Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 620: : Meet the Queen of Spiders

"Bold, insulting the queen!"

"Boy, don't you want to live anymore?"

Suddenly, from the palace, a demon dressed in a tuxedo appeared and looked very polite.

"Butler Demon King!"

Fat Pig King, seeing the coming people clearly, he couldn't help but beating a spirit.

This demon is the steward of the spider queen, who is responsible for all the housework in the central-yang palace.

In the vicinity of the whole red clay, in addition to the spider queen, the most despised thing is this housekeeper devil king!

"Mr. Butler, hello!"

The Fat Pig King is respectful and authentic.

The housekeeper Demon King glanced at the Fat Pig King: "Fat Pig King, your news is well-informed! Except for the bull head, tiger head, and elk demon king, you are the fourth to worship!"

Suddenly, the housekeeper Demon King gave Nan Tian a fierce glance: "However, this man of yours is really damn, insulting the Queen, such a big injustice, it should be killed!"

The fat pig king was confused by the words of the housekeeper demon king.

In particular, what is the fourth to come to worship after the bull head, tiger head, elk demon queen?

Bull head, tiger head, elk devil king, fat pig king naturally know. .

The three demon kings are the most outstanding and outstanding lord demon kings near Hongtupo, and they are very powerful.

Anyone can easily defeat the Fat Pig Demon King.

They were also granted great privileges by the queen.

They can come here every day to meet the Queen of Spiders, like the Fat Pig King. It is totally unexpected to come here today.

Just now, why, the housekeeper Demon King seems to be expected to come?

The fat pig king's mind is teleported. Although it looks like a pig head and a pig brain, this does not mean that the fat pig king is stupid.

On the contrary, the Fat Pig King is smarter than the average Devil King.

However, now that the situation is urgent, the housekeeper Demon King is about to start against Nantian.

Fatty Pig Rong didn't think much, "pop", knelt down to the ground.

"Master Master, Master Nantian, is the master of the devil, not my men. His words just now were unintentional, and I hope Master Master will forgive me!"

The Fat Pig King yelled.

The housekeeper Demon King sneered: "Fat Pig King, you are the devil king. Now, he is full of mouths. The demon master? What is the demon master, how powerful is the demon master? Will it be him? Seeing his appearance, it is clear A skinny human! "

In the world of demons, there are not only demons, but also humans.

However, in the world of demons, demons dominate. The number of human beings is not large, and most of them are slaves of demons, and they are driven by the relentless lashes of demons.

Seeing Nantian's appearance, the housekeeper Demon King was filled with disdain.

Nantian was also very angry.

According to the tone of the housekeeper Demon King, this Demon King must not be less abused-treat humans, like this kind of demon, really hateful, must be severely punished!

The housekeeper Demon King flew fiercely to Nantian and wanted to tear Nantian into pieces.

Nan Tian was furious, kicked a mountain fist, and struck hard.


The loud noise came, and the housekeeper Demon King was blown out at once.

The housekeeper demon king is not as good as the three demon kings of bull head, tiger head and elk.

However, the housekeeper Demon King is not a vegetable.

The strength of the housekeeper Demon King, speaking of it, can be comparable to that of the first-class mech warrior in the average human being, and it is much more powerful than the fat pig king.


The housekeeper demon fell down in front of the gate of the palace and shattered the blue stone slabs at the gate of the palace.

"Master Butler!"

Someone exclaimed that the guards of the palace were all shocked!

Fat Pig King is also pale.

"Gosh! Master Nantian, beat the housekeeper Demon King!"

The fat pig king was shocked and frightened.

After all, this is the site of the Queen of Spiders, but the housekeeper Devil King is also the Queen's confidant housekeeper.

After hitting the queen of spiders, the end must be very miserable!

"Master, master, what should we do now?"

Fat pig king, the fat on his face shuddered.

"The demon you just beat is the queen's confidant butler!"

Fatty Pig, said in a panic.

Nan Tian laughed and patted the fat pig king's head: "I'm afraid of anything! If you hit it, you're still afraid of a fart! That's fine, just hit it all the way. You can just watch it aside!

The Meteor Mecha upgraded to the advanced state gave Nantian great confidence.

Moreover, in the realm of life, Nantian still has several powerful men!

For example, Zat, Xiaoyan, Ancient Demon Lord!

As soon as they came out, they were all equivalent to mech warfare emperor masters, and they were not inferior to the demon emperor!

Butler, the devil king, was beaten by Nantian, and was naturally very angry.

The housekeeper Demon King shouted: "The little ones, give them to me! Kill those guys, don't let any one go!"

Butler Demon King, angry.

There are many demon guards in the central-yang palace of the queen of spiders.

These demons swarmed up, which is a very large number.

Nantian took a cursory look, not to mention, there are thousands more!

As long as you fight one by one, you really have to spend a lot of energy and time.

A trace of sneer crossed across Nan Tian's mouth, and suddenly he remembered a good way.

Nan Tian released his Supreme Devil Lineage.

At this stage, Nantian's Supreme Bloodline is not particularly important for advanced demons.

However, for the middle and low-level demons, it is a great deterrent!

The endless dominance of the master's breath was released with the southern sky as the center, and spread to the surroundings.

"It's so powerful!"

"This is the power of the master! The demon master is here!"

The middle and low-level demons near the palace could no longer support it, and they prodded to the ground one after another.

Those high-level demons also looked dignified.

Although the Supreme Devil Bloodline has no such absolute control over them, it is still quite shocking to their hearts.

Coupled with just now, Nan Tian punched out the housekeeper Demon King, and the powerful strength was imprinted in the minds of many demons.

For a time, these guarding demon, really did not dare to step forward.

The anger of the housekeeper Demon King also disappeared a lot.

As the devil king, the housekeeper demon king naturally knows what this breath represents.

"Master? Demon master? What a pure and supreme demon lineage? Are you really a demon master?"

Butler Demon King, looking at Nantian's eyes, was a bit more afraid.

"I am the ruler, the one who obey me, and enjoy the wealth! Those who do not obey, kill without pardon!"

Nan Tian said loudly.

In the palace, the sleeping queen of spiders was also awakened by the coercion of this bloodline!

"What a noble bloodline!"

"It is more noble than the Devil Emperor! There is also the breath of the Lord. Is it the Demon Lord? The Demon Lord has been in the Devil Realm for millions of years?

The red robe woman awakened suddenly and murmured.

"No, I want to go out and have a look!"

Do not care how to dress up, the red robe woman, put on a loose pajamas, cover, hot-hot figure, just flew out.

Outside the palace, the butler demon king was sweating anxiously.

Facing Nantian's surrender and surrender orders, the housekeeper Demon King did not know whether to follow or not.

Soon, the housekeeper Demon King was also awake.

Butler Demon King shouted: "You are definitely not the real demon master! The real demon master is very powerful. If you are the real demon master, I should have died just now!"

Thanks to that, every once in a while, there will be a demon emperor descending the decrees around the demon world.

Butler demon kings, these demon kings, still have a fresh memory of the powerful breath of the devil emperor.

Like Nantian, although noble in terms of lineage, but cultivation is superior, it has a chasm-like gap with the devil emperor.

"Stubbornness, **** it!"

Nantian's eyes were cold.

Until now, the spider queen has not come out.

Nantian must kill chickens and monkeys too!

After all, when Nantian came here, he had to dominate all the way, catch a lot of demonic emperors, and summon an army of demons.

The demons admire strength and like force!

Weak people cannot control the army of demons!

The housekeeper demon king also gathered a group of senior devils loyal to the queen of spiders, ready to resist Nantian's death.


Just when Nantian was ready to start.

A woman who is absolutely sexy, sexy, and hot, and flew out in her pajamas.

"you are?"

From this woman ~ ~ felt a strong breath.

Nantian instantly launched the Wushen system and scanned:

Target: Queen of Spiders

Physical fitness: 39.8 standard stars

Mental Power: 39.7 Standard Star Value

Vitality: 39.6 standard stars

Strength: 39.5 standard stars

Agility: 39.4 standard stars

Talent skills: Spider Web, Soul Eater Poison

Comprehensive combat power: 39.6 standard stars

"Queen of spiders? 39.6 standard stars? Comparable to the medium seventh-rank mech warrior!"

Nan Tian was shocked. It turned out that this woman of human appearance turned out to be the master of Hongtupo. She was known as the cruelest and the most poisonous spider queen!

The overall combat power is comparable: the Seventh Grade Mech Warlord!

This combat power is indeed powerful. Up to now, the human masters that Nan Tian has seen so far are truly exquisite. That is, Zhao Ming is stronger than the green-printed purple abyss guard than the spider queen.

"Queen Spider!"

Nan Tian narrowed his eyes and looked directly at this powerful woman.

The woman was stunned slightly, and she could feel that the noble pedigree breath was transmitted from Nantian.

"Master's breath!"

"Noble lineage!"

"However, you are not the real demon ruler! I can even feel that your real cultivation is not as powerful as me!"

The woman's eyes flickered and spoke lightly.

Nan Tian laughed: "Who knows not to fight?"

The woman stretched out her white-skinned fingers and put them in her beautiful lips, licking-licking, licking, and staring at Nantian: "However, you look really handsome like this human being! The most important thing , Your blood is noble, and you have the air of domination. The Devil Emperor is nowhere near you! Ha ha, little handsome boy, about? "

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