"Then, as a Blue Star player, another world with a completely different knowledge system can also bring me great help."

"Third, as the fourth son of the Olivendi family, this identity is my strongest backing before the family is destroyed. If used properly, it is enough to exert amazing energy!"

"Fourth, as a former seventh-level magister and royal scholar, even without powerful magic and spiritual power, the most critical knowledge and experience are still there. This is also an invaluable treasure!"

Magister is not a professional level, but an honorary title, representing a polymath among mages.

Only those whose magical achievements in all the sub-factions of the current school have reached a certain level can be awarded the title by the Imperial Royal Magic Association.

Magic is vast. Today, when the major schools of magic are extremely developed, an ordinary spellcaster can only barely master the sub-schools he specializes in in his entire life.

Only those true geniuses can achieve the development of all factions of a certain school.

Analyzing the four major advantages he possessed, although Anweis was still worried, he was somewhat relieved.

It's not that he is too pessimistic, it is that the situation he will face is too desperate.

What the family is facing is the general trend of the entire new era!

He gradually calmed down, and slowly entered the state of thinking, with his right hand subconsciously resting on his forehead, carefully analyzing the new memory, looking for possible breakouts.

Fortunately in the misfortune, the wish that Anweis made was to restore the glory of the Olivendi family.

This means that he doesn't need to confront the general situation head-on, he just needs to find a way to keep the Olivendi family in this general situation.

Simply keeping the Olivendi family, according to the future development in his memory, he already has some vague plans.

The only problem was that Anweis was still at a loss for the last figure that surpassed the ninth level.

In the face of absolute strength, all strategies are meaningless.

That figure left a huge shadow on little Anweis. Even now, when Anweis recalled it, his body would instinctively feel a little bit of fear.

Or, use the power of the family to collect raw materials and use magic to build a tens of millions of tons of mass-energy conversion bomb?

But the other party is not stupid, as long as he teleports hundreds of kilometers away when he feels danger, he can completely avoid the killing radius and enjoy a spectacular fireworks by the way.

Unless some method is used to interfere with his teleportation, but the opponent's strength has already surpassed the limit of the ninth level, general space confinement may not be effective for him. Moreover, a nuclear explosion may not necessarily kill the opponent...

Anvis also thought about setting up a device similar to an anti-magic force field, but the principle of this force field to suppress magic is actually to suppress and block.

In other words, according to the principle of equivalent exchange, if you want to make this force field effective, you must always pay an energy equal to the total amount of magic power in the force field.

This is easy to understand. For example, if you want to blow up a balloon underwater, the balloon itself must always bear the pressure from the water when it is blown.

The problem of the source of energy is easy to solve, just replace it with the element pool of the mage tower. The real problem lies in the material used to draw the pattern.

Among the currently known materials of Anvis, there is no one that can bear the energy output that exceeds the limit of the ninth order at all times.

After thinking for a while, Anweis raised his head and looked towards the side of the reading area.

There stood an ornate grandfather clock, an antique from the time of the ancient magical empire.

On the dark silver dial, the engraved black hands rotate at a constant speed, and there is a faint but continuous sound of components running.

"Has it been a magic hour?"

Startled for a moment, Anweis was about to get up.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a faint but attractive magical aura coming from a certain direction in the library.

It seemed that something he was familiar with was constantly calling him in that direction.

Distraught by new memories before, Anvis didn't notice the existence of this breath at all.

But when he calmed down, this strange call immediately attracted his attention like a mole on his fair skin.

Sensing the source of the breath with some doubts, there was a cold and weird feedback in the spirit, but with a sense of intimacy.

"This feeling... is somewhat similar to that mysterious energy, but there are some differences."

Anweisi's face was slightly condensed, and a trace of surprise flashed in the depths of his blue eyes.

This experience was not in the memory of his previous life, in other words, his time travel caused some special changes!

"Before, I would read the collection of books here every day, but nothing abnormal happened. But today I can clearly feel this breath. There are nothing more than two possibilities."

"One, new books have been added to the library. Two, this is related to my changes in the last day."

Anweis took out a silver metal nameplate, called up the library list, and checked it carefully.

"The magic circle in the library has no record of new books entering the warehouse, so the first possibility is ruled out.

And the only two major changes in my body are that I have obtained a complete past life memory and absorbed all the strange energy. "

For some reason, Anvis instinctively sensed a strong sense of arrangement from this series of events.

Is this also the effect of the wishing technique?

Thinking about it, Anweis closed his eyes to carefully perceive the direction of the calling, and walked slowly.

He didn't relax because of this. Little Anvis's wish was to revive the glory of the Olivendi family, not to ensure that he himself would live forever.

After walking past many rows of bookshelves exuding an ancient atmosphere, Anweis stopped.

The bookshelf in front of me is located in the poetry collection section on the lowest floor of the library. The books placed on it are the originals of exquisite ancient books collected by family members of various generations, with high artistic value and collection value.

At this moment, his gaze slowly swept over many ancient books, and finally concentrated on a large tome with a dark green spine.

"It seems to be it, the source of breath."

Anweisi stared at the book quietly, and the silver metal plaque on his waist shone slightly.

The invisible magic turned into a subtle magical effect, and the book automatically pulled itself out of the shelf and fell into his hands.

As soon as the book was picked up, an extremely unpleasant, cold and greasy feeling like a mollusc creature came from his hand, which made Anweis frowned.

He returned to his usual position, carefully studying the heavy book in his hand under the soft light of the magic crystal chandelier.

It was an ancient book about ten inches long, eight inches wide, and two inches thick. The cover is made of a dark green material similar to biological skin, with weird textures on it.

The corners and part of the spine are bounded by an unknown metal with dull luster, and a wide buckle also made of dark green leather and dull metal firmly fixes the front and back covers together, like some kind of seal.

Two lines of pale silver high elf words are written in the center of the cover. The author has used an ancient fancy font to add a touch of elegance to this thick book full of ominous atmosphere.

The back cover of the book is engraved with a sun pattern, a light silver textured solid circle surrounded by a circle of pointed sunlight of different lengths.

When staring at it, Anvis could even feel a slight warmth.

"Poetry of Hill?"

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