Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 400 The Grand Battle

Master Wang did not realize that when he said this, he had already placed himself deeply in the position of a Spanish national. But it is no wonder that he is like this. He has lived in Western Australia for more than ten years. Having lived in Madrid for many years, he watched the desolate Western Australia develop step by step, and looked at the status that Spain, which was once known as the sick man of a big country in Europe, now achieved. He felt very proud because of this. He has partly contributed to the construction of the superpower, and at the same time, the sick man has even seen the dawn of the rise of the Republic of China similar to Spain.

"The chubby one is called Gaoqiu, what about the other one?"

When Master Wang heard what Huang Ming said, his face suddenly became more interested, and he said eloquently: "Well, if Gao Qiu is a person who is not very positive in the eyes of many people, he is somewhat similar to If you are a negative teaching material, then this person is a positive teaching material.”

"When the master said this, I became even more interested in him."

Master Wang laughed: "He is not an ordinary person. The newspaper "World Chinese News" we read every day was founded by him, and the most popular newspaper "Guangzhou Daily" in southern China is also his. Although he His assets are not as good as Gao Qiu's, but his reputation and status are far higher than Gao Qiu's. Even Gao Qiu had to call out Mr. Mo when he saw him. Do you know why?"[

Without waiting for Huang Ming to answer, he said: "Because Mo Xiaoxian has another identity, so even in Western Australia and even during the Qing government, the Qing government knew that he They were funding Lu Xun, Sun Yat-sen and others to carry out revolution, but there was nothing they could do about him and they did not dare to act casually."

"Could it be that he is also a senior Spanish official?" Huang Xing also knew a lot about this matter. "Guangzhou Daily" was the most revolutionary newspaper in the country, and he could also come into contact with many people in it. Western culture and technology were very novel to the Chinese in the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, this newspaper was considered by everyone to be the most open newspaper. It is precisely because of this that many people knew about the government. So happy at the same time. Don't dare to touch it. Everyone has been testing who is behind this newspaper, but even the Qing government doesn't dare to touch it. However, they only found out that the boss was Mo Xiaoxian, a good friend of Lu Xun, and the rest was unknown. Over time, no one is exploring this. Now Huang Ming discovered that he might be exposed to such secrets. So there was a little excitement on his face.

Master Wang saw the red color on Huang Ming's face. Guessing what he was thinking, he chuckled: "Let me tell you, actually, after I say it, you will find that it is so simple, because Mo Xiaoxian has another super powerful cousin, and his cousin that is"

Pointing to the person who stood out among the group, he said, "He is the most powerful person there."

"The most powerful person," Huang Ming suddenly woke up and said with a look of shock on his face: "Isn't that right?"

"Yes, it's Marquis Yan," Master Wang nodded: "When he started the Guangzhou Daily, Marquis Yan was already an earl in Spain, and he can be said to be one of the people most appreciated by His Majesty in Spain, a foreigner. To achieve such a status, you can imagine how favored he was. The Qing government was already in ruins, while Spain was slowly rising. In such a comparison, the Qing government had the most power to change Spain. His cousin? The answer is of course no, and it even provided a lot of convenience and help for the founding and development of Guangzhou Daily. It is said that the Qing government wanted to use Mo Xiao first to contact Yan This will allow Spain to give the Qing government more preferential treatment in terms of arms and other aspects of international issues."

Huang Ming was a little silent. He is a Chinese. When he heard such words, his first feeling was naturally sad. After all, his country needs such a submissive and wagging head to please an unrelated person, so as to win the trust of others. After going through many difficulties, he guessed what he wanted in the end. For Huang Ming, who still has a Chinese heart, the sense of shame here is also very profound.

"It is a pity that too many countries in the world want us to be destroyed, especially new countries like the United States. They have not benefited before and want to start over from the great reshuffle of benefit distribution. Therefore, Sun Wen's repeated After the failure of the revolution, it didn't take long for Xiaoqiang to come back to life and start again. Without the strong support of the US "government", no one would believe it. So, it has become like this now, I don't know, now What will happen to Aisin Gioro now under Yuan Shikai's presence?"

"Haha, what else can we do? It's better to be locked up, raised, and trapped." This can be used to blackmail the Manchus and at the same time improve one's achievements in overturning the "government"."

"It's almost there, don't worry. When you get off the boat, please remember to follow a certain order. This will bring greater safety to everyone."

"Yes, we still need to follow the order."

Alfonso watched the ship getting closer and closer to the shore. The pier had already appeared in front of him. There were many ships. He took a look and found that there were no less than fifty ships. He thought that the one he was sitting on could be loaded with new ones at once. A commercial ship with a capacity of 1,000 people. If all these commercial ships are recruited into the military camp, wouldn't it be possible to form a stronger military transport ship team, with 50,000 people at a time? This is not something that ordinary countries can do, and even in the world, the real The number of countries that can do this can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

"Juan and Laura, what a coincidence, we meet again." Just as Alfonso was thinking about the transportation team, Libre's voice rang next to him, but what was different from before was that this time Libre obviously didn't show them any good looks anymore. Of course, Alfonso didn't really think that the other party would have such good patience.

That's fine, everyone doesn't need to use fake expressions.

With a smile on his face, Alfonso said: "Yes, after getting off the boat, I hope that Master Libre can treat us to a big meal again. I miss the big meal before. Until now, you, every time My mouth is watering when I think about it. I really miss this kind of food, especially the roasted beef thigh. It is so delicious, but Mr. Ribre has never been so lucky in his life."

"You" Ribre pointed at Alfonso and inhaled vigorously.

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