Before Bai Yue could react, Wu Yun’s voice came out from the mask again:”Okay! It’s getting late! Come with me to eat and write first, I haven’t had dinner yet! I’ll prepare a surprise for you as soon as we get off the plane!”

The tow truck and sales vehicle slowly drove away from the crowd of onlookers.

Wu Yun pulled away the co-pilot and sat in. Looking at Bai Yue, who was still a little stunned, Wu Yun asked:”What! Why don’t you get up yet!?”

Bai Yue hesitated and said:”Ayun! I’m still a novice! It’s better you do it!”

Then, no matter what Wu Yun asked, Bai Yue refused to enter the cab.

Wu Yun had no choice but to get out of the car and let Bai Yue sit in.

“Lei Lei! You guys keep playing! Ayun and I are leaving first! Remember to save a spot for me tomorrow morning!”

The dashboard lights up and the Continental lets out a dull roar.

The crowd of onlookers moved out of the way

Continental and Mercedes-Benz left the teaching building one after another and disappeared around the corner, leaving behind a large group of talking students.

After walking out of school, Wu Yun took off his mask and hood and took a long breath.

“��Are you afraid that others will recognize you? He’s so famous anyway!”Bai Yue looked at Wu Yun with bright eyes and asked casually.

“Isn’t this my famous trouble? If a certain billionaire was photographed showing off his wealth in college and giving his girlfriend a million-dollar car, what do you think netizens would say? Are there more people who hate the rich or more people who support them?”

Wu Yun’s words made Bai Yue nod in agreement, but Bai Yue’s expression changed and she said with a straight face:”Ayun, you are such an old man eating arsenic, how dare you take a video of my dad like that! I’ll see how you interact with him in the future. What should I do if I meet him at home?”

After saying that, Bai Yue couldn’t help but cover her mouth and laugh.

Wu Yun rolled his eyes and said wittily:”I’ll tell you when the time comes that you want me to hide it!”

“ah! You are not allowed to say that! If you say that, we will break off our relationship!”Bai Yue kicked her feet wildly and said harsh words!

“Then you agree to a few requests from me!~”

“any request! ?”

Wu Yun said while looking at the road ahead:”……..”

“ah! You are so perverted!”


Early on Saturday morning, Wu Yun drove to the downstairs of Bai Yue’s dormitory.

After waiting for a while, Bai Yue and Lei Lei put on their makeup and walked downstairs.

Wu Yun had already told Bai Yue that he would let her drive today. So Bai Yue didn’t hesitate to open the door of the Continental cab directly.

“Yueyue! How do I get in?”Lei Lei looked at Oulu with only two doors at a loss.

“You pull the handle on the back of the seat and the seat back can be folded down.”Wu Yun commanded the two women

When Bai Yue was ready and about to start, Wu Yun stopped him and said,”Wait a moment!”

After saying that, Wu Yun stuck his head out the window and waved to Mercedes-Benz behind him.

Wang Hao immediately got out of the car and trotted to Wu Yun:”Mr. Wu, what are your orders?”

“You go and stick the”Internship” magnetic sign you bought on the trunk of your Mercedes-Benz on the back of the car!”Wu Yun remembered the brand he asked Wang Hao to buy, so he said

After Wang Hao finished putting up the sign and got on the bus, Wu Yun said:”Okay! Let’s go! Let’s go to Xishan Beauty Villa first and check out the villa first!”

Lei Lei was sitting in the back row. When she heard Wu Yun’s words, she couldn’t help but feel a little stunned. He was indeed a billionaire, and he didn’t even consider the price when looking at a house.

During class yesterday, because she wanted to convince her parents, Lei Lei went to search for housing prices in Beijing. The prices ranged from 30,000 to 40,000 to more than 100,000. Especially within the Fourth Ring Road, there were no houses lower than 60,000.

The vehicles merged onto the main road. Since Bai Yue had never touched a car after getting her driver’s license, the speed at this time was only 30 in the city. It could be described as a slow speed.

“Go straight at the intersection ahead and continue driving for 5.5 kilometers!”

Listening to the navigation sound, Bai Yue sat up straight and looked out of the windshield. She felt that her palms were a little sweaty.

The vehicles behind me passed the slow Mercedes-Benz at the dotted line one after another. Only then did I see a Continental with an internship logo in front of the Mercedes-Benz!

When passing the Continental, many drivers subconsciously looked at the Continental cab and found that it was a beautiful novice driver. A lot of their original depression disappeared instantly.

Only a few drivers cursed and said:”These big dogs! They have to use a Bentley to practice driving! They even have bodyguards to practice driving!””

In the Mercedes-Benz behind the Continental, Wei Wu yawned, still holding the steering wheel with one hand and driving the Mercedes-Benz hanging behind the Continental.

Wang Hao also yawned. The heating in the car gave him the urge to sleep.

Opening the window a little, a cold wind came in. Wang Hao shivered and woke up instantly.

Lifting the glass slightly, Wang Hao smiled and said:”Brother Wei! This is Mr. Wu’s third girlfriend!””

Wei Wu looked at Wang Hao seriously and said calmly:”No matter how many wives a rich man takes, it’s not surprising! We just have to do our jobs well! Do more and talk less! This is the long-term way!””

Wang Hao sneered and said:”I’m just chatting with you and that’s why I said that! I must be tight-lipped about other people. I still have this professional ethics.””

Wei Wu looked at a Wrangler behind him that was turning on its turn signal and wanted to overtake. He looked at the driver reflected in the rearview mirror out of the corner of his eye, ready to turn the steering wheel to avoid the car at any time.

After observing for a while, he found that there was no threat and then said in a calm tone:”The boss’s private life is pretty regular! If nothing else, a rich second generation of his age wouldn’t talk about having a good time, having fun, and changing to beautiful women whenever he goes out.!”

“All I know is that besides going to work, my boss spends his free time in the gym or fighting gym! At least I often exercise with my boss! With the boss’s skills, as long as he doesn’t go abroad, there are very few situations in China where he can use bodyguards!”

Wei Wu remembered that when they first met, he could easily defeat Wu Yun, but after such a long period of sparring, it would have taken a lot of effort for him to defeat Wu Yun if it were not for his advantage in weight and strength.

Of course, this is the way to fight in the arena. If it were to be an unrestricted fight or a life and death fight, Wei Wu was very confident that he could easily defeat an enemy of Wu Yun’s strength.

Wang Hao also said with emotion:”If I hadn’t seen Mr. Wu dating several girlfriends at a time, his daily life style would not be like that of a young man. Maybe it’s because I don’t see many rich people, but at least I have seen Mr. Wu. The most self-disciplined one”

Wei Wu nodded in agreement and said:”Indeed, I am not surprised that rich people have several wives! Especially in foreign countries, who among those wealthy businessmen does not have seven or eight mistresses!? So the boss is just a dwarf compared to them.”

Wei Wu said this and reminded:”Wang Hao, it is right to carefully observe the boss’s life style, but while observing, you must also improve your own level accordingly! At least in terms of language, you must know English.!”

“Let me tell you this! The boss must be in line with international standards in the future, otherwise he wouldn’t let me recruit my teammates abroad!”

When Wang Hao heard this breaking news, he felt an inexplicable sense of urgency in his heart.

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