiayao was so sick, she had no food to eat and did not visit them.

Tang Huai can do this, it is really very good.

Surin Fang, inexplicably, hit the bottom of his heart and admired the little girl.

"Two Auntie Niang, what are you doing with a chicken?" Tang Huai was thinking of finding meat for the scorpion, and he saw the chicken in Surin's hand.

If the chicken is killed, the whole one is cooked for the scorpion!

Surin Fang laughed: "I heard that your grandmother has a good appetite. I brought it up and let your grandpa kill her."

Now when the villagers see Tang Huai, they just ask—

How is your grandma?

Your grandfather bought a lot of meat and went back. Is your grandma appetizing?

Your grandmother, your grandfather ... At first, Tang Huai was not used to it. Now, her ears are numb, and when you hear your grandpa and your grandmother, there is nothing in your heart.

"How many chickens does your family have?" Tang Huai asked.

"I just raised three and grabbed this one for your grandma. There is only one. I usually don't want to eat it. It's almost New Year's Day. I keep the two to eat for the New Year."

"Is there a duck?" Tang Huai asked.

"Yes, there are two female ducks. Alas, the ducks eat a lot. If I do n’t watch them laying eggs, I really want to sell them." Will sell.

"I want to buy a duck for Jixiangruyi, you sell it to me."

"Auspicious Ruyi? Who?"

Tang Huaixiao: "My two dogs, they are spoiled by me. They are usually eaten by big fish and meat. After returning to the village for ten days, they have nothing to eat. Chickens and ducks, kill them and eat them. "

Surin was almost not shocked by Tang Huai's words. The dogs raised by Tang Huai not only have a nice name, they even eat big fish and meat?

Tang Huai's dog, life is too good, right?

"Then ... how much do you want to buy a duck?" Sulin Fang swallowed and asked.

"Is the duck big?"

"There are about five catties."

"Both are sold to me, how about fifty yuan?"


Fifty dollars?

Surin Fang was startled and opened his eyes wide.

Fifty dollars? !

Now the whole duck is sold, which is two yuan a catty.

The two ducks in Surinfang's house add up to 11 pounds.

If you take eleven pounds to the town, you can sell a dozen pieces.

As soon as Tang Huai spoke, he gave fifty yuan.

A lot of money!

Why wouldn't Surin sell it?

She put the chicken in Tang Huai's hand and smiled and said: "I'll go back and grab the duck now, you take the chicken in to your grandfather!"

Tang Peijun in the kitchen and Peng Jiayao lying and resting in the house heard Tang Huai and Surin Fang.

Their response is the same as that of Surin Fang.

Following Tang Huai, neither humans nor dogs will not be hungry.

Tang Huai was generous and willing to spend fifty yuan to buy two ducks for two dogs.

She is so good to her dogs, and surely good to her people, right?

The chicken that Su Linfang took, Tang Huai let Tang Peijun raise, and kill tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

She killed the two ducks caught by Surin Fang. She took out the duck's claws and headed out to make soup.

They also took out four duck legs and made a soy sauce duck.

When the scorpion came out, Tang Huai's appetite returned to normal, and people did not feel tired.

The four duck legs were ready. She ate one, and Tang Peijun ate the rest.

Then, Tang Peijun and Peng Jiayao watched Tang Huai, cooked the other duck meat, and then took it away.

Although it was not bought by myself, but watching, such a good duck meat is used to feed the dog, the meat hurts!

Can't we give some bone dogs to eat?

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