The question of Benli Shinawatra asked the core of Tan Zhenhua's action.

Back in Wenzhou, Tan Zhenhua Xie Li and their team put forward the guidelines of the "Five Strategies for Peace and Burma", and the last strategy of these "five strategies" is to use Xie Li for their presence in the Dai country. A reliable inside line of the company, that is, Mr. Shinawatra in front of him to execute.

Moreover, Tan Zhenhua also knew that after he had planned to let Xie Li return to Burmese jade, he made peace talks with Kunsa, and secretly spread rumors that the Dai government was about to crack down on Kunsa's armed forces on a large scale, in order to promote the conclusion of the peace talks and stabilize Bao Qixia’s ministry. rear. It was Mr. Shinawatra who spread the rumors and communicated with the Dai government.

Of course, even he himself did not expect that under a series of accidental coincidences, the rumors turned out to be true. The Dai government forces really launched a surprise attack on the Kunsa Department at that time, and they were defeated. , Gave up the Man Xing Die base that had been in business for many years, fled back to the deep mountains and old forests of Burmese Jade, licked his wounds.

It can be said that the two of them have already inadvertently completed a tacit cooperation with each other.

Of course, this question asked by Benli Shinawatra is exactly what Tan Zhenhua wants to discuss with him. However, it is not Tan Zhenhua’s habit to answer his questions directly when he is not familiar with the other party, but to master the rhythm of the conversation. It has always been one of the things he thought he was best at.

So, after a little thought, he asked: "Mr. Shinawatra, before talking about my plan, I have a question that I want to ask you. I wonder if it is not convenient for you to answer it."

Benli Shinawah was taken aback for a moment, but he answered politely: "Okay, you ask, I will try my best to answer."

"The question is, you were born in Dai and are a prominent family in Dai. I heard that you are also a Chiang Mai councillor. Then why would you help Master Bao? As far as I know, the Dai government has always held armed forces against the Burmese Communist Party. Repulsive attitude."

Benli Shinawatra smiled slightly: "Mr. Tan, I actually guessed that you would ask me this question a long time ago, and I think if my answer to this question is not satisfactory to you, then our cooperation will There will be many twists and turns, am I right? Mr. Tan?"

The other party was so frank, Tan Zhenhua didn’t want to hide it, so he nodded slightly and said, “Mr. Shinawatra is really quick to talk, yes, I really think so, because I have to think about myself and Bao Qixia’s safety. Sometimes, I do it in advance. Planning for the good and the worst is responsible performance, isn't it? Mr. Shinawatra?"

Benli Shinawatra nodded slightly and said: "Yes, the reason is actually very simple. Does Mr. Tan know what is the biggest public hazard in our Dai country?"

Tan Zhenhua thought for a while and replied: "I guess it's drugs?"

"Yes, it's drugs." Benli nodded and replied.

After a pause, he went on to say: "For more than a century, our Dai country has been deeply harmed by drugs. At first it was opium. Now we have to add No. 4, which is heroin."

"The country of Dai was originally one of the origins of drugs, but in recent years, as the government has increased its anti-drug efforts and economic development, fewer people grow opium, but the harm of drugs to Dai has not diminished at all. Because this place has become the largest drug turnover place in Southeast Asia!"

"The vast majority of these drugs that have been turned around come from Burmese jade."

"My family has settled in Chiang Mai for 4 generations. Of course, I have feelings for this place, but if Dai is the drug distribution center of Southeast Asia, then here," he said, adding to his tone and pausing the ground with his feet. Said: "Here, Chiang Mai, is the distribution center of Dai!"

Therefore, I, Benli Shinawatra, the head of the Shinawatra family, and the Chiang Mai councillor, the biggest goal in my life is to clean out the drugs from my home and return the people of Chiang Mai to a bright future! "

Tan Zhenhua applauded and said: "Mr. Shinawatra is very sincere and open. It is really admirable, but I still have one question."

"You said."

"According to your statement, obviously you are not optimistic about the fact that the Burmese government can do something about drug control, so you chose the Burmese Communist Party, but as far as I know, the Burmese Communist Party is not clean in this matter. ?"

"Haha, Mr. Tan, what you said is not entirely correct. The exact statement should be that I chose Bao Qixia instead of the entire Burmese Communist Party."

Before Tan Zhenhua asked, he took the initiative to explain: "When Bao Qixia first arrived in the Golden Triangle, he sent someone to contact me. Oh, I need to explain. Our Shinawatra family has been in business for many years, and the business has spread throughout the Dai country, involving all walks of life. In all industries, in Dai, especially in Chiang Mai, if you want to get a lot of supplies, no matter what, the best way is to come directly to our home and talk."

Tan Zhenhua noticed that when Benli Shinawah said this, his face glowed with confidence, and he was obviously proud of his family.

I heard him continue: "After they established contact with me, they wanted to buy some basic daily necessities and medicines through me, so I put forward two conditions."

"What conditions?"

"One is anti-drug; the other is to fight Kunza!"

Then, for fear that Tan Zhenhua would not understand, he explained: "Kunsa is an armed force that has been entrenched on the border between Dai and Myanmar for many years. It is very powerful, but in fact, he is the largest drug lord in Southeast Asia!"

Benli Shinawatra stated the two conditions, Tan Zhenhua even heard that when he said the second condition, he was obviously gritted his teeth.

"He agreed?"

"Yes, he agreed, so I gave them the necessary support."

Hearing this, Tan Zhenhua has fully understood the thoughts of the Benli Shinawatra in front of him and the origins and conditions of his cooperation with Bao Qixia’s team. He couldn’t help but admire the old man in his heart, but he still had one last one. Questions need answers.

"Mr. Shinawatra, what you did is really admirable. However, in Burmese jade, in addition to the regular army of Burmese jade, there are so many armed forces including the Communist Party of Burma. Why do you believe in the Bao Qixia Ministry? , Believe that he can realize your ambition? You know, as far as I know, their power is very weak even now, at best, they are no more than one team. Are you afraid that all your investment efforts will be wasted?"

Benli Shinawah burst out laughing when he heard this. He ridiculously blinked at Tan Zhenhua and said, "Then, I can also use the same question to respond to Mr. Tan. Since their power is so weak, why did you choose them? ?"

Without waiting for Tan Zhenhua’s answer, he said to himself: "Because, the person who came to contact me was a Chinese, and among the many forces that have come into contact with me, only his team with Bao Qixia He truly regards Huaxia as his brother, and even his sister married a Huaxia. Mr. Tan should be very clear about this matter?"

Tan Zhenhua nodded and admitted: "Yes, not only do I know this, but I also know them, but is there any inevitable connection between this and your choice?"

"Of course there is, and it's very relevant. It's still early, Mr. Tan, are you interested in listening to me tell a story?"

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