Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 641: : 1 person running alone

"Yanzong? Which sect does the Flame King belong to?"

Indistinctly, Nantian thought of the phantom that he saw in the ancient beast grave.

In that battle, the four masters surrendered to the ancient demon leader and sealed it up.

Nowadays, Nantian also relies on the "puppet symbolic trap" to collect the ancient demon master as his own.

However, in the distant past, I have to say that Ao Xue Jianhuang, Flame King are all first-class heroes, the savior of the entire planet.

Without their sacrifices, the vast protagonist will not have today's peace and prosperity.

Yin Yuyu sighed: "The elders of Yanzong always thought that I was Xuezong's proud Snow Sword Emperor, assassinated the Flame Lord, and let himself survive to have the current Xuezong prosperity. The Yanzong seniors are in Long time in the river, I have always hated our Xuezong. "

"Originally, Yanzong's comprehensive strength is not as good as our Xuezong. No matter how much hatred Yanzong has, it will not cause us any substantial harm."

"However, just last month, the senior officials of Yanzong didn't know where to find an ancient ruin. Inside the ruins, there were a large number of weapons left by the ancestors of Yanzong and some invaluable spiritual practices, and A valuable antique treasure! "

"Because of the excavation of the ruins, Yan Zong has become stronger than ever! Yan Zong used the antique treasures as a reward to unite the Soul Group and the Xuan Xian Gang!"

Yin Yuyu said slowly.

Regarding the soul group, there is also the Xuanxian Gang, and Nantian is also slightly heard.

While studying at Ziyu College, Nantian heard about it.

Although these two forces are not inherited, they were not established very long ago, but they have developed rapidly.

Among them, the soul group is an underground organization that has risen on the vast star in recent years. Dedicated to the sale of some assassinations, it has become the first killer organization on the vast star.

The Xuanxian Gang is also a gang that cannot be underestimated. This gang has a low barrier to entry and a large number of gangs. It is spread across the vast vast majority of stars. It is set up in major cities and even some villages and towns.

Moreover, in recent years, Yanzong has also secretly accumulated strength, nurtured, refined, accumulated, sharp, and hidden power. It is also quite strong. This time, he united the soul group and the Xuanxian Gang to make it stronger than ever.

Under the attack of Yanzong, Xuezong suffered heavy losses and lost a lot of sites!

The situation is urgent, only to seek strong foreign aid.

Tianbeihou is in charge of the Northwest Group Army and commands the most powerful first, second, third, and fourth army with comprehensive combat capabilities, and has 4-5 million regular troops.

With the support of Tianbeihou, Xuezong can resolve the crisis.

"It turns out this way, go ahead!"

Nan Tian did not want to delay Yin Yuyu.

Xuezong was in great trouble, and every minute a large number of disciples died.

Tian Beihou's help is very important.

Yin Yuyu nodded and led the two attendants to enter the Hou Mansion to visit Tianbeihou.

Yin Yuyu hasn't gone far.

Tianbeihou came out on his own.

Tianbeihou looked dignified and seemed to have known about Xuezong's affairs for a long time.

"Hou Ye!"

Yin Yuyu shouted.

Tianbeihou raised his hand slightly: "No need to pay more!"

"I know you girl, why is it here!"

"Tell your father, I can't control Xue Zong's affairs."

Tian Beihou said decisively.

Yin Yuyu was struck by lightning, and the whole person was stunned.

Yin Yuyu's eyes cried uncontrollably.

"Hou Ye, why? You are the head of the four major military servants in the famous northwest district of Shenghua City, and a big figure with a face on the entire vast star!"

"As long as you help, my Xuezong millions of disciples can be rescued!"

Yin Yuyu cried.

Tianbeihou sighed: "I am a good military officer, but my sphere of influence is in the northwest of Shenghua City! Your Xuezong headquarters is not in Shenghua City. This time, your main battlefield against Yanzong is not in Shenghua City. I though I am willing to help you, but I am helpless. "

"Without the command of the high level of the military department, I cannot lead soldiers and horses into other areas without permission," Tianbeihou shook his head.

"However, you can issue a statement saying that you support me Xuezong! Your reputation is so great, Yanzong they might throw a mouse taboo!" Yin Yuyu is not sure to give up.

Tianbeihou shook his head: "Girl, you are naive every day! What effect can an empty statement have? This time, in order to attack Xuezong, Yanzong has paid such a big price, would you listen to me? declaration?"

"You go!"

"Xue Zong's things, I'm really powerless!" Tianbeihou said, carrying his hands, turned and left.

Yin Yuyu stood on the spot, tears like rain.

Nan Tian was on the side and did not know what to comfort.

Just now, Nantian also planned to use the power of Xuezong to settle the Yongbei Palace.

Now, it seems that Xuezong is insecure.

For a long time, Nantian stepped up and patted Yin Yuyu, and said softly: "If you don't want to abandon, I can help you fight Xuezong!"

Yinyu Yulihua took the rain and shook her head: "No ~ ~ This war is a matter of Xuezong and Yanzong, and I can't involve you. Nantian You are now Ziyuanwei, Ziyuan The internal regulations of Wei are even more strict, and they are involved in the clan struggle privately, which will do you no harm!

"Moreover, no matter how powerful your personal force is, can you withstand thousands of troops? Nantian, you are a good person, I don't want to drag you down ..."

After all, Yin Yuyu led the attendant and returned to the luxury car. The "Boom" car started, carrying Yin Yuyu away.

Nan Tian murmured, "Personal force? Actually strong enough to be able to fight against the sky!"

"Now, since Tianbeihou is not sure to help. The new and old hatred between me and Yongbeihou, let me resolve it myself!"

Nantian thought.

After leaving Tianbeihoufu, Nantian did not go there either, and walked directly towards Yongbeihoufu.

Came to the gate of Yongbei Houfu.

The guarded sergeant, know Nantian!

Yongbeihou hated Nantian immensely, and the sergeant in the house was also facing Nantian, with hatred.

"You are Nantian!"

"What are you doing here?"

"Catch it first, and then give it to Hou Ye for questioning!" A group of sergeants surrounded Nantian.


In Nantian's eyes, a burst of cold light burst-shot-out.

The power of the imperial realm is boundless!

A team of sergeants was directly flew out.

"Ming ~~ Ming ~~~ !!!"

"Someone invades Hou Mansion! Someone invades Hou Mansion!"

The alarm of Yongbei Palace was instantly raised!

At this moment, Yongbei Hou was not in the Hou Mansion, and it was the big housekeeper who presided over the Hou Mansion.

The big housekeeper took the case and said: "Who boldly dares to invade the Yongbei Hou Mansion?"

"It's Nantian, he came alone!" Sergeant Hui reported.

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