Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 306 Song Weiguo Arrives in the Capital

That night, the song "My future is not a dream" was sung in Quanbei Normal University.

You don't need to know the first freshman welcome party, but you can't know the song My future is not a dream.

At this time, there is no such thing as a campus network, otherwise Jiang Xiaobai's song might be on the list.

Early the next morning, someone from the poetry club invited Jiang Xiaobai to join the poetry club, but Jiang Xiaobai refused.

In the 1970s and 1980s, poetry was the hottest thing at this time. If you write good poetry, you will be admired by many girls.

People in this era are still innocent, and they put the appreciation of talent first.

There are even many wandering poets, who are the most popular among female college students.

Of course, the Qigong Supernatural Club is also a particularly large club at this time.

People who have not experienced this era cannot appreciate the innocence and absurdity of this era.

For all kinds of qigong masters, healing diseases with bare hands is trivial, and those who fight with the national satellite in their hands are the big ones.

The park is full of masters who practice qigong, not old men and women dancing square dances in later generations.

As for the deceit that future generations can see through, such as water turning into oil, there are actually university professors in this era who endorse it.

This is this era, innocence, romance, absurdity, passion, hesitation and various characteristics constitute this era.

Here you can see all kinds of weird times, and you can hear the roar of a country struggling to catch up with the violent transition at the fork of the times.

But these have nothing to do with Jiang Xiaobai for the time being. Zhou Guomin rode a bicycle and waited at the gate of Beijing Normal University just after school at noon.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai was considered a celebrity. After some inquiries, he found the student union's office without any difficulty.

He didn't enter the student union office, but waited in front of the building, he was afraid that the newly bought bicycle would be lost.

While watching the crowd coming and going, he searched for Jiang Xiaobai's figure in the crowd.

On the other side, he looked at the brand-new bicycle beside him from time to time, and his back, which was already straight, straightened involuntarily.

The complacent and happy look in his eyes couldn't be hidden at all.

"Brother Zhou." Jiang Xiaobai beckoned to Zhou Guomin and walked over.

"Xiaobai, look, I bought the bicycle." Zhou Guomin said, reached out and gently rang the bell of the bicycle.

The car bell suddenly rang with a clear ring, attracting the attention of the people around.

"Okay, I haven't eaten yet. Let's go out and have a bite together, and then go to the train station."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said that he understood Zhou Guomin's mood, just like later generations bought a new car and wanted to go for a drive.

The two pushed their bicycles out of the school, found a small restaurant in front of the school, ordered a few dishes, and had a bite.

Then he set off and walked towards the train station.

Along the way, Zhou Guomin's bicycle bell rang from time to time.

Until the end, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't listen anymore, and turned his head to glance at Zhou Guomin.

Zhou Mincai smiled resentfully and said.

"Isn't it because I'm not very good at riding a bicycle just now, and I'm afraid of bumping into others."

Zhou Guomin explained, and stopped ringing the bell.

When the two arrived at the train station, they were overwhelmed by the crowd.

Zhou Guomin asked who Jiang Xiaobai was going to pick up? Then let Jiang Xiaobai look at the bicycle, and when he came back, he had a piece of waste paper in his hand.

There are three big characters "Song Weiguo" written on it.

"I paid 5 cents to buy it from the old man who picked up the waste. How about it?"

Zhou Guomin said with a smile, at this time, everything can be bought with money.

"Okay, just hold it up." Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

The two parked their bicycles and waited beside them.

At this time, there is no mobile phone, and there is no other good way to pick up the station except to die.

So in many cases, picking up people is completely based on luck.

Time passed bit by bit, and Jiang Xiaobai stood on tiptoe from time to time to look at the surging crowd.

At this time, the flow of people at the Beijing Railway Station cannot be compared with that of later generations.

But the capital railway station at this time is not as big as the later generations.

Finally Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up, he waved his hands vigorously and shouted loudly at the same time: "Lao Song, Lao Song, Xiao Liu..."

After getting off the train, I watched the crowds, and Song Weiguo and Li Xiaoliu, who were still a little dazed after sitting on the train for a long time.

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's voice, he was shocked and looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

"Where is Director Xiaobai?" Li Xiaoliu shouted excitedly.

He and Song Weiguo walked over quickly with their luggage.

"What's the matter? Are you tired?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two and felt very friendly.

"I'm not tired, I'm so excited, I can still come to the capital."

Before Song Weiguo could speak, Li Xiaoliu spoke.

He was young, and although he took the train for a long time, he really didn't feel too tired.

Zhou Guomin watched Jiang Xiaobai, Song Weiguo and the other three talking.

His head is a little confused now, didn't he say that Jiang Xiaobai is a student? Why did he suddenly become the director of the factory again?

The gap between students and factory managers is a bit big.

It took Jiang Xiaobai a long time to think of Zhou Guomin who was on the side.

Introduced to Song Weiguo and Li Xiaoliu.

"This is Zhou Guomin, a native of the capital, an educated youth returning to the city, responsible for helping me find the address."

"Brother Zhou, this is Lao Song and Xiao Liu, both my friends."

After the three shook hands with each other, they tied the luggage they were carrying to the bicycle.

Then ride a bicycle and walk towards Beijing Normal University.

"This capital is really big, and there are so many people." Li Xiaoliu has no culture, so he can only sigh like this.

But it is also the most vivid, the city is big and there are many people.

"When we arrive at the place, let's have a good meal first. You should stay in the hostel of Beijing Normal University for one night and have a good rest. Then, tomorrow, you will go buy a bicycle, and then let Brother Zhou take you for a stroll around the capital. .”

Jiang Xiaobai was talking about the next arrangement while riding the bike.

"Let's take a rest tonight, but I don't need to go shopping tomorrow. I will stay in the capital for a long time, and I will have time to go shopping in the future."

Song Weiguo shook his head and said, he came to the capital because he was anxious to open the flagship store.

As for shopping, he is not in a hurry at all. He is in his thirties, just the age to start his career.

Coupled with the educated youth cannery, the development is getting better and better, which makes him see hope, so he works harder.

"Okay, then let's find a place with Brother Zhou tomorrow, you are just right to check in."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, Zhou Guomin insisted, and he didn't say much.

As long as you work hard at this time, in order to get better and better, you can't appreciate the scenery you want.

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