Rebirth of the Military Industrial Overlord

Chapter 789: The beast of the future

In the next few days, Tan Zhenhua surrendered his study, and Guo Yicheng played his usual spirit of lifelessness and began to translate and proofread all the materials required for patent submission.

Under Tan Zhenhua’s request and Yu Pengxia’s planning, this patent application covers all possible ingredients and preparation technology paths. Therefore, there are more than 300 patents that need to be applied for. This also makes the amount of information to be prepared extremely large. It's huge. Both the old man and Li Wei are obviously willing to go out. In order to hurry up, the two of them set up a floor in the study, and this also makes the lights in the study bright every night...

When it comes to the professional field, Tan Zhenhua can't help much even if he has the intention, so he can only ask Aunt Cindy to take care of the two people's diet and daily life, while cheering for them in his heart, but he himself, he has reinvested Gobbled up the thick textbooks.

Of course, there are some things that must be done. The 6.2 plane crash brought him more than just the heart knot, and his epiphany was not just those four words.

He sat opposite the senior brother Li Yanan.

"Brother, I have a plan, but this plan is relatively large, and there are many people who need to participate in the implementation. I think about it, and only you can help me."

"What's the matter, say."

"I need a lot of accounts. These accounts need to be scattered. They don't seem to be connected. It is best to be white Americans with legal status."

Li Yanan frowned and said, "Zhenhua, you want Chinese people. I will give you a large group here. But if you want white people, this is a bit difficult. Why don't you talk about what you want to do first?"

"Investment." Tan Zhenhua said, "Investing in many entities, the amount of investment in each account will not be too large, but they will add up to a lot. The reason why we want American whites is because the Chinese identity will be quite long in the future. Time will be more sensitive, while white people are relatively better, and I don’t want these investments to be associated with me."

"But in this case, how do you control these people? How do you guarantee that they will not embezzle your property?"

"That's why I said, only senior brother you can do this." Tan Zhenhua answered calmly.

Li Yanan immediately understood what he meant, and couldn't help but take a deep breath and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I need power, a power that is truly in my hands and can be used by me at any time."

"I see. Give me some time. I need to think about how to do it."


Tan Zhenhua returned home. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a familiar figure sitting on the sofa in the living room. Kevin walked up to say something, but he signaled that Kevin needed to be alone with the guest for a while.

"Jacob, you are finally here." He stepped forward, but instead of shaking hands with Jacob as he had done several times in the past, he sat down on the opposite sofa with a blank face.

"Eric, I'm sorry, I didn't know beforehand..."

"Shhh~" Tan Zhenhua put his index finger on his lips, made a silent gesture, and then said: "Stop talking, Jacob, I don't want to know anything. Let's discuss what we should do next. ."

Jacob Rothschild heard the obvious dissatisfaction in Tan Zhenhua's words. He sighed and asked: "Then, I have to confirm one thing first, Eric, are you on our side? "

Tan Zhenhua did not answer immediately, but continued to look at Jacob with sharp and cold eyes.

Although Jacob is a lot older than Tan Zhenhua, and he is also a veteran of shopping malls who have gone through countless battles, he still feels very uncomfortable under such gazes that seem to have no human feelings. .

Just when he wanted to say something to get rid of this feeling of being stared at by predators, Tan Zhenhua spoke, with a slight hoarse voice in his voice: "I want to reiterate my conditions again. "

Jacob suddenly loosened his body.

As long as he is willing to offer the conditions, it means that the young Chinese man on the opposite side chose to stand on his side first.

For some reason, Jacob's subconscious has always had a trace of admiration for this young man from the East, not just because of the wealth he holds and the speed at which he acquires it.

To be honest, although billions of dollars is a large number, it is no more than that for the Rothschild family with deep heritage. The amount of money they can spend is far above this. For example, in the recent acquisition of BP, the largest oil company in Britain, Rothschild and several allied families spent more than 30 billion US dollars. At the same time, they also participated in several feasts to carve up British state-owned assets, almost every one involved astronomical amounts of money.

It’s definitely not because of intelligence, although Jacob admitted that from the first time this Eric walked into his office, this young man showed extraordinary wisdom and ability to control rhythm, whether it was His unconstrained imagination or his excellent execution ability make people have to put him in the ranks of genius.

Jacob has asked himself many times why he feels such a strange feeling to this young man, but he has not been able to find an accurate answer. In the end, he can only attribute it to the kind of behavior shown by Eric. He is calm about everything and has excellent ability to use all the resources around him.

And, the amazing and oppressive feeling of his too young age.

So he felt that as long as Eric made up his mind to do one thing, it would definitely be done.

And this is why he wants Eric to be on his side.

He doesn't hope that when things have reached the point where they are today, there will be any changes because of Eric's withdrawal.

Especially when someone told him that Eric had been to Dubai once and became good friends with the three princes Sheikh, who is well-known in London.

He didn't want the Arabs to get involved in these things, because he knew that although those people didn't have enough brains, the money was enough.

And Eric has no shortage of brains.

"Please speak." He replied in a deep voice.

"First, McDonnell Douglas must disappear. I will not participate in the division of McDonnell Douglas' legacy, but no one can stop me from getting what I want in the capital market."

"I can promise you this now. You can operate completely according to your own will and take away the profits you deserve." Jacob did not hesitate to agree to Tan Zhenhua's first condition.

"Second, I want to get that person."

"You said Zhang Zhenzhong? Eric, I am afraid no one can guarantee this. After all, no one can influence his personal willingness to choose a career unless he uses unconventional means."

However, after seeing the cold eyes projected by Tan Zhenhua, Jacob reluctantly shrugged his shoulders and added: "Well, I will try my best."

"Third, I ask Mellon to take action against Grumman immediately after getting what he wants."

This time Jacob did not answer immediately, but after thinking about it for a while, he cautiously asked: "Eric, we have discussed the issue of Grumman. It can indeed disappear, but Mellon said he was right. This company has no interest, and he just swallowed Douglas and it takes some time to stabilize the company. Of course, we can talk to Northrop or Lockheed, but you have to know that Grumman is also a history Although the long-established company is currently facing some financial difficulties, it is far from exhausted. If you deal with it now, can you achieve your goal?"

"Maybe not." Tan Zhenhua replied: "But at least it can destroy Grumman's last hope for the future, and hope is the last point of psychological comfort and courage for human beings to support themselves in the most difficult environment. , Isn't it? My dear Jacob."

"Eric, your performance today made me a little scared." Jacob Rothschild sighed, "You are very different from before."

Tan Zhenhua shrugged his shoulders and said: "I remember that when I met last time, you once commented on me, saying that I am not a qualified capitalist, and I have listened to your opinions, and I am trying to become a friend of you and yours. We are getting closer, maybe in that case, we will have more common language."

Jacob shook his head slightly. From Tan Zhenhua's body, he smelled some changes that made him uncomfortable. Is such a change a good thing or a bad thing?

He didn't know, all he could see was that in the near future, there might be another beast on the commercial map of this world.

I hope he can always be a friend of this beast instead of an enemy. He secretly sighed and asked in a deep voice: "Then where do you suggest Mellon should start his attack on Grumman?"

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