Even if there is no big trouble, but the raspberry is not a good thing, there is a "fragrance" point, why should you make yourself so "smelly"?

Therefore, after all these moneys became Wang Yang, Wang Yang said that he should learn about his sly pies and never do anything that would make him a small scorpion for money. He is not short of money, why he wants to destroy his own future for money. He is not short of money, and he is willing to do his job. He will only get higher and higher. Even if he is not a soldier, his future achievements will never be worse than Zhu Chengyu.

Thinking of the bright future, Wang Yang is a kind of enthusiasm. You don't need to make mistakes, you just need to have a little vision, your mind is calm enough, your money is money, and your future will not be too good. In fact, there is no need to do anything else. Just put the money in the bank to eat interest, and the low interest rate can make their family have a very good life.

What makes Wang Yang more concerned is that Zhu Chengyu is still alive, and the money is not his own. In order to express to Zhu Chengyu, he regards Zhu Chengyu’s affairs as his own affairs. His feelings for Zhu Chengyu are the same as those of his father. Wang Yang is afraid to have a little relaxation and can do it very well. He will never Dare to be lazy to eight points, and even have to fight to see if you can make a second plus two points, become twelve points.

The person who took care of Zhu Chengyu smiled: "That is, I will rely on you to take care of it in the future. I have no other ideas, I hope that a practical work, the salary is almost good."

Wang Yang smiled: "I understand." Wang Yang likes to deal with such people who have "thoughts". Those who don't have "thoughts" are undoubtedly the most annoying: "Okay, let's go to rest." I used a basin of water to wipe my face and rub my hand. Right, have you turned over for me today?"

"not yet."

"Then I will help him turn it over." Wang Yang generously gave the other party a small vacation. After watching the other party leave, Wang Yang’s smile that had been hung on his face was pulled down and disappeared.

Zhu Chengyu is "sleeping", and the only living person, Wang Yang, is still standing there, and he does not move. For a time, the ward was quiet and there was no anger.

For a long time, Wang Yang came to Zhu Chengyu step by step, and shouted "舅舅" near Zhu Chengyu's ear. It’s just that Zhu Chengyu seems to sleep very "sinking". Ren Wang Yang called three times, and Zhu Chengyu did not respond at all.

Seeing Zhu Chengyu like this, Wang Yang was relieved. He rolled up his sleeves and hit the hot water. He surely wiped his face and hands to Zhu Chengyu: "Hey, are you sleeping? It doesn't matter, when I say these things to myself. Hey, I thought you were awesome." The great head of the squad. When I am old, I can't move on my bed. I think I feel awkward for you. As your nephew, I naturally hope that you can live a long life and be healthy and healthy. It’s also a bad luck for your family, but it’s a serious illness for you. I hope that you can get better, and you will feel bad about your future actions, not just lying in bed, but someone pushing you in and out. Sometimes Well, I think I am selfish, so that you have been living so hard, is it really a good thing for you?"

"My aunt went early, Baoguo also went to find his mother very early, and later it was my grandfather. I saw that there are no relatives around you, I looked distressed. I know that I don’t think so. It seems to be a bit negative. But really, seeing that you live so hard and lonely, sometimes I feel that you have to go really, maybe it is a good thing for you. I am willing to believe that after death If you have a soul, you will become a ghost. There will be a place called the local government. When you get there, your family can really reunite together. If you can't, that life is free for you, it is happiness."

In a word, the generals who once pointed to Jiangshan, the head of the big, now can only be lying in bed to take care of people like a waste person, this is a kind of torture and humiliation. Living so painfully, Zhu Chengyu is better to die than to die. He has fulfilled himself and fulfilled him. This is a good thing for him and Zhu Chengyu.

Zhu Chengyu has been tossing and refused to die. If he is tired, he will not say that Zhu Chengyu does not feel that he is desperate in such a day.

Wang Yang gave Zhu Chengyu a description of the life after death. He hoped that the subconscious would affect Zhu Chengyu little by little. He hoped Zhu Chengyu quickly gave up the idea of ​​living and died. Doesn't it mean that the patient's mental state has a great influence on the condition? Isn't there a word called heart?

There is no one around him, and he is Zhu Chengyu’s words. Don’t say that he is sick and refuses to cooperate with a doctor. If he is not sick, he has to find a way to commit suicide. When Zhu Chengyu died, he could still take care of other living people. In this way, Zhu Chengyu is also a deadly place to make a final contribution to their living people, perfect.

However, Zhu Chengyu refused to die. I refused to die yesterday. I am not willing to die today. I will not die tomorrow.

If Zhu Chengyu can be influenced and Zhu Chengyu give up the idea of ​​continuing to live, Zhu Chengyu’s current physical condition, as long as Zhu Chengyi has such a thought, Wang Yang will bet that Zhu Chengyu will immediately suffocate in the next second.

It is because Wang Yang knows that Zhu Chengyu’s body has been so poor that he even wants to understand. What kind of thoughts and things support Zhu Chengyu until now, still breathing, not dying. It’s hard to be true. Is there anything worthy of Zhu Chengyu’s reluctance in this world? Why didn't he know?

I don't know if it doesn't matter, I can't do it. He will find someone to check it out. Also, if it doesn't work, he will tell Zhu Chengyu when he is asleep in Zhu Chengyu's sleep, and the relatives who died will miss him in the "below". In the same way, if Zhu Chengyu died, the sooner he dies, the sooner he will reunite with these relatives, and his own life will become happy. In this world, there is really nothing left to let Zhu Chengyu stay in love again.

After a lot of talks with Zhu Chengyu, Wang Yang poured the cold water that had been rubbed, and then put Zhu Chengyu’s cold, unheated hand back into the quilt: "Hey, listen to me, I won’t hurt you, I really can't bear to see you suffer."

After the talk, Wang Yang looked at the time and felt that he had stayed for a long time: "Hey, I don't bother you, there is a bunch of things waiting for me to deal with it. Next time I am free, I will come with you again." ”

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