Rebirth Of The Noble Mage Behind The Scenes

Chapter 38 The Girl's Little Trick

A few days later, in the afternoon.

Anvis sat in the library reading magic knowledge as usual.

But today, there is one more factor that is different from usual...

"Ah—so boring!"

Lying on the soft long sofa, Fiona closed the book in her hand forcefully, and threw away the "Inscription Circle - Binding Class" that gave her a headache.

The whole person turned over without any image, and his whole body was full of lovelessness.

The book she threw didn't hit the ground, but hovered in mid-air after drawing a parabola.

A light blue magic aura illuminates from the number on the spine of the book, and under the invisible magic effect, the thick book returns to its original position by itself.

"That's the third time you've said that today, Fee."

Anweis raised his head slightly, his blue eyes glanced at the girl paralyzed on the sofa, and he spoke helplessly.

Hearing his words, Fiona didn't respond, but rolled her eyes at him feebly.

It's like a salted fish that has just been processed and is being spread out to dry in the sun...

Shaking his head, Anvis expressed regret at the girl's reaction, and then continued to turn the book in his hand to the next page

The cause of this phenomenon originated from an actual combat study that the two of them participated in together a few days ago.

The actual combat project is the learning content that the two started after the first level, and was taught by the Duke himself.

Towards the end, Fiona accidentally asked a very low-level question.

The answer to this question should have been specially taught as important knowledge in Han Xingyue's inscription literature course last year.

Although Anweis, who found something wrong, immediately opened his mouth to help her remedy it, the Duke still became suspicious and asked a few related questions casually.

As a result... the progress of the girl's inscription was in a mess. Anweisi wanted to help her, but in the end he even got involved with it.

As punishment, the two were grounded for half a month, and they could only obediently read books in the family's large library in their free time every day.

For Anvis, this is no different from the usual life. But for the feisty Fiona, this is the harshest punishment.

In the first few days, the situation was better. Fiona was able to restrain her temper and read those 'boring' magical knowledge.

But with the passage of time, there have been more and more incidents of girls throwing picks.

"In the next practical class, my father will definitely ask some questions to test our learning progress."

While reading the book, Anweisi seemed to speak casually.

"If something goes wrong again, my dear sister—I'm afraid you will be punished beyond the current level."

"I - don't - care! Anyway, I don't want to read those annoying and hateful inscription knowledge anymore!!!"

The girl muttered softly, lying on the sofa with her eyes closed, her pink mouth pouted high, and the cute light blue bow flickering.

Even though she said so, her eyes secretly opened a slit, and she quietly aimed at Anweis, as if she was expecting something.

"Oh, if that's the case, then you should rest for a while—"

Anweis calmly agreed, and then continued his reading.

The salted fish girl who didn't get the answer she wanted turned over angrily, and turned herself into a posture lying on the sofa.

The big lake-like eyes rolled, staring hard at Anvis' side face.

"...It seems that some kind of evil gaze is watching me."

Feeling the substantial gaze, the corners of Anweis' eyes twitched slightly, and the movements of his hands stiffened unnaturally.

hell! She has mental power in her gaze!

Slowly, the feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger, which greatly reduced Anweis's reading efficiency.


Anvis sighed softly,

Take out a bronze bookmark from the drawer and clip it to the current page. Then he closed the "Turning the String of Destiny" in his hand and placed it on the table.

Gently patted his face, put on a slightly helpless smile, he turned to look at the girl on the sofa, his tone softened.

"Okay, Fee, how about I tell you a story?"


Hearing what Anvis said, Fiona turned her face again, resting her chin on her hands, staring at him innocently with her big beautiful lake blue eyes.

Two little feet wrapped in white socks were raised behind their backs, swaying playfully one after the other.

"Brother, what did you say~?"

"I said, like, no, want to hear my story?"

Anvis still maintained his smile, but raised his eyebrows slightly, and inadvertently clenched his right fist with his left hand, looking at the pretending girl, with a hint of danger in his tone.

"Of course, if you don't want to—"


The girl nodded quickly, with an innocent and lovely smile on her face, but the little smugness in her eyes betrayed her.

Hey, plan to pass~~!

In the past, Anvis occasionally told Fiona some stories, those stories were very novel and interesting, and the girls had never heard of them.

For example, Little Red Riding Hood eats the attacking wolf, and then fights against the black-handed grandmother behind the scenes. The starry sky shakes and the avenue is wiped out.

Afterwards, the aftermath of the great war attracted the predators of the stars, who transformed them into the family of the stars, and started the eternal battle of destiny, etc...

However, Anvis would not finish telling a story every time, but would only tell half or even a third of it at a time, which often made Fiona very curious about the follow-up development of the story.

For this reason, she also deliberately went to the biographies section of the library, trying to find the stories Anweis had told.

But in the end, she was surprised to find that the stories Anweis told her were not even included in the family library!

She went to ask about the origin of Anweisi's stories, and Anweisi, who was reading a book, told her very naturally that these stories were all created by him based on the books he had read, and said lightly that it was nothing.

From then on, Fiona began to feel admiration for Anvis.

Looking at the little girl who was still complacent, Anweis didn't point it out. He moved the chair to the girl and sat down, smiled and began to tell a brand new story that the girl had never heard before.

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl, her name was also Fiona. She was as old as you, and as tall as you. She had the same pure blue eyes as a lake, and the light blue eyes as bright as the sun. Long blonde hair.

On a midsummer afternoon, after a day of classes, she went to play in the wilderness not far from home.

There are lavender hyacinths, blue rosemary and white bluebells blooming there.

A clear river flows out of the forest on one side, gurgling through the vibrant field, and merges into a huge sapphire-like lake in the distance. There are also several thick mangul willows growing leisurely by the river.

Yes, like the field below Castle Hill. "

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