Rebirth Of The Noble Mage Behind The Scenes

Chapter 50 The Moonlit Night of Karrath

After dinner, on a deck chair on the terrace of Moonfall Fort.

A little girl in a white dress sat comfortably on it, her waist-length light blonde hair flowing naturally to her side.

The night sky was clear and cloudless, and under the psychedelic starlight covering the sky, the girl's tender and delicate face had a hazy halo, which looked extremely mysterious and alluring.

"Kate, tell me, brother, what is he doing now?"

Looking up at the thousands of stars shining like diamonds in the night sky, the girl whispered curiously.


In the girl's arms, the fluffy blue-gray kitten purred softly, as if expressing its doubts.

"What? Did you say you didn't know?"

The girl opened her eyes wide, raised the gray kitten in front of her with both hands, stared at its cute big blue and green eyes and asked.


Suddenly being lifted up by the owner, the kitten tilted its head in doubt, with an innocent look on its face. The little white fluffy paws grabbed Fiona's wrist, and then licked her hair sideways.

"That's not right, Kate! As an Olivanti lady cat, you are not allowed to lick when answering my questions, you understand?"

Fiona pouted cutely, imitating the tone of a female etiquette teacher, lightly tapped the tip of the kitten's pink nose, and said solemnly.


The blue-gray cat purred softly, its upper eyelids drooped slightly, and with the naturally drooping corners of its mouth, it seemed to be expressing its confusion about the girl's instructions.

"By the way, I remember my brother said that you would jump on the moon on a full moon night. Is it true?"


"If it's true, can you take me to see it too? I'm also curious about what it looks like on the moon."


"Okay! That's the deal, don't go back on your word!"


The girl hugged it into her arms again, felt its fluffy and warm touch, and gently scratched its white chin.


Scratching her chin with the girl's white fingers, Kate turned over comfortably, her paws curled up cutely, revealing her soft and white belly.


At the same time, Anvis rarely left Moonfall Castle.

As he was leaving Karrath tomorrow, and possibly for a long time, he was planning to spend his last breath in the birthplace of his incarnation.

Under the hazy moonlight, Anweis walked slowly on the quiet field.

Due to the distance from the city of Karras, the large fields here still retain their natural features. The chirping of the madder beetle unique to the province of Karras echoed in the ears, making people's thoughts confused.

It was dark all around, only the bonfire of an adventurer camp on the hillside on the far side of Musong Song Forest flickered slightly, like a dim red star among the dark mountains.

Walking and walking, Anweis unknowingly came to the shore of the vast Olivendi Lake.

This huge lake, almost the size of the city of Karrath, is the largest source of water in the vicinity. The melted snow on the top of the mountain merged into rivers and flowed here, and then flowed from the lower reaches of the lake to the endless sea.

The air by the lake was humid and clear. On a gray pebble beach, the solitary boy sat down casually, propped his pale hands on the ground, and looked up at the endless night sky.

Since the time is at the end of the month, the figure of Yinyue has disappeared from the night sky. Among the icy cold stars twinkling all over the sky, there is only an extraordinarily huge purple moon hanging high in the sky.

Like a lonely god, sitting on the sky, silently watching the people who have nowhere to go.

Anweis' eyes wandered in the night sky, with a trace of unrealistic expectations, distinguishing the twinkling stars in the sky. Trying to find a familiar starry sky, find that familiar blue star.

Even if it's just a dim blue dot, that's fine.

At the moment when he was about to leave home, he suddenly felt homesick——

After a long time, the futile Anweis lowered his head silently. His pale face melted into the moonlight, like a handsome god who accidentally fell into the mortal world.

The cold night wind rose from the lake, blowing his light blonde hair that fell to his ears.

Countless weird Univar plants swayed in the wind, releasing spores with strange blue-white fluorescence, like stars.

Touching the scene, the memories from the time travel to the present flashed before Anweis like a slideshow.

A strong sense of absurdity and loneliness climbed into Anweis's heart again.

In front of people, Anweisi was smart, studious, polite, elegant and calm, impeccable in every word and deed.

He created a perfect mask for himself to cover up his inner confusion, weakness and fear.

Having experienced the suffocating feeling of standing against the whole world in his previous life, these negative emotions have been deeply rooted in his heart.

Enter the big library every day, desperately researching all kinds of magic knowledge. In fact, it may not be possible to temporarily paralyze your own purpose by diverting your attention from learning.

However, in this silent moonlit night, the emotions that had been concealed all along broke out——

"Olivendi Family, Legendary Bloodline Family, Millennium Duke Family..."


The boy with light blonde short hair couldn't help but sneered very low.

How glorious, how noble, how... sad!

In the face of the general trend of the entire new era, after all, it is the mantis' arms that are in charge...

Although he was sitting alone by the lake, he only thought about these words in his heart instead of uttering them.

He knew that although he seemed to be alone, the Duke would never really rest assured that he would go out alone at night. Therefore, there must be a high-level guard in the family nearby.

Sighing softly in his heart, Anweis casually picked up a small pebble from his side, as if holding some kind of treasure, and looked at it quietly and carefully.

The off-white boulder is very light in weight, with a little moss still sticking to the surface, it is an inconspicuous little one, and it can be easily crushed with a little force.

‘Can I, who is as small as this pebble, really change all this? Or...will it follow the family standing in front of the general trend, helpless towards destruction? '

Gently closing his eyes, Anweis took a deep breath to relieve the pressure stuck in his chest like a heavy stone.

The strange chirping of insects mixed with the gurgling sound of the nearby stream reverberated in the cold and humid air by the lake.

An unknown black bird landed on a Mangul willow, and its red eyes quietly looked at this uninvited guest by the lake.

The giant Amis casts hazy moonlight, covering the boy's lonely figure with a lavender veil.

After a while, Anweis opened his eyes again, and his eyes regained the clarity and firmness of the past.

The answer, in fact, is always in his heart.

Even if it's just such a small pebble...

Even so...

It can also affect many, many...

Gently holding the pebble with his pale palm, the young man slowly stood up, calmly staring at the vast and deep lake in front of him.

After experiencing the struggle and precipitation along the way, as well as the questioning of his heart by the lake, Anweis's soul seemed to have undergone some baptism.

The negative emotions such as confusion and weakness hidden deep in his heart that have always accompanied him since time travel were completely swept away at this moment.

'I will not die, not only that, but I will also lead the people I cherish to the endless future together! '

The hand holding the pebble raised high without warning, and the black bird on the willow tree was frightened and flew up in a panic, leaving a dark silhouette in the huge purple moon in the night sky.

In the next moment, the pale young man turned around neatly, with determination to move forward, and walked towards the castle without any hesitation.

Behind him, gravel fell into the lake, splashing the stars—

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