Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 356: : Binglin City

? "Look for death!" Nan Tian snorted loudly, his body burst into anger, and then shot suddenly.

Originally, Porot was seriously injured by Nantian.

Is now being attacked by Nantian with all his strength. In a boxing, he screamed suddenly, and his whole body burst.

Porrot was lying on the ground languidly, half dead.

Nantian's voice was cold: "Originally, I was merciful if I didn't kill you directly. I didn't expect that you wouldn't change your mind and want to steal me to kill me?"

"Now, if I don't kill you, what is my face?"

Nantian said, his hands rose and his sword fell.

The blade of the sword slipped, and suddenly, the head of Porrot broke up.

Aside, Wacker looked shocked.

Borrot, such a third-rank Dacheng Wuzun, died.

"Be obedient and obedient, don't have a second heart, otherwise, this guy is your end!"

Nantian shocked.

"Yes, I will do my best to cooperate with adults. There will never be a second heart."

Wack said with a low eyebrow.

"Okay! There are still a lot of troops brought by Porrot. You have been working under the Indian king's account for so many years, you should have some skills. Hurry and surrender the army to me. If you can't surrender, all will be killed in place! ''

"Soon, I will send troops to attack the capital of the printing king, Xin Demin, and destroy the printing king." Nan Tian said lightly.

"What destroys the Inking King? This is not a trivial matter! It's not just talking about it. We have been with the Inking King for so many years and we haven't figured out the details of Inking King.

"Although the Indian King has always been said to be the weakest third-class prince king. But no matter what, it is also a third-class prince king! Years. God knows, how big is the King of India? "

‘So, lord, you must not act rashly! ‘’

Wacker suggested.

Wacker has his own thoughts. Now that things have developed to this point, Wacker can no longer control it.

Originally, Wacker was a member of the Indian King. Now he betrayed the Indian King and turned to Nantian. This news will soon spread.

When the time comes, the Indian King will definitely chase him down thousands of miles!

In order to survive, Wacker can only stand on the same front as Nantian.

If yes, Nan Tianbing is defeated, Wacker will be finished.

Nantian's eyes are old, Wacker's careful thinking, how could Nantian not know.

"I understand your careful thinking! You can rest assured, since I dare to attack the Indian king's troops, I have a certain victory! You don't have to worry about it!"

Nantian sneered.

"Yes, adult, villain understand!"

Wacker couldn't speak much when he saw Nantian angry.

Nantian gave Wack a few words and asked Wack to take over the army.

After finishing these things, Nantian found Masto alone.

Masto shivered, curled up in a small corner.

"Master Nantian, what's the matter?"

Master asked carefully.

"whats the matter?"

"Oh, you guys, what's the matter with your face? It's funny!"

"You secretly ordered the dead to send a letter to Porrot!"

Nantian said lightly.

Masto “giggled” in his heart, knowing that something was exposed.

Immediately, Masto knew that he was in danger.

Masto knocked his head heavily, knocking off his forehead.

"Adult, I'm sorry! Adult, I'm sorry!"

"It is my fault!"

"The villain is confused, please forgive me!"

Master asked for mercy.

Nantian shook his head softly: "Late! I knew so, why did I have to! I hate you the most in Nantian, eating out, eating out, fearing death, hateful, **** it!"

The voice of Nantian fell.

Bloody of blood, Master Tuo died on the spot.


Although Wacker is an ascetic monk, after all, he has been serving by the Indian King for many years, and he has many tokens on his body. Those tokens are of very high rank.

Wacker came forward to stabilize the army, which had a very good effect.

Although some of the nearly 200,000 troops were also muted and protested.

However, these little soldiers can't get upset.

Wacker quelled the mutiny in minutes.

The army has been integrated.

Nantian's rough review, plus the original army of hundreds of thousands of llamas, now the number has surged to more than 300,000!

Of course, the true core team is still the thousands who came back from the Ji Wangfeng zone.

Yang Fei and Yang Lie are gradually adapting to commanding a large-scale army.

Around the border, there are several other troops of the Indian King.

Nantian also assembled a large force, and with a thunder and no hurry to cover his ears, he wiped out these troops.

In this way, all the border areas of the Indian King were under the jurisdiction of Nantian.

Gradually, Nan also began to retreat to the second line, so that the fame of the flying king and the fierce king gradually became famous!

Nantian's large army is also on the road like a broken bamboo, and has opened to the capital city of the Indian king's fief-Xin De You!


At this moment, in the central palace of Xindemin!

Indian King jumped like thunder!

Inking has got the news!

The two ascetic monks on whom he relied quite a lot-Warri, Wacker!

Warri was crushed by the rebellion, Dan Tian, ​​became a waste person, and is now in exile.

Wacker turned to Nantian.

As for the mighty right-hand general, Porrot, he is also dead!

Now, hundreds of thousands of troops originally belonging to the Indian King have been collected by Nantian!

Heard, spies came to report, his own soldiers, surrounded the city.

India is angry and impatient!

"Flying king, fierce king! Good, good! These two newly emerged grassy young kings have also dared to turn against the sky! How many years have these years, although they have been with the princes of Bucky, Yue, Tan, etc Wang Po had friction, but he was not directly chased to the capital! "

"This time ~ ~ If I didn't give the two Cao Mang Wang to the broken corpse, where should I put my face!"

Yin Wang snorted.

"Underground forces, attack me!"

Indian Wang stood up suddenly, dressed in armor, and walked outside the palace, shaking his arm!

Bang, Bang!

Two loud noises, two square cracks in the palace square.

Several huge staircase steps emerged.


The sound of uniform footsteps came!

A series of black armor soldiers like the flood came out of the ground and fought into a large row of black pressure on both sides of the square.

These black armor warriors have a rough view, more than one hundred thousand.

These people have been secretly cultivated by the Indian King for decades.

These black armor fighters are much more powerful than ordinary soldiers.

A black armor soldier can fight thirteen or four ordinary soldiers.

The combined black armor warriors are able to fight hundreds of enemy forces!

The capital city of the Indian King still has more than half a million permanent troops stationed in it, plus 100,000 black armor soldiers.

Indian Wang was proud and proud for a time, and smiled proudly: "Hidden for so long, today, I will look at the world, the powerful strength of this king!"

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