Wu Yun said with some pride:”Those all have users’ deposits. At most, we will earn some interest and collect usage rent. Judging from this trend, the little red car should have achieved high income in the first month after it went online.!”

Zhou Shen is very envious. You must know that Xiaohongche is the only one on the shared bicycle track, and there are many netizens on the Internet who spontaneously check in to promote it.

But Pinxixi is not the only one on the e-commerce platform. There are two big mountains ahead of Pinxixi in China, and Amazon is eyeing it abroad.

If Pin Xixi wants to break out of the siege, strategy, resources, and funds are all indispensable. It can be foreseen that Pin Xixi’s early publicity can be said to be money-burning publicity. Zhou Shen has already asked about the smoke of money burning in the air..

Fortunately, it seems that the boss of the company is still very strong. Pinxixi can support itself for a while. By then, it will be able to obtain better data to attract external investment and resources.

“Mr. Wu, are there any other companies? I feel like we are not alone anymore! Zhou Shen asked, and several others also looked excited.

Wu Yun looked at the expectant eyes of several people and said,”I’m afraid you will be disappointed. There is only one media company that can help Pin Xixi, and the publicity is also owned by the company.” One of the businesses, but that company is still very small, so I usually don’t care much about it. As for the remaining two game companies, their products have not yet been launched, and they are in desperate need of publicity resources.”

Except for Xiaohongche, Wu Yun’s companies are on the right track, the others are still in their infancy.

“Mr. Zhou and Director Li, while recruiting people recently, must first implement the company’s rules and regulations as well as salary incentives, so as to help the company’s construction and stability.”

The two nodded in agreement.

“Director Yan, you must speed up the development of Pinxixi’s APP first, and strive to have Pinpinxixi online before the end of the year!

Yan Ming immediately expressed his position:”Mr. Wu, I contacted some of my old subordinates, and many of them are willing to switch jobs. With their help, I am confident that I can complete the task as soon as possible!””

“Director Shen, the company’s creativity and spirit require you to communicate more with Mr. Zhou, so that you can better plan relevant activities.”

“thanks everyone! I’ll send you a big red envelope at the end of the year! Year-end rewards are also indispensable. If the company does well, the rewards of equity dividends are not without.”Wu Yun raised the tea cup and made a small pie.

The group of people ate happily. Except for Zhou Shen who was a little calm due to Wu Yun’s previous promise, the other three were even more energetic.

In the afternoon, Wu Yun only attended the two-hour interview and left early. At noon, he received a call from Wei Feng, asking when Wu Yun would be free. Some of the previous plans had made progress, but for a while on the phone I can’t tell, but I hope Wu Yun can have an interview when he is free.

After leaving the Citigroup Building, Wu Yun walked to the 16th floor of the Aurora Building next door.

“Mr. Wu, good afternoon!”Only a beautiful woman at the front desk stood up and said, today happened to be her first day at work, and she had just seen Mr. Wu’s photo in the group posted by Mr. Wei. The beautiful woman at the front desk felt lucky. Fortunately, she was a face control person, so she carefully looked at the boss’s photos. Photo, otherwise you may not be able to recognize it

“Hello!”Wu Yun looked at the people coming and going in the big office behind the front desk. Don’t think about it! Wei Feng must have recruited his entire team.

The people in the entertainment company have a skill, that is, they have a good memory for photos. , the skill of recognizing people by watching movies is also very good.

No, when Wu Yun walked in, there were greetings everywhere, as if he had known each other for a long time.

Out of respect, Wu Yun knocked on the door of Wei Feng’s office.

“Please come in!”

Wu Yun pushed the door open and looked at Wei Feng who was sitting at his desk writing and drawing. He lowered his head and focused on the notebook on the table.

“Cough cough~” Wu Yun coughed twice, attracting Wei Feng’s attention.

Wei Feng raised his head and saw that it was Wu Yun, so he stood up and said:”Mr. Wu, we’re here so soon! I just contacted you for a while! this way please! Try my Puer tea.”

Wei Feng brought Wu Yun to the coffee table, let Wu Yun sit on the main sofa, and sat aside with his notebook.

Wei Feng did not talk about the matter immediately, but picked up his tea set and passed by After a series of cleaning and soaking processes, Wu Yun poured a small cup of tea.

Wu Yun didn’t know much about tea, but he thought Wei Feng’s operation looked very particular and made him look very high-class.

“Mr. Wei, ok, we brought a group of people over so quickly.”Wu Yun pointed outside and said.

Wei Feng smiled, with a sarcastic look on his face:”They are all people who have problems with the old company. When they heard that I was recruiting people, they came over immediately. Isn’t this the beginning of the month? They just got last month’s salary, so it won’t be a loss if they just leave.”

“There are people in publicity, public relations, and marketing, but there is no one in the finance department. I need Mr. Wu to interview with me. After all, this is a relatively sensitive area.

Wu Yun shook his head and said nonchalantly:”Mr. Wei, I want to trouble you to recruit people in person. I’m going to the capital soon. I don’t think I have that much time to do these things.” It’s okay, I believe you!”

Wu Yun has systematic monitoring. Even if there is a slight disturbance, he can detect clues in advance. Besides, as long as Wei Feng is not stupid, if he doesn’t hug Wu Yun, the financial backer, he can only think about the second-hand business all day long? Then Wei Feng probably wouldn’t be able to do what he did before.

Of course, proper supervision is still necessary, so Wu Yun made up a reason:”Mr. Wei, I’ll leave the company to you, and you can make investment decisions.” Tell me about the management of other companies. I probably don’t have that much time. My family should conduct an audit every year to see my results. After all, I still invested so much money.”

Wei Feng nodded with understanding and said with a smile:”This is what it should be. In this case, I won’t say anything more. I notified Mr. Wu to come over today. The main reason is to talk about the progress of some projects we talked about two days ago and discuss how to do it. Investment, how to acquire.”

Opening the notebook in his hand, Wei Feng handed Wu Yun a stack of bound A4 papers. Wei Feng pointed at it and said,”Mr. Wu, this is the script of”Wolf Warrior”. After we separated the day before yesterday, I mobilized my friends in the industry to find out about Wu Jing’s”Wolf Warrior”. The result really allowed us to find out some things.”

Wei Feng picked up the small tea cup in his hand and drank it in one gulp, then poured another cup for Wu Yun, and then added:”Wu Jing is going to sell his villa to use it for the filming of Wolf Warriors. You know, no one wants to sell their house unless they have to. Because I had Wu Jing’s phone call before, I contacted him directly.”

“When I called Wu Jing, Wu Jing was a little surprised. After all, he had also approached my previous company and was politely rejected. Until I said that I was willing to invest in him to start my own business, Wu Jing was very happy and willing to talk.

Wei Feng raised his hand and glanced at his watch, and continued:”Looking at the time now, Wu Jing should have flown to the Magic City!””

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