Rebirth Of The Noble Mage Behind The Scenes

Chapter 34 Unlocking the Old Secret Scriptures

"To be able to leave behind such a spell model, what kind of realm has the existence of writing the old secret scriptures reached?"

The pulp of his fingers gently rubbed the cover of the old secret scriptures hanging at his waist. For some reason, after an initial period of discomfort, he began to like the unique touch of the cover.

By the way, now that we have broken through to the first level, we should be able to unlock some new content.

There was a slight pause for his fingers, and then Anweis simply sat cross-legged on the ground. He took off the "Secret of the Past" from his waist and held it in his hand, protruding a trace of spiritual power to connect with it.

Familiar changes occurred again, but Anweis didn't pay attention to the surrounding environment, he could feel that a part of the real content was opened to him!

Behind that strange title page, the content about half the thickness of the book is still firmly 'glued together'. Judging by its thickness, it seems to be the text of the poem before it was unsealed.

Turning over these temporarily unreadable parts, Anweis saw another weird symbol that was different in shape from the symbol on the title page, but also occupied the entire page.

Unlike the title page, this page didn't fascinate him, and he even felt dizzy when he stared at the symbol for a little longer.

He checked his mental state, but found no change. He shook his head and turned the page.

There are two pages of content that can be read later, and the content is still the previous abstract landscape painting.

But when Anweis stared at them, the lines of these landscape paintings began to squirm slowly like living creatures, and then automatically assembled into a brand new content in his mental sea.

The text that records these contents is different from the main text. It is a distorted and terrifying text that contains power, exuding an extremely ancient atmosphere.

Anvis didn't know what kind of civilized language this was, he had never been exposed to them in any lifetime.

But at the first sight of them, he instinctively understood their meaning.

Those are two spells:

[Twisted Touch] and [Flesh Manipulation]

The effect of [Twisted Touch] is to summon a black tentacles built with magic power, which tightly entangles the enemy. When encountering an enemy with tentacles, a treacherous whisper will sound in the heart.

This reduces the sanity of the enemy, causing severe mental disturbance, and enemies with low willpower will not be able to cast spells.

As the contact time between the enemy and the tentacles increases, the whisper in the bottom of my heart will become stronger and stronger. Even if it is separated from the tentacles, the whispering effect will not disappear immediately, but will gradually weaken like when it appeared.

[Flesh Manipulation] can be used to control the flesh and blood of the subject, but the subject must be touched by the holder, and must be of a lower level than the caster, or have no resistance.

The caster can choose between a mild transformation, or a destructive warping mutation.

Moreover, this spell can be used on oneself.

Anweis instantly understood the nature of these two spells, and he could cast them instinctively, but there was no model in his mental sea, nor did he have any casting gestures or spells.

‘There are no models, and there are no spells and gestures. It is not so much a spell, but a spell-like ability like a bloodline talent. '

When thinking of this, for some reason, Anweis suddenly had a strange idea in his heart.

'No, there may be incantations and gestures, but that's probably not something a human body can do...'

Dispelling the thoughts in his mind, he cast a twisting touch casually. A pitch-black tentacle with the thickness of a wrist emerged from the ground out of thin air, wriggling slightly in the air.

Looking at the tentacle carefully, Anweis tried to manipulate it to roll up a stone, and the tentacle did it easily.

Then he tried to use the tentacles to roll up heavier objects, until finally he tried the cage containing the beasts, and the tentacles showed a slightly overwhelmed state.

He tried to touch the tentacles again,

A faint voice sounded in his head, very similar to the whisper he heard when he read the old secret scriptures for the first time, but it didn't have any bad influence on Anweis.

"The strength is about the same as that of a first-order peak fighter, but I don't know what effect this whisper will have on other creatures."

Thinking about it, Anweis couldn't help turning his eyes to those beasts again.

"Just you—"


He caught a beast again, yes, it was the one with the white stripes - Anweis thought it looked more pleasing to the eye.

The beast was once again placed on the ground by the mage's hand, and then firmly bound in place by the binding circle. It turned its head listlessly, looked left and right, and flicked its chubby tail.

Then, a slippery black tentacle suddenly emerged from its side, wrapping around its thigh.


The beast was frightened, and immediately wanted to break free, but due to the bound magic circle, it could only passively bear the entanglement of the tentacles.

As time went on, the beast became visibly irritable and struggled constantly.

"So, the effect is similar to mania? Or confusion?"

Canceling the twisting touch, Anweis staff pointed at the forehead of the beast, and cast a sleeping technique.

A wave of magic spell disappeared in a flash, and the beast suddenly fell to the ground in a daze, snoring, and saliva dripped from the corner of its mouth.

Seeing that the beast had fallen into a deep sleep, Anweis reached out and pressed his hand on the white stripes on its back, launching the flesh and blood manipulation.

Visible to the naked eye, the skin on the beast's back immediately began to wriggle, and the straight white stripes began to fold, bend, and connect end to end...

It ended up being a heart shape.

Anweis chose a gentle transformation. In his perception, the effect of flesh and blood manipulation is not simply transforming the surface skin, but completely changing the arrangement of deep flesh and blood.

During this process, the beast did not respond, which means that the modification is likely to be painless, or the pain is not serious.

The effect of the low-level sleeping technique is not strong, if the pain is too strong, the beast that has been affected by the sleeping technique is likely to be awakened.

Moreover, the most important thing is that although these flesh and blood tissues have been greatly moved, they seem to have grown there in the first place, without any adverse reactions!

Anvis was sure that after he finished manipulating flesh and blood, the magic effect had ended.

This proves one point: the reason why these flesh and blood remain active is not magical power, but that they can normally carry out nutrient circulation like other ordinary flesh and blood tissues!

You should know that although many spellcasters can do this, they are at least six-level spellcasters, and they have deep research into biological transformation.

And like this kind of magic, it can make a first-order mage who doesn't know much about biological transformation, almost instinctively make this level of transformation, even the little Anvis in the previous life has never heard of it.

In order to confirm the subsequent changes, Anweisi ordered people to keep this beast in a separate place and prepare to observe it for a period of time.


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