Today is the first day of the auction on Dream, and everyone gathered at the auction site on the top floor, but it's not yet time for the auction, and everyone is having breakfast.

After Duan Qizhou returned to the scene, he walked to the seat next to Qin Fan and sat down.

Qin Fan glanced at him and then looked away.

If Sihuang was here, he would find many acquaintances, besides the members of the Blood Banner Special Agent Group and Duan Qizhou, Dou Wenqing and his client whom he had met before were also there.

"I just went out for a walk and saw something." Duan Qizhou lowered his voice.

"What?" Guo Chengxiong, who was sitting on the other side of Duan Qizhou, asked the question.

Duan Qizhou knew that Qin Fan must also be listening, so he said, "The organizer of the Dream Ship has transported four boxes to the VIP area, and I want to show that earl personally."

"Each box is half the height of a person, could it be a person?" Duan Qizhou has been following Qin Fan and the others for the past few days, and he has learned a little about this mission, so he said this kind of thing. , "I asked if it was the auction item this time, and the person in charge said that it would not take long to see it, but I think it is fooling people."

Guo Chengxiong looked at Qin Fan when he heard the words. If it is true that the prisoners inside are human beings, then 80% of them are people of special blood.

"That's not our goal." Qin Fan said expressionlessly.

Duan Qizhou and the others calmed down and continued to watch the auction proceed.

At this moment, Sihuang, who is also on the Dream, has been transported to the destination.

After confirming that the people who transported them had left, Sihuang did not act rashly, no one knew if there was a camera in this place, and more importantly, she still had to find a chance to release the five treasures.

Although Wubao is not an ordinary hamster, it has been sealed in a closed iron cabinet, so there is no guarantee that any accident will happen.

Time passed slowly, and Si Huang occasionally moved his hands and feet to keep himself from becoming stiff. He calculated that about ten hours had passed, and it was dark outside from the hole.

Probably because the curtains in this room were all drawn, and in the middle of the afternoon, without turning on the lights, it was almost impossible to see inside.

Si Huang carefully opened the iron cage, and after adapting to the dark eyes to see the shelter in front of him, he rolled over and bent down under a billiard table.

Here she can slowly observe and find that there are indeed cameras in the room, but it is not the kind that is omni-directional and has no blind spots.

Wait or leave before looking for opportunities?

Si Huang thought for a while, and decided to stay where she was and wait and see.

The box containing the five treasures could not be opened with brute force. Since the person in charge said to show it to the earl, someone must come to open the box.

Si Huang's guess was not wrong, she didn't wait too long when she stayed where she was, when she heard the footsteps of someone coming.

The footsteps were heavy and light, and the light footsteps were very rhythmic, making people feel like a very temperamental person just by listening.

This is not an exaggeration. A person's temperament and quality can be expressed not only in appearance and behavior, but also in all aspects, such as walking steps and sitting posture.

"Earl, there will always be one of these four items that will satisfy you." The voice that spoke was the former person in charge of shipping.

"Really." The voice that responded immediately was low and hoarse, like old wine.

This is a successful man, if nothing else happens, he should be a successful mature man, just like Zhuang Jin, the mayor of City H back then, even better than him.

"Is my princess in there too?" The man asked again. When he mentioned the word 'princess', the affection in his tone made people's hearts move.

The person in charge hesitated and said: "...No, Earl, you forgot that an accident happened to Her Royal Highness the Princess on the road."

"You shouldn't remind me of this unfortunate news. I thought you had already made up for the mistake."

Although the man's tone didn't mean much to blame, Si Huang felt that the person in charge who was talking to him was frightened.

With a "pop", the sight in front of him suddenly brightened, accompanied by the person in charge's calm voice, "Count, you can take a look at this first."

Probably in order to offset the merits, the person in charge quickly chose the iron cabinet with five treasures this time. After camouflaging the outer template and opening it, he took out the key and made the half-person-high sealed iron cabinet through the fingerprint film. The cabinet opens.

Looking from where Sihuang was hiding, he could see that after the iron cabinet was opened, there lay a man wearing an oxygen mask who seemed to be asleep inside.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Si Huang could recognize him at a glance based on his figure and hair color. This man was Lei Qi, whom Xiao Jin and the others had been looking for.

It's really intentional to plant flowers that won't bloom, but unintentional to plant willows and willows to make shade. What she was looking for was the five treasures, but she found this product by accident.

Si Huang's gaze turned to the front, and he could only see the so-called earl sitting on the sofa, two pieces of suit trousers and a pair of dark brown leather shoes.

"Who is he?" The voice came from the owner of the leather shoes.

The person in charge didn't believe that the earl really forgot who the other party was, but he still explained seriously: "The third son of the Pierce family, his name is Lei Qi."

"Pierce's house? Why did he deliver it to the door by himself." The other party's tone still sounded lacking in interest.

This was interpreted by the person in charge as: the prey he sent to the door was really boring.

Finding that Lei Qi's existence could not win the earl's favor, the person in charge went to the next box.

This second box is where Sihuang stayed before. As soon as the person in charge tore off the black cloth, the empty space fell into the eyes of the two people in the current room.

"Huh?" The count looked a little interested.

The person in charge broke out in a cold sweat. He was sure that if he couldn't give a reasonable explanation that he was not playing with the count, his end would definitely be miserable.

This is a joke? But the Earl, who hadn't seen the 'Princess', was obviously in a bad mood, and if he dared to make such a joke with him, he would be courting death!

Is this an oversight by the delivery man? As the person in charge of this cargo, he can't get away with it!

When the person in charge was nervously looking for a reason, Si Huang's eyes flashed. She saw her five treasures, which loves to show off, crawling out of Lei Xie's clothes unsteadily, and then opened her eyes like a human. The feet landed on the ground, and the steps were crooked as if they were drunk.

"..." Si Huang can be sure that the other two people in the room must be paying attention to this little thing.

As soon as Lei Xie's iron cabinet was opened, Si Huang could smell the special smell that was slowly dissipating in the air. Just smelling the dispersed smell made Si Huang feel dizzy for a moment. It is conceivable that Lei Xie was unconscious. The reason is gone.

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