Sitting on the large swivel chair, he was about to take out his mobile phone to contact Wu Ying and the two of them, when his mobile phone vibrated.

Jiang Xinyi:”Yeah!~Brother! You are planning a surprise attack, you want to check the post!””

Wu Ying, however, made an expression covering her mouth and snickering:”I’m at the live broadcast base now, I’ll be back soon!”

The live broadcast base was renovated in an office building found outside the Third Ring Road after Nebula Media grew. All the live broadcast business was placed there.

Wu Ying and Wu Ying also told him about this matter at the time. Wu Yun only mentioned some minor precautions and did not continue to pay attention to this matter.

When she formed a team with Susan, she also said that the live broadcast room prepared for her by the company had been moved to the new base.

Thinking of Susan, Wu Yun was in the crowd of three @武莹 said:”Take Susan with you! Let her go off the air early today”

Jiang Xinyi:”Brother! Your appetite is getting bigger and bigger! You have to play mahjong every time you come back! Could it be that Dou Di Zhu can’t satisfy you anymore?”

Wu Yun:”I just have something to tell you! Playing mahjong is just incidental!”

Wu Ying:”I think the order of these two things can be reversed!” She covered her mouth and snickered.

Wu Yun then replied:”Okay! Come over as soon as you’re done!””

Jiang Xinyi:”Okay! I won’t do this deal! Leave now!””


Not long after, Wu Ying brought Susan to Wu Yun’s office. At this time, Wu Yun was answering the phone, so she waved for the two of them to sit down on the sofa.

“Uncle Qi! No need to go to such trouble! Xiaohongche has been very nervous recently because of the deposit for shared bicycles, plus there are other things that I don’t have time for! When this matter comes to an end, I will bring Feifei back for dinner!”

“OK OK OK! Or when Feifei finishes filming, you and your aunt can come to Magic City to play!”

After hanging up the phone, Wu Yun breathed a sigh of relief. Qi Guozai knew that Wu Yun had returned to Chengdu, so he called Wu Yun to come over for dinner.

Although Wu Yun was thick-skinned, Wu Yun still felt a little awkward eating with her parents and even relatives without Qi Fei present, so he politely declined Qi Guo’s invitation to eat.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Yun did not choose to call Qi Fei, but sent her a long voice message, recounting what had just happened. Then he put down the phone and looked at the two people watching him on the sofa.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

If Jiang Xinyi were here, she would definitely say in a jealous tone:”I’m so envious that you all have met your parents, but we still can’t meet them!”

But Wu Ying didn’t know how to talk like this, she just smiled and changed the topic and said:”Nothing, I came here suddenly today, what’s the matter?”

Although his tone was calm, Wu Yun still heard a hint of resentment, so he smiled and said,”Can’t I just run this way if I have nothing to do?”

“That’s not true, you are all busy people! And the recent issue of shared bicycles has attracted national attention!”Wu Ying shook her head and continued:”We were worried at first, but we were relieved when we saw that there were very few negative news about Little Red Car on the Internet.”

Wu Yun smiled confidently and said:”We have anticipated this a long time ago and have measures to deal with it. Now I am thinking about how to recruit other shared bike users!”

Susan looked at Wu Yun scolding Fang Qiu and showed admiration.

Wu Yun did not continue on this topic, but asked:”How is the record of the teams of my two game companies?”

Wu Yun got to know some about it when he and Susan formed a team. Nebula Media recruited some very skilled players as anchors some time ago.

However, Susan participated in the individual competition and did not participate in the company team competition. She was only a reserve member.

“In PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, the company’s team ranks at the forefront of Shu Province. According to the current situation, qualifying will definitely be no problem.”

Wu Ying is now in charge of live broadcasting, so she is very aware of these situations:”As for King of Glory, according to your previous plan, we recruited retired or poached professional players from LOL. Their operational awareness is indeed not comparable to that of ordinary players. , so the company’s team points are also at the forefront of the province! As long as we maintain it, we will definitely be able to participate in offline competitions across the province!”

Then Wu Ying looked at Susan and then said:”As for Shanshan’s personal ranking, she is also very high. Her skills have improved recently and she will definitely qualify in the individual competition.””

Hearing Wu Ying say this, he was not surprised, because when he teamed up with Susan, he obviously felt that it was easier to win. At least Wu Yun thought that he would definitely not be able to beat Susan in singles.

So Wu Yun used the detection glasses to check, and immediately discovered that Susan’s original proficiency-level shooting game skills had risen to the master level, and she also had the skills of proficiency in game tactics and proficiency in game awareness.

As for favorability and special values, Susan has indeed not changed much.

Wu Yun nodded with satisfaction and said:”Not bad! Practice your skills well and strive to be number one in the world! In this way, my bonus will not go to outsiders!””

Susan was not dazzled by Wu Yun’s praise:”Don’t put so much pressure on me! My shoulders can’t bear it! I am very satisfied to be ranked number one in the country!””

“Don’t think so! How about this! Play more single-player mode during the game! Just team up with netizens and have fun when you’re relaxing!”


After chatting for a while, Wu Yun saw that Jiang Xinyi hadn’t come back yet, so he asked,”Why hasn’t Sister Xinyi come back for so long? Didn’t she say she was discussing a project not far away?”

Wu Ying also frowned and said:”Yes! I’ll call her and ask about the situation!”

After saying that, Wu Ying took out her mobile phone and dialed Jiang Xinyi’s number.

The call was quickly connected, and a noisy voice came from the mobile phone, as if Jiang Xinyi was at the vegetable market:”Xinyi, why haven’t you come back yet?”

“Sister Ying, I’m stuck with that pig-headed man again! It’s really annoying! Now in the lobby downstairs of the company! Bring some people down quickly!”Even if Jiang Xinyi is complaining, her voice is very nice.

After Jiang Xinyi said that, she hung up the phone.

Wu Yun, who had good hearing, frowned and asked,”What pig-headed man?”

“It was a company that Xinyi went to discuss business with before, and she promoted the company and wrote soft articles. The project was successfully negotiated, but she made a fuss. This pig-headed man is a senior executive of that company. He fell in love with Xinyi because of business discussions. Recently, he often comes over and wants to treat Xinyi to dinner.”

“Because she had business dealings with their company, even though Xinyi refused many times, the pig-headed man could still find various reasons to come over.”

Wu Yun asked again:”Why is he called the pig-headed man?”

Wu Ying covered her mouth and laughed:”Because I am really fat, with a fat head and big ears! Apart from a little money, I feel like I have nothing!””

Susan also added:”Yes! I have seen him too, he is really ugly, and he is also very perverted! I once saw him looking at Sister Ying with a lewd look!”

“However, during this period of time, the pig-headed man has not done anything out of the ordinary. This is the first time that something like this has happened! no! I have to go see what’s going on!”Wu Ying stood up after saying that.

Wu Yun thought for a while and then called Wu Ying and said:”Wait! You ask Wang Hao and the two bodyguards to come with you! I won’t go down!””

Wu Ying also knew that it was not appropriate for Wu Yun’s current status to be involved in these jealousy matters, so she nodded and agreed, and took Susan out of the office.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving women, Wu Yun suddenly fell into deep thought.


Wu Yingfenghuohuo led people out of the elevator and saw the crowd gathered in the hall.

There were people inside who kept shouting:”Promise him!””Promise him!””Kiss me!””

“Please give way! Please give way!”Wei Wu and Daxiong pushed through the crowd. Some of the men who had been squeezed away were about to get angry, but they turned around and saw two sturdy men. The anger in their hearts was immediately extinguished, and they subconsciously took a step back.

Wu Ying came to Jiang Xinyi and saw her looking angrily at the obese man holding a bouquet of roses in front of her. The obese man was holding the flowers in his left hand, so the green dial of the watch on his wrist was very conspicuous.

Seeing Jiang Xinyi’s backup coming over, especially the two men behind Wu Ying who were already very tall and strong men in Shu Province, the aura of the foreigners among them made him even more frightened, and the arrogant expression on his face calmed down a little.

“Xinyi! what happened! ? Wu Ying asked Jiang Xinyi, who was holding the express box.

“Sister Ying! Let’s talk about it when we go up! Jiang Xinyi said, holding the box and pulling Wu Ying up to go outside.

The fat man wanted to follow, and there were several men behind him who were about to move, but Wei Wu and Da Xiong stepped in between them and stopped them.

The big bear stared down at the obese man who was much shorter than him. Because he was wearing short sleeves and his thick arms full of scars made him look a little ferocious.

“Xinyi, even if you don’t agree to be my girlfriend, what about the meal? ? Otherwise, the cooperation with our company will only end here!”Because Wei Wu and Daxiong blocked the way, the fat man’s voice became much weaker, and it looked like an incompetent rage.

Who would have thought that when Jiang Xinyi heard this, regardless of her ladylike image, she turned around and cursed at the fat man:”Go away! You fat pig! I won’t accept your project!””

After scolding, Jiang Xinyi pulled Wu Ying and walked towards the elevator. The anger on her face had not dissipated:”Sister Ying! Shanshan! Let’s go! Let’s talk when we get back.”

The crowd of onlookers hurriedly moved out of the way.

When Wei Wu and Da Xiong saw the three women walking away, they turned around and left in a big stride.

The fat man let out a long sigh of relief, cursed and walked out of the hall with the flowers in his arms.

In the elevator, Wu Ying asked:”Xinyi, what is going on?”

Jiang Xinyi pursed her lips and said:”I originally drove straight into the basement when I came back from outside. I could have gone directly upstairs, but I didn’t expect that a courier just called to say that my express delivery had arrived.”

“So I went to the lobby on the first floor to pick up the express delivery, and I happened to see a pig-headed man coming in holding flowers!”

“When I saw him, I felt something bad. I wanted to cover my face with the express box and run to the elevator. Unexpectedly, I was blocked by the person he brought.”

“The pig-headed man confessed his love to me directly in front of so many people in the hall while holding flowers! Seeing that there was a lot of fun to watch, I was surrounded.”

“You just happened to call at that time!”Speaking of this, Jiang Xinyi looked very angry.

“That damn fat guy was talking nicely at first, but later he started to threaten me when he saw me being silent! A disdainful smile appeared on Jiang Xinyi’s face:”Tsk~ It feels like I rely on one of his projects to survive!””

Susan smiled and said:”Yes! You just can’t give such people a good look! Otherwise, you will really think that we are easy to bully.””

Wu Ying asked:”How many times has he come to the company?”

“The tenth time! Almost twice a week!”Jiang Xinyi has a very good memory. In other words, this woman is very vindictive. She writes everything down in a small notebook.

Ding dong~

The elevator door opened, and Jiang Xinyi said as she walked:”I will arrange for someone to stop their company’s project later! At worst, the documents just delivered will be free of charge!”

Wu Ying asked:”Have they paid the previous publicity expenses?”

Jiang Xinyi’s expression softened a little:”Although the pig-headed man is very annoying, his company is still very trustworthy! The previous publicity expenses were paid according to the payment time.”

“okay! From now on, leave this kind of business negotiation to your subordinates! Just be your general manager at home!”Wu Ying frowned. She had already complained about Jiang Xinyi’s frequent outings with her subordinates to discuss projects.

Jiang Xinyi wanted to hold Wu Ying’s hand and act coquettishly, but she saw many employees in the big office looking at her���They coughed, straightened their facial expressions, and walked to the chairman’s office.

Arriving at the office, Wu Yun couldn’t help but ask about the reason for the incident.

After hearing Jiang Xinyi’s story, Wu Yun frowned and said something similar to Wu Ying’s just now:”Even if you want to go out to discuss business in the future, you should bring more people with you! Otherwise, let the people from the marketing department go!”

Jiang Xinyi walked around behind Wu Yun, kneaded Wu Yun’s trapezius muscles with a pair of slender hands and said coquettishly:”Okay, okay! I won’t go there next time! This company was recommended by previous customers.”

“I thought it was an introduction from an old client, so I happened to be out on business that day and went to their company to have a look. Unexpectedly, I signed the contract easily! But what happened later was that the pig-headed man kept using this as an excuse to invite me to dinner. On the day I signed the contract, I did take someone to eat once, but I never went to the subsequent invitations.”

“Later, he often came downstairs to the company to either send flowers or gifts, or treat me to dinner! I didn’t expect that I would bring someone with me this time! I happened to meet him in the lobby!”

Speaking of this, Jiang Xinyi showed a frightened look and said:”I saw the pig-headed man’s appearance at that time. If there weren’t too many people at the scene, he would have wanted to force himself!”

Listening to the three women’s opinions on what just happened, Wu Yun tapped his fingers regularly on his desk. After a while, he said:”It’s time to change the house you live in! If there are suitable ones, buy two. I’ll Seeing as the company has made a lot of money in the past year, the dividends for the two of you are more than enough to buy a house!”

Thinking that the two women often parked their cars in the basement of the company and walked to and from get off work every day, Wu Yun said,”Just drive back to the community for the next few days! Although it’s very close, don’t be afraid of trouble!”

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