Anweis opened the buckle and flipped the heavy cover.

The slightly yellowed parchment on the pages turned dark yellow and almost brown at this moment, and the glossy texture became extremely old, as if an extremely long time had passed through in an instant.

On the title page that was originally empty, a strange huge symbol suddenly appeared at this time.

The symbol body is composed of spirals exuding an ominous atmosphere, twisted and changing broken lines, and strange dots of different sizes.

The ink used to describe it is also very strange. In Anweis' eyes, this black-green ink seems to be still flowing.

Carefully examining this mysterious pattern, Anweis kept comparing it in his mind, trying to find the meaning behind the symbol.

But in the end, this attempt failed. This strange symbol was the same as the material of the book, and it was beyond the scope of his current knowledge.

He tried to turn to the second page, but found that all the pages behind could not be opened, as if stuck together by super glue.

A strange feeling came, and Anweis immediately understood the reason why he couldn't read:

Mental strength is not enough! Unable to bear the mysterious knowledge in the book.


At this moment, the Duke suddenly clapped his hands.

The sound seemed to turn off some kind of switch, and the abnormal feeling in the room disappeared instantly.

Anweis shuddered all over, raised his head as if waking up from a dream, and the mental power connected to the book was naturally disconnected.

A strange feeling rose in his heart, as if some kind of change had occurred.

At this time, the sound of the hourglass returned to normal, but in the upper half of the hourglass, a large piece of silver-blue gravel was visible to the naked eye.

"Three magical hours and thirty-two minutes have passed since the moment your mental power touched this book."

Noticing Anvis' gaze, the Duke spoke flatly.

"Three magic hours? Has it been that long?!"

Anweis was stunned for a moment, his eyes could not help but be a little surprised. In his perception, it seemed that less than three minutes had just passed.

"Does it feel like it hasn't been too long? This is the Lacana effect: when your mental power is too low and you try to analyze high-level spells, you will have such an illusion of time."

The Duke spread his hand, and a flower-like complex spell structure emerged in his palm, and then gradually turned into scattered light spots from top to bottom.

"If I hadn't interrupted just now, you would have exhausted your mental power without even noticing it like this.

If you continue, it will even damage your spiritual sea. "

"Of course, this is also related to your low strength. If your strength has reached the fourth level or above, even if it is still not enough to complete the analysis, you can still detect something wrong after exhausting too much mental power, so you can immediately cut off the connection."

"I see, Father."

Anweisi nodded slightly, and couldn't help but secretly vigilant.

With double memories, he should have noticed something was wrong immediately, but he still fell into it unknowingly. This was undoubtedly a wake-up call to his originally relaxed state of mind.

"So, what are you going to do?"

The Duke tapped on the table with his fingers, attracting Anvis' attention.

"Although the aura of power in this book is a bit weird, I can feel that it is not malicious to you.

And its hidden state can blind my perception. There is no doubt that it is a very high-level magical wonder.

I have just checked the catalog of the library, which is one of the first collections of the library, a gift from the original owner, the Lord Aldrich.

This also means that, for thousands of years, you are the only one who can sense and manipulate it. "

"Father, I want this book, can I?"

Anvis immediately understood what the Duke meant, and immediately made his request with a smile.

A high-level magical object will bring him a strength improvement that cannot be ignored.

The most important thing is that little Anvis does not have it in his memory, which makes it a variable in his fate.

Any such variable would be invaluable to his current situation.

"The books in the library are the family's public property, and I cannot decide to give you one of them."

Gently stroking the engraving on the cufflinks, the Duke raised his eyes. His blue eyes were fixed on Anweis's surprised and puzzled expression, and his tone was not in a hurry.

"However, if you really want it that much, I can lend it to you temporarily. As a price in the future, you will need to add three or more books of the same type to the library to replace it."

"Do you accept this condition, Anvis?"

"I accept! Father."

"very good."

The Duke finalized the matter casually. During the process, both of them tacitly did not mention the specific time in the future.

At the same time, the thick book in Anweis's hand jumped to the ground, and a bright white flame burst out.

Anweis was startled, and the hand holding the book instinctively retracted. But he immediately discovered that although the entire book was burning, the white flames didn't actually have any temperature.

After leaving the palm of Anweisi, the book did not fall to the ground, but was suspended in the air smoothly.

With the burning of the white flame, one after another glowing runes appeared on the cover, and then gradually collapsed from top to bottom, turning into faint blue spots of light and floating away.

A large number of light spots converged in the mid-air of the study, stretching into a faint blue galaxy. Against the backdrop of the quietly burning bright white fire, it looks mysterious and magical.

Soon, all the runes on the cover collapsed, and a ring engraved with a coat of arms on the Duke's index finger shone slightly, and the flame disappeared out of thin air as it appeared.

"Now, it is yours. However, if there is some unknown change in it in the future, please notify me immediately, understand?"

"I see."

Anweisi grabbed the book floating in the air again, and the moment he got it, his heart suddenly moved, and the heavy book shrank to the size of a palm in an instant.

"Accepted? Not bad."

The Duke nodded knowingly, took out a piece of paper from the desk drawer, and stamped it with the coat of arms ring.

The moment the surface of the ring was attached to the paper, the colorless magical aura flashed away, leaving an ice crystal-like imprint.

"Take this to find Leonard, and ask him to take you to the warehouse of Moon's Reach Castle to get the materials to make a book chain."

The Duke shook his hands and threw the paper to Anvis, who gracefully reached out to catch it.

"I take my leave, then, father."

With the Duke's approval, Anweis bowed and then quietly exited the room.

After he left, Duke Carlot stared at the door, pointing his finger on the table, frowning slightly.

"Old secret scriptures? This breath..."

After thinking for a while, the Duke opened the bottom drawer of the desk again, and his fingers outlined a complicated miniature magic circle on the deepest wooden board.

A gleam of light flashed, and the wooden board depicting the magic circle fluctuated like water waves, and an extremely secret dark grid was quietly opened.

At the same time, an ethereal, mysterious fragrance that seemed to come from an endless and distant country wafted out.

In the dark compartment is a palm-length, simple dark silver key.

Its whole body is made of some kind of unknown metal, and the handle of the spoon is engraved with strange and delicate vine patterns, and the surface luster is extremely dull, as if it has gone through a long time.

Caressing the cool metal texture of the key, and thinking of something, the Duke suddenly laughed mockingly in a low voice.

"Taboo, huh... Taboo?"


Goo——→Recommendation ticket

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