Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 581 9.3 Gannix Family Banquet (3)

Chapter 581 3 Gannix Family Banquet (3)

Chief Bachelor Hoffman's language seems to have the magic of simplicity, and people can immediately understand what he wants to express in just a few words. Google search reading

The low sound of discussion on the long table appeared again, but this time, the nobles were nodding.

"For the same reason, let's turn around and look at the story of "Hundred Ninjas Become a Family"."

"Gusou is a very confused father, but from Shun's point of view, can killing his father really increase his chances of survival?"

"Let's not talk about the infamy that 'patricide' needs to bear."

"Not to mention the Eastern Continent, even in the relatively wild Western world, this kind of behavior can easily attract criticism."

"After killing my father, the first disaster our poor Shun will face is that his family will be broken up."

"With Gusou here, Shun lived in a large family with huge branches and leaves."

"Backed by his family, he has an origin and a background. And 'Shun's' family is so large that the tribal leader 'Yao' will always pay attention to them."

"And once Gusou dies, the children born from his wives and concubines divide the family, and everyone divides the land."

"The families that originally occupied an important position in the tribe immediately fell apart, and the famous families were shattered into small people."

"Surviving from my father's frequent attacks, Shun may be seen by the leader and be reused; but without the wings of the family, our poor Shun will not even get much of the family property."

“Even if you want to be a peaceful farmer, you don’t have much land.”

"How big a future can he have?"

"Mr. Minister, is what I said correct?"

Despite his tower status, Hofmann was no social stranger. He knew that the most important guests at today's party were the two newly arrived East China envoys, so he would always take them into account in his words so that they would not be left out in the cold just because they were in a foreign country.

Gu Huaian raised his hands and respectfully performed a Donglu hand-clasp salute.

"Mr. Talented!"

"If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that you were actually a Roman who grew up in the Byzantine Kingdom. You have an extremely accurate grasp of the hearts of the Eastern Continent nobles and civilians."

This statement comes from the bottom of his heart, because Gu Huaian has never seen a Westerner who can so accurately refine Eastern culture and use it as a conversation piece at the dinner table.

It seems that the rumors within the school before departure are not false. The bachelors in the city are by no means empty bags, they do have real materials in their minds.

"And on the other side, let's turn our heads and look at the Western Continent."

"What do we see if we place the great Byzantium at the center"

"Yes, what we see is a vast ocean one after another, as well as strange-shaped islands, peninsulas, and round islands in the ocean."

Hoffmann once again stretched out his finger and pointed at the piece of almond pie covered in almond butter in the center of the table.

"If the Eastern Land and the Tang Dynasty are compared to this tempting piece of pie, then our countries in the Western Continent are like this messy plate of grilled scallops next to it. Several islands have small pieces of rich land, but they are limited by monsoons and climate. We can only grow a limited number of crops on the islands."

"For example, the Apennines are rich in olives; Sicily is rich in spices."

“We know ‘olives’ and ‘spice’ are both good things.”

"Olives can be pressed into olive oil, and eating them will make our skin more radiant and our work stronger."

"Spices can be used to marinate meat, allowing the hard-earned meat to be preserved for a longer period of time. It can also create 'cooking', a skill that everyone seems to know but few are truly proficient in."

“But we have to admit that olive oil and spices are not enough to fill our bellies.”

“To really survive, what we need is wheat, what we need is cheese, what we need are these bottom crops that seem worthless.”

"And the yield of these crops is not high on the Apennine Peninsula. We have to do business with those French people and exchange the goods in our hands for the wheat in their fields."

"We don't have the vast fertile land that the Eastern Land and Tang Dynasty have, so we can only make maximum use of fast-moving ships between islands for trade."

"The behavior of 'sailing' has little to do with the elderly."

"Whether it's shaking the oars or raising the sails, all this requires the strong arms of young people. The vast sea is so mysterious that every time you go to sea, there may be huge deviations."

"In this case, what is needed is for young people to use their abundant physical strength and adventurous spirit to find a route. The experience in the minds of old people may not be able to help in the ever-changing sea, but may become a drag."

"In a marine civilization, the elderly are destined to be eliminated."

"So, we can see that in the villages of the Eastern Continent, the memorial tablets of the elders of the clan are enshrined. Their so-called 'gods' are old men with white beards one after another."

"And in the great Byzantine Empire, statues erected in squares and streets were all of beautiful young men and women."

"Skilled craftsmen will use carving knives to accurately depict muscle lines with youthful strength. This is the power that is constantly praised in our culture."

"It is reflected in other aspects, including the four-year Olympic Games that we have inherited from ancient Roman times to this day."

“The participants in all the projects are energetic teenagers.”

"Today I saw two Legalist teachers attending our gathering, and I couldn't help but feel inspired. There are only two countries in the world that have never perished since their birth."

"One is the great Rome."

"The other one is the Eastern Tang Dynasty!"

"In the new era of the rise of academic cities, I was surprised to find that our 'patricide culture' could actually affect the Tang people as far away as the Eastern Continent."

"They actually began to migrate due to our influence without even knowing it."

"At this time, two Donglu instructors are sitting at the same dining table with us."

"I propose that you all drink to the great Rome!"

“Cheers to the intermingling of civilizations!”


All the guests at the long table raised their glasses and exclaimed in surprise.

"Wonderful, so wonderful!"

"Yes, he actually spoke about the deepest collision among civilizations in such a profound and simple way. The talent in the mind of the Grand Master really amazed me!"

Several generals dressed in red stood up and applauded. They were the captains of the city defense army under Senator Gannix.

Even though Councilor Gannicus is a soft and fat man weighing nearly 200 pounds, his family has been responsible for guarding the city walls of Constantinople for generations.

As the only councilor in the city who controls a large army, his strength is greater than that of the emperor to a certain extent.

Behind the generals, a Byzantine businessman wearing a high crown had already slipped into the gap in the crowd and approached Hoffman.

"I'm just saying, bachelors shouldn't always live in the towers of the school city. It's necessary to step out from time to time to educate ordinary people like us!"

"My name is Sehgal Punic, and I am a gladiator lord."

"This weekend, I will host a banquet in the palace for the mayor and his family. Several respected members of the city will also attend, including the youngest daughter of the Mikhail family, Oberon Mikhail."

"We hope you can attend and let us continue to listen to your teachings."

The duel lord stretched out his hands and handed over a name card on time. Hoffman did not immediately agree, but smiled and put the name card in his arms, while making a gesture of thanksgiving with his hands together.

As it got late, the servants removed the dishes and cups from the long table, and presented several plates of papyrus cigarettes wrapped with fragrant spices, as well as several large crystal pots.

There was steaming dark red tea in it.

"I know that your country's Yabuli tobacco is quite good, but since you are in the Western Continent, you might as well try the spiced tobacco from Arabia. It is the best match with a cup of mellow black tea."

The two Legalist scholars declined politely.

The first place where spiced cigarettes became popular was not the Byzantine Empire, but the Eastern Tang Dynasty during the Tianbao period. Almost everyone in the wealthy Tang aristocracy was accustomed to having one after a meal.

When the Legalist school came to power, this kind of tobacco was strictly prohibited.

Because the Legalist teachers discovered that this stuff was not mixed with spices, but a variety of soft toxins that could stimulate spiritual consciousness.

Not only does it have a considerable degree of addiction after long-term use, it can also make people's whole body sore and weak, completely blocking the "six senses" that mortals use to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The Legalist teacher, who was harsh on others and even harsher on himself, naturally disdained eating it.

The two envoys didn't like tobacco, so Councilor Ganix stopped insisting. A group of guests praised each other for their respective achievements.

When the banquet was approaching evening, Gannicus smoked out the last bit of tobacco in his hand and blew out a smoke ring with satisfaction.

"In one month, it will be the birthday celebration of Mikhail III."

"This celebration is different from the past. It is not only the birthday of my king, but also the 18th coming of age ceremony of Crown Prince Langdon Mikhail."

"The royal family has started planning various celebrations as early as a year ago."

"At this time, the Byzantine Colosseum will be opened for the first time!"

"If you have any martial arts champions, don't forget to send them to me to sign up. I can't tell you how valuable the gladiatorial events held by the Mikhail family are!"

The banquet gradually came to an end, and Sir Gannix finally expressed his request for this gathering.

As we all know, championships are easy to win, but it is not easy to get the supporting players in a peaceful and prosperous era. If the Byzantine Arena reopens, it will be necessary to arrange a few games of miscellaneous young men to warm up before the main event.

No one is more suitable for this kind of job than "Howar Gannix" who is responsible for city security.

After getting the task, the old congressman naturally needs to make use of his own connections. In the upper-level gatherings of the Byzantine Kingdom, this kind of "entrusting people to do things" is always difficult to express too straightforwardly.

Those attending the senator's family dinner tonight are all the elites of Byzantium's upper class society. Everyone knows as clearly as a mirror that this kind of banquet takes a lot of effort.

Every word, every look, even waving the knife and fork to cut off the piece of meat on the plate, and putting it into the mouth at what angle.

This is very important in banquets.

If you are not careful, you will be regarded as rude by others, and then you will be ridiculed as "lack of education" by the long-tongued woman after dinner.

Don’t underestimate these 4 words.

This is a serious problem among the upper classes.

Based on this important reason, Councilor Ganix made his request in an almost understatement tone at the last moment before the end of the banquet. His purpose had been achieved.

Afterwards, there was no need to keep everyone here in jail.

He clapped his hands gently, stood up and announced the end of the dinner.

The servants waiting outside the banquet hall filed in, greeted their respective masters, and took them back to the chariot.

As the visiting guests left one after another, Congressman Ganix kindly sent the two Legalist mentors to the door of his house and personally arranged a carriage to take them back to the embassy.

When he returned to the banquet hall, the long table had been cleared and all the servants had left.

In the dim hall, only a few torches hanging on the walls emitted red light. The firelight reflected the two remaining figures in the room.

One person is "Hoffmann Heinsili", the chief bachelor of ancient civilization.

The other person is a figure who has always been hidden in the shadow of the fire.

Judging from the clothing, he was wearing a pure white linen sleeved gown, which was exclusive to butlers in noble families.

The butler was the only servant in the party who could observe from a distance. In the gathering just now, although his presence was not high, no words from anyone escaped his ears.

The low-key butler stepped forward.

He did not instruct his servants to clear the table, nor did he bow down and salute his master.

Walking to the center of the long table, he looked around to make sure there was no one around, stretched out his left hand and gently knocked on the long table in front of him.

In the shadows, he whispered two words.


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