Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 627: : Under the City

"Recruiting millions of middle and senior mercenary demons?"

Nantian was also surprised!

This is a group of extremely powerful combat power.

Haibao Demon Emperor nodded: "I know, sir, you may not believe me? But, to tell you the truth, our blood harbor does have this kind of strength!"

Nan Tian flicked the table: "What are you waiting for, recruit me! I want a large army of demons!"

The Queen of Spiders whispered and stepped forward: "Adult, in the outer world, only demon above and above can survive for a long time. Ordinary low and middle level demons can't stay for three days! Due to the environment, our demons will suffer a lot of constraints! "

Nantian nodded and waved his hand: "I told you to do it. I will not let those demons stay for a long time."

As early as after receiving the allegiance of the sea demon emperor, the Wushen system issued a prompt tone:

"Spur task: surrender to the red soil slope, fall to the demon ridge, and rule the demon emperor in the three major areas of Blood Harbor! Completion reward: call a flag and put it in the storage box!"

Nantian took the time to take a look at this calling flag, which could be scanned and pre-installed on 100 million units of living things or objects in advance.

When the time comes, Nantian holds this calling banner and can summon those "pre-installed" living creatures across the border.

As for sending them back, it is also very simple, as long as the calling flag is manipulated to perform some special tricks.

After all, millions of demonic forces, one by one, leaped out of the cracks in space, and then into the castle town. If you use conventional methods, you will definitely experience many unimaginable troubles.

However, with such a magic weapon to summon the banner in hand, all the troubles of transporting the demon army are not a problem.


The Queen of Spiders saw Nantian being so calm, it was hard to say anything.

Suddenly, Nan Tian seemed to think of something again and snapped his fingers.

"I ask you one thing!"

"Queen Spider, Sin Raft Demon Emperor, Sea Crowd Demon Emperor! Approximately how many low-level demons can mobilize in your three domains!

Nan Tian suddenly asked.

The evil raft demon emperor, clenched his fists and replied: "Master Nantian, the worst in the demon world is the lower-level demon. Such a demon, the lowest status, my land has at least 30 million or more!"

The Queen of Spiders also nodded: "Sin Raft is right, and the low-level demons I own on Red Earth Slope are over ten million!"

Haibao Demon Emperor patted his chest even more: "Those low-level guys, I have hundreds of millions of blood in the harbor!"

The demons are divided into levels: low-level demons, intermediate demons, high-level demons, demon king, demon emperor, demon emperor, demon ruler!

Low-level demons are equivalent to ordinary mech warriors among humans.

In the endless sea of ​​stars, ordinary mech warriors are not powerful, but on some small planets, mech warriors are the main force of combat.

At the very least, in the internal organization of the Galaxy Army, the number of ordinary mech warriors is still in the mainstream.

When I thought back to that year, Nantian spent all his hard work on Sea Blue Star before becoming a mech warrior.

Moreover, on the Sea Blue Star, the social status of Mech Warriors is also quite high!

"For the battle, look at the momentum and the strength!"

"Winning without a fight, Fang Weidao! Now that the guys who decided to give Pearl Sect good looks, hey!"

Suddenly, Nantian had a good plan in mind.

"The three of you each transferred a large part of the lower-level demons and joined the battle!"

"In short, I have three hard rules for you as follows: the three of you must give me a large army of low, middle and high level demons and demon kings within two days. The number is about 100 million."

Nan Tian solemnly ordered.

"If, after two days, I don't see enough demons, Hugh blames me mercilessly!"

Nan Tian looked cold.

Hai Chou Devil Emperor and others could not help but shivered, Nan Tian taught them before, their wounds still hurt.

"Yes, please be assured of Master Nantian. We will do our best to deal with the things you have explained!"

The Sea Devil Emperor, as far as the leader is concerned.

Nantian waved his hand: "Okay, it's not too early, let's go down!"

The Queen of Spiders was sentimental and looked at Nan Tian, ​​forcing the sound into a line, clearly conveying the words to Nan Tian's ears.

"My ... adult Nantian ... do you need to wait-sleep?"

Queen Spider asked, pretty-face-blushingly.

Nantian's eyes were sharp, and Yizheng said eloquently: "Go on!"

The Queen of Spiders had no choice but to retreat.

Nan Tian is also a hot sweat, this spider queen, dressed in a beautiful human skin, looks, it is too irritating.

However, Nantian still insists on his principles.

Some bottom lines, Nantian didn't want to touch-touch.

Nan Tian also has Li Leyin and Tang Qingcheng, as well as an unsuspecting peach blossom fairy-Nalan Qingruo.

In this life, there are enough women lingering around Nantian.

Nantian is very self-sufficient.


The main star of Beilao, near Castlevania!

After a few days and nights of full-speed trek, the army of Pearl Sect rushed to the outside of Demon City not far in advance.

As long as one or two more days, the million soldiers of the Pearl Sect will be able to annex the Devil City!

The news from Castlevania is also making these high-ranking Pearl Sect leaders angry!

"Four Heavenly Eyes, three actually died! The abominable Nantian, even destroyed the foundation of my spy department!"

The spy clerk's part-Long Weeping Silicon, gritted his teeth.

The deputy patriarch Chuiqi patted Cicada's shoulder: "Cryacic Division-Long, rest assured, this hatred, our Pearl Sect will repay it twice!"

The Elder Weeping War also roared: "I will slaughter the entire Demon City, and let all the people of a city be buried with them to commemorate my dead Pearl Sect Warrior!"

"Slaught the castle, slaughter the castle!"

"All kill, all kill!"

The Elder Weeping Warfare is in the upper echelons of Pearl Sect.

Encouraged by the elders of Weeping Battle, a group of masters of the Pearl Sect shouted drums and shouted with great momentum and murderousness.

The people in the villages and towns, separated by dozens of miles away, were all scared with a dull face.

The Ye family in Luoye Town, under the leadership of the house owner, greeted the Pearl Sect in a fart.

Only the five elders of the Ye family can't bear the style of the head of the family, and the behavior of the greedy and fearful death party in the family.

Of course, not only the villages and towns of Yeye Town, but also the villages and towns around Castlevania, basically surrendered the Pearl Sect.

The army of the Pearl Sect is so terrifying. The soldiers are strong and powerful. One million soldiers can swallow thousands of miles!

In Castlevania, the deputy head of the Harry family, who is now in charge of the overall situation, is also dignified.

The spies kept reporting on the front line.

Moreover, deserters have also increased recently.

The Pearl Sect hasn't really come out yet. According to this situation, it won't take long for them to fall apart!

The deputy head looked at the distance with anticipation and murmured in his mouth: "Master Nantian, please come back quickly! If you don't come back, the Castlevania will not exist!"

Two days later, in the demon world, Nantian personally ordered the soldiers!

The Sea Devil Emperor, the Sin Raft Demon Emperor, and the Spider Queen rule the three Demon Emperors, bringing together the demon warriors in their respective territories.

The total number of various demons under the three demonic emperors reached hundreds of millions!

This number just fits the tolerance range of the calling flag!

Nantian was full of enthusiasm and used the calling flag to scan many demons one by one.

According to the system, all these demons are now "pre-installed"!

Haibao Devil Emperor, they are unknown. So "Master Nantian, are we going to enter the outside world from a crack in the space of Hongtupo?"

Nan Tian laughed: "That's so old-fashioned! You just have to wait in the demon world. Then, I will call you all out!"

The sea lord Demon Emperor and others couldn't help but panic, all summoned out at once?

Are there hundreds of millions of demons here?

How much energy does this require?

Even if the Cang family in Castlevania is born with a demon lineage, under normal circumstances ~ ~ there will be three opportunities to summon the devil in one lifetime!

Nan Tian has hundreds of millions of demons in one breath, and he will come with his mouth open. How bold is this?

Nan Tian glanced at the sin raft demon emperor and others: "Your eyes are still too low. When you reach my level, you will have another idea!"

"Yes, or Master Nantian, great! We are ordinary demons, where can we compare with Master Nantian."

The Sea Devil Emperor said flatteringly.

Nan Tian smiled but did not answer, and even looked masterly!

Pretend-to force it to be bigger, pretend to be fresh and refined!

"Cangzhe, we should go back now! Castlevania these days, do not know what happened!"

Nantian didn't know the time conversion ratio between the demon world and the outside world.

Nantian was very worried that the deputy head of Harry could not bear it.

It has to be said that this time the million male soldiers of the Pearl Sect did come raging!

"Well, let's go back!"

Cangzhe nodded.

This time he came to the Demon Realm, which can be added to Cangzhe's knowledge.

In the future, Nantian cannot be permanently stationed in Alcatraz City. Cangzhe also has the supreme demon lineage. When Nantian's spokesperson is a good seedling.

Nantian also cultivated the heart of Cangzhe.

Non-stop all the way, Nantian took Cangzhe out of the space crack and returned to the great wild forest.

From the wilderness forest, all the way ran out of the devil city.

Due to the inability to fly, Nantian and Cangzhe had a lot of dust on them, and their clothes also looked dirty.

By this time, the million soldiers of the Pearl Sect had completely surrounded the entire castle.

It's just that the deputy patriarch of the Pearl Sect cries to issue the final general attack order.

The deputy head of Harry, led a group of loyal family guards, standing on the wall, palms full of sweat!

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