Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 630: : Rolling momentum

"Is this Nantian holding an ordinary flag in his hand? Waving a fart? I really don't believe it. How many troops can he summon from the flag?"

Pearl Sect ’s weeping battle dismissed a smile. In his opinion, everything Nan Tian did was futile.

The Lord Ye family in Luoye Town is more like a "little man", pointing at Nantian and cursing: "Bold fanatics, they have not surrendered quickly! The adults and the army of the Pearl Sect have arrived, and you have no future. ! If you do n’t surrender, you will definitely die! "

Cang Zhe, who was beside the Cang family, knew this Ye family leader. In the past, the Ye family leader was loyal to the Cang family.

Now, the sudden betrayal also embarrassed Cangzhe.

"Yejiazhu, you betrayed your boss, you are brazen, and now dare to insult the lord of the city? You really deserve to die!"

Cangzhe scolded.

Lord Ye sneered with a cold smile, extremely proud: "Want to kill me? Let's look at your current situation first!"

The other high-ranking Pearl Sect leaders also laughed and sneered at Nantian.

In their view, Nantian's current action is like a "clown".

It's just that the stage of this performance is in Castlevania!

The soldiers in the city are also somewhat puzzled.

"City Lord, what is he doing?"

"Waving a black flag, can you resist the million troops of the Pearl Sect?"

The soldiers had a lot of discussions, and their impression of Nantian was greatly reduced.

"Our city master! Alas, it really doesn't work!"

Many people sighed even more.

"No, don't say that to the city master!"

Harry's deputy head frowned, yelling loudly!

"We have to believe the city master! The city master will surely bring us miracles!"

Deputy head of Harry clenched his fists.

"Prepare to meet the enemy! At least the city lord did not abandon us and escape alone like the former power leaders. We, as our men, have such a clear lord, it is already a blessing for three lives. Follow the city lord and kill the enemy together ! "

"Dare to offend us in Castlevania. We are all natives of Castlevania. If we offend my homeland and our homeland, we must resist with death.

Led by the deputy head of Harry, many soldiers guarding the Castlevania could not help being enemies and enemies, filled with indignation and tremendous momentum!

Nan Tian mumbled a sentence: "The mantra was just wrong. The power on the banner was not displayed, haha, sorry!"

Weeping, glaring at Nantian, scolding: "What are you doing! Nantian, you are also a master at any rate, and you are ranked as the Lord of the Devil City. It's a shame to engage in these bells and whistles every day!"

"Is it really bells and whistles?"

Nan Tian smiled slightly.

The preparation for calling the flag has been completely completed.

"Come out!"

Nantian waved violently holding the flag.

All of a sudden, it was dim and dark!

The dark clouds rolled over, the dark air filled, covering the sky and the sun, and covering the whole castle.

The world is changing, the wind is howling!

A chill, people shudder!

Then, a creaky space crack broke out from between heaven and earth.

From this crack in the space, there were constant grinnings, fierce and fierce demons, and they jumped out.

One two three ...

One million two million three million ...

Ten to twenty thirty million ...

In the end, the demon army is like a vast ocean, endless, like a torrent of steel, and surrounds the entire devil city.

Someone in the Pearl Sect carried a high-tech counting tool. After precise calculations, he came up with a terrifying number: "more than 110 million demons"!

"More than 100 million demons?"

"How did the demon army of the demon world airborne into the castle?"

The people of Pearl Sect are dumbfounded, they are terrified!

More than 100 million demons, it is a great fighting force.

Whether it is the deputy patriarch crying, or the first elder crying battle, or the spy war department-the chief is embarrassed.

"Could it be that so many armies were really called by Nantian with that small banner?"

Many people are horrified.

In the distance, Song Xian and others from the Beishui Sect were also terrified.

With so many demonic forces, the pressure on them is also great.

I could have intervened in the situation in Castlevania, but now it's all messed up.

Unclear about the origin of such a large army of demons, Song Xian did not dare to act rashly.

Wang Bochao said timidly: "Master, are so many demons really called from Nantian?"

Song Xian repudiated: "Impossible! First of all, in the Castlevania, only the descendants of the Devil Cang family have devil blood.

However, even if the heirs of the lineage use the demon lineage vividly, there are only one or two demon summoned, and rarely more than three! "

"Suddenly across the border like this, summoning hundreds of millions of demons, even the owner of the legendary supreme demon lineage can't do it. I think these demons come from across the border, there should be some special The reason. Let ’s stay calm for a while ~ ~ Just wait and see how it changes. Those who have trouble with the Pearl Sect, give us cannon fodder and die for us first! "

Song Xian said easily.

"The chief executive said so!"

Wang Bochao, little-chicken pecking-mi nodded.

However, next, Song Xian and they were severely beaten.

Several powerful and powerful demon emperors came across the border.

The sea roar demon emperor, the spider queen, the sin raft demon emperor, and the blue whale demon emperor, came in turn and bowed towards the southern sky.

"See, Master of the Southern Sky!"

The four demon emperors are respectful and increasingly respect Nantian.

Previously, Nantian said that there was a way for them to have hundreds of millions of troops and cross the border into the world.

Originally, the four of them did not believe it.

But now it turns out that Nantian did not deceive them.

Nan Tian waved his flag and broke the Demon Realm, summoning them all.

This is not a small number, but a "hundreds of millions" demon army!

What an amazing number!

How amazing is it that this can be done?

Although, Nan Tian said, he is not the real demon master!

However, in such a miracle, Nantian waved his hand, not the master, but the master!

The demon emperor bowed his head and bowed, and hundreds of millions of demonic troops worshiped!

Ascending to the top, so glorious!

Nan Tian's eyes were cold, sweeping the three high-level Pearl Sects in front of him, as well as the "millions" of soldiers.

"Just you shouted just now, you want to destroy my castle? Just rely on you, how much do you want to bully?"

Nan Tian's voice was cold.

Everyone in the Pearl Sect had no reason to tremble.

Originally, the army of the Pearl Sect with high morale suddenly collapsed.

The momentum is crushed, killing invisible.

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