Although Zhang Jun and Hu Jinshan were embarrassed by Jiang Xiaobai, they still had to do their work.

If they don't do their job well, then they probably won't be ashamed of themselves, and they will have to pack up and leave.

"Bang bang bang."

"Director Jiang, President Zhang and the others are here." Zhao Xiaojin knocked on the door of Jiang Xiaobai's office and reported.

After Zhang Jun and Hu Jinshan followed in, Jiang Xiaobai looked up and saw the two of them, and said, "It turns out to be Peter and Jim. Xiaojin, go and pour tea for Peter and Jim."

Hu Jinshan and Zhang Jun smiled bitterly, opened their mouths to say something, but finally swallowed it. They were already "famous" anyway. There have been many people making fun of them recently, and it wouldn't hurt Jiang Xiaobai to make fun of them again. No more itching.

"Director Jiang, we have calls from Goldman Sachs and Yingke. The price offered by Stone Company is not low. Do you want to ask us what we think?" Zhang Jun started reporting directly.

Jiang Xiaobai stopped teasing, and instead asked, "What's the price offered to them by Sitong?"

"Goldman Sachs and Yingke didn't say the specific price, and I asked people to inquire about it, but the confidentiality work was still very good, and Stone did not reveal any rumors.

After contacting Wang Zhidong, Wang Zhidong couldn't get any information, but what is certain is that the price offered by Sitong is not low. "

Jiang Xiaobai didn't say anything when he heard this. He just asked in passing. The bid given by Sitong must be confidential. Not to mention that this kind of thing is the same as a secret bidding competition, but if the price is leaked, what will happen to the price? The acquisition was also a major omission.

As for the thinking of Goldman Sachs and Yingke, that is, the one with the highest price will win. By not revealing the price of Stone, they must want to see if they will give a higher price.

I guess I still want to test it out to see how important Xinlang is in my heart, and maybe I will come up with a price that is much higher than Sitong.

However, although he said he understood, Jiang Xiaobai still frowned tightly. He had already negotiated things with Goldman Sachs and Yingke before, but now Goldman Sachs and Yingke were back and forth, and they wanted rare goods.

"That's it." Jiang Xiaobai called Zhang Jun to him and wrote three numbers on the paper.

When talking about the three numbers "3, 4, and 5" before, the price in mind of both parties was around two US dollars per share, which was 0.4 US dollars higher than the stock price on the market.

In fact, this price is not low. After all, the price of general large-scale acquisition of shares and shareholder transactions between companies is generally lower than the stock price on the market.

Because this is a large amount of shares, the market price is only a reference. If it really involves the transfer of shares between shareholders, if the shareholders sell their shares in the market, then the stock market will definitely fall.

Therefore, ordinary transactions will definitely kick out the water in the market price.

However, the stock price on Xinlang's stock market had already evaporated completely, so Jiang Xiaobai offered a price higher than the stock price on the stock market, which was about two dollars per share.

Both Goldman Sachs and Yingke were satisfied with this price, but now that Stone has joined the competition, the situation has changed again.

Jiang Xiaobai tore the paper off the notebook and handed it to Zhang Jun.

"Based on this price, you go to negotiate with Goldman Sachs and Yingke, first go to Yingke, then Goldman Sachs, the order doesn't matter.

But the two families can’t get together to talk. Don’t talk too much when talking, just be more concise, be willing to do so, and don’t want to be rejected, and make step-by-step bids..."

Jiang Xiaobai warned, Zhang Jun understood that Jiang Xiaobai was prepared to let him solve this matter neatly and neatly. He wanted to cut through the mess quickly and did not want to have long nights and long dreams, but he felt that if he went there, he might not be able to negotiate.

This is not a matter of negotiation ability, but a matter of identity. If Jiang Xiaobai goes to negotiate, he will take the initiative in his aura. When Jiang Xiaobai says a fixed price, it will be a fixed price issue.

Neither Goldman Sachs nor Yingke will doubt that Jiang Xiaobai has the ability to make decisions, but if he goes there by himself, Goldman Sachs and Yingke will feel that they have no ability to make decisions, and they might cause trouble again.

"Director Jiang, why don't I make an appointment and you can accompany me? Mr. Wang from Goldman Sachs is in Shanghai recently. As for Mr. Liu from Yingke, you can also make an appointment to negotiate in Shanghai." Zhang Jun said hesitantly.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Zhang Jun, thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, then make an appointment as soon as possible."

"Okay." After Zhang Jun agreed, he reported on the progress of the acquisition on the Net1 side. Ding Lai had a controlling stake in Net1's internal shareholding ratio and was very strong in speaking, so the acquisition progressed smoothly.

Although there have been several negotiations, one man is affectionate and the other is interested, and the progress is very fast. Zhang Jun estimates that the negotiations will be completed in the next two days, and the signing and other matters will be completed within a week.

After Jiang Xiaobai listened to Zhang Jun's report, he said directly: "I'll leave this matter to you. Tell Ding Lei that after the signing is completed, come and sit down in Magic City. I will treat him to dinner and have a good chat."

"Okay, Director Jiang." Zhang Jun turned and left.

Jiang Xiaobai then looked at Hu Jinshan: "Peter, what's the matter with you?"

Hu Jinshan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he called Jiang Xiaobai. The name Peter has been called for a long time. He always felt very good before, but recently, whether he was called by Jiang Xiaobai or anyone else, he felt so bad. awkward.

But it can only be treated as if it is not heard.

Then he reported on the recent situation of investment companies. Jiang Xiaobai flipped through the information in his hand and listened. In fact, the most important financial industry in China at this time was concentrated on Minsheng Bank and Oriental Bank.

These are the two largest private banks. When Minsheng Bank was listed last year, the frozen funds applied for new shares exceeded 400 billion.

Created a domestic record.

Of course, everyone knows that Oriental Bank is even more dazzling, but since Oriental Bank is not listed, it will not give other people a chance.

Hu Jinshan is interested in Minsheng Bank. He wants to invest in Minsheng Bank. He feels that even if it costs more to join Minsheng Bank, it will be worth it in the future. Minsheng Bank is the only listed private bank in China because of its The uniqueness will definitely be sought after by the capital market.

The return on investment is absolutely huge.

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