Just as Wu Yun and the others were on their way to Xin Rong Ji

In an office building next to the National Development and Reform Commission, conference room 606 is full of people, and everyone has a nameplate with their name in front of them.

There were three people sitting on the large rostrum. In the middle sat a middle-aged man with meticulously combed hair. He looked to be in his early forties.

On both sides are men in their fifties.

The huge LED screen behind them was hanging with the home page of the PPT, which read”Expanded Meeting on Handling Illegal Business Issues of Huaxia Machinery Industry Construction Group Co., Ltd.””

“Let’s move on to the next meeting, about how to deal with the company’s illegal business operations!”The host on the side said

A directory was immediately listed on the screen.

Four main pieces of question information are displayed above.

“Please take a look at the first article. This is a summary of illegal business operations in 2014 compiled by our group’s audit inspection.”

The screen suddenly switches to small sub-items

“The problems we identified this time were mainly illegal collection of deposits and illegal advances…….Illegal use of operating expenses, etc.”

“Let’s first talk about illegal collection of security deposits! This is a list of related items we found, followed by the amount and each subsidiary or department.”


Just showing these questions took the host ten minutes

In the following time, the host talked about the rectification of previous problems.

After a long meeting process, when the attendees in the venue and the participants from major subsidiaries across the video conference were wandering around, they heard the host say:”Now, I would like to invite Comrade Zhao Yongjun, chairman of the group, to give a speech!”

Suddenly, the venue burst into warm applause, because as veterans, they all knew that the meeting was coming to an end.

Zhao Yongjun, who was sitting in the center of the rostrum, cleared his throat, then turned on the microphone in front of him and said:”Now I will briefly talk about the group company’s working rules for handling clues about illegal business and investment issues. Let’s study together. I will let you know when it’s over.” The secretariat distributes specific documents to each unit”

“In order to standardize and strengthen the investigation and handling of clues on illegal operation and investment issues of Huaxia Machinery Industry Construction Group Co.

, Ltd.

and form a responsibility investigation mechanism with clear responsibilities, clear processes, and standardized and orderly procedures, according to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission’s”Implementation Measures for the Investigation of Responsibilities for Illegal Operation and Investment of Central Enterprises (Trial) )》…….

and other relevant regulations as well as the”Implementation Measures for the Investigation and Liability of Huaxia Machinery Industry Group Co.

, Ltd.

‘s Illegal Operations and Investments”》………

and other relevant documents to formulate these rules.


“Okay, the above is the key content of the details. Now let me share my thoughts on this matter!”

“Here I would like to criticize Comrade Bai Yang from the Operations Department! Although our group company has fewer operating problems, they are mainly focused on the illegal use of operating expenses.”

“Everyone is engaged in construction and we all know what is going on. I will not elaborate too much. Comrade Bai Yang, as the head of the operations department, you should take the lead! We will follow normal procedures for the operating expenses that should be used! Try to save what you shouldn’t use!”

Bai Yang was sitting under the rostrum. Many people turned to look at him and found that his expression had not changed due to being criticized in public.

After watching for a while, many people were attracted by Zhao Yongjun’s next words and looked away.

“Regarding illegal collection of security deposits……”

After another twenty minutes, Zhao Yongjun ended his speech.

When the host announced the end of the meeting, many people stood up and stretched

A middle-aged man next to Bai Yang patted Bai Yang on the shoulder and said,”Old Bai! Don’t take it to heart, you just got unlucky and hit the muzzle of a gun! Everyone knows what he looks like in normal times!”

Bai Yang smiled slightly and said:”It’s okay. As the head of the operating department, I’m used to taking the blame! I’m just thinking that since the expenditure for this experience is limited, it will probably be difficult to find relationships with projects in the future.”

“If you want to spend 100 yuan to do something worth 200 yuan, unless the relationship is in place, there is no need to discuss it!”

The middle-aged man said speechlessly:”You are still taking the blame, and our security department is taking the blame! At least you will get business rewards for completing your goals! We don’t even have a hair.”

Bai Yang joked:”Old Liu, don’t you still have year-end bonuses?”

The middle-aged man’s face was serious:”Don’t tell me about the year-end bonus, it’s not even comparable to your fraction.””

“Old Liu, you are exaggerating! Walk! I’ll treat you to the canteen!”

“Lao Bai! You are really a thrifty and good man!”


In the evening, Bai Yang dragged his tired body back home

Qiu Yue has already prepared the food and put it on the table

Seeing her husband coming back, Qiu Yue came to the door with a smile on her face:”You’re back!”

Taking the computer bag from Bai Yang’s hand and looking at Bai Yang changing his shoes without saying a word, Qiu Yue immediately knew that Bai Yang had something on his mind.

“Lao Bai, what’s the matter?”Qiu Yue and Bai Yang belong to the same group company, but they are not in the same subsidiary, and they only do administrative work.

It can be said that Qiu Yue has an easy job and usually goes to and from get off work on time, so she is not only in charge of the family, but also the woman behind Bai Yang

So whenever Bai Yang has something on his mind, Qiu Yue will enlighten him and give him some advice.

It can be said that in addition to his own abilities, Qiu Yue’s role is indispensable for Bai Yang’s success.

Bai Yang was a little unhappy and said:”I was named and criticized in the meeting today! It’s the first time I said that in a meeting!”

“I worked hard and led people to work outside to find projects. Now I guess someone is jealous or something, saying that we are spending our business money indiscriminately.”

The more Bai Yang talked, the more excited he became:”These people don’t even think about it, why should they get the project without spending money?! In the name of our company!?”

“Hey ~ they only see that I get more every year, but they only see the thieves eating meat but not the thieves being beaten. If our department hadn’t traveled all over the country and got so many contracts, these people would have had no choice but to drink from the northwest wind!”

Qiu Yue comforted:”Be good to yourself, and you will get a lot of rewards anyway! No matter what others say! Okay, let’s eat first, and we will talk slowly after eating!”

Qiu Yue placed Bai Yang’s computer bag on the sofa and asked Bai Yang to wash his hands before letting him serve on the table.

At the dinner table, Bai Yang said while eating:”Where should we go this weekend? I want to go out and relax! You can ask Yueyue if she wants to go together!”

Qiu Yue put a piece of braised pork ribs into the Baiyang bowl and said:”Maybe not, I just agreed to your Vice President Zhang’s wife Wan Lingling today to play mahjong together on the weekend!”

When Qiu Yue said this, she asked by the way:”I heard that your Vice President Zhang’s youngest son is also in the same school as Yueyue, and he is a junior! I just heard Wan Lingling talk about this this week, and I feel that she wants to go to the same school as Yueyue. We mean in-laws”

“I object! Putting aside Vice President Zhang, this kind of situation is not allowed to exist within the group company! And I think it’s up to Yueyue herself, free love is best!”

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