The location of the detention center is very remote, and the surrounding area is very empty. There is only one complex of buildings within a few hundred meters of the detention center.

The nearest private houses are four to five hundred meters away, and they are still scattered here and there.

So as soon as Wu Yun’s motorcade appeared on the road, it was discovered by the guard on duty at the detention center.

The motorcade was parked in the parking space in an orderly manner, and a large group of people got out of the car, making the guards on duty feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

“Wei Wu, Wang Hao, you guys follow, Da Xiong, you guys wait outside!”Wu Yun asked several foreign security guards to wait outside to avoid any misunderstanding.

Zhao Yongjun also asked the accompanying unrelated personnel to wait in the car.

For a while, most of the crowd stayed

When the guard saw someone with a leadership temperament like Zhao Yongjun coming over, his demeanor softened a lot:”Everyone! What can I do for you?”

Wang Hao stepped forward and handed over the information he had prepared early in the morning:”We want to meet Huang Yong! It was sent in a few days ago!”

“Huang Yong? Why is someone looking for him again?”The guard murmured, and Wang Hao happened to listen.

“Hold on! I’ll call to check!”

Wang Hao turned around and came to Wu Yun’s side, glanced at the closed stainless steel door and said:”Mr. Wu! I just heard from the guard that someone else came to see Huang Yong!”

“I don’t know if it’s a family member or someone from Xinxiang!”

“do not worry about it! Even if it is Xinxiang’s people, the worst they can do is threaten Huang Yong. After all, the worst outcome for Huang Yong is to be shot.”

In less than three minutes, the door in front of everyone was opened

Several uniformed figures stood behind the door

A middle-aged man at the head smiled and said:”Welcome! Uh! You can’t say such things! Mr. Wu! And everyone, please follow me! I am Zhang Zengguo, the person in charge here.”

“I have sent someone to pick up Huang Yong! Let’s go to the visiting room first!”

“Sorry Zhang Suo!”


Just as Wu Yun imagined, this visiting room was exactly like what was shown on TV, with an iron fence dividing the room into two parts.

The sound of heavy iron chains hitting each other was heard, and everyone looked towards the opposite door after hearing the sound.

Huang Yong was wearing a vest with the words Jiguang County Detention Center printed on it. His handcuffs and shackles were connected by an iron chain, which affected his ability to walk.

“boom!”The front and rear doors were closed.

Huang Yong was shocked by the scene in front of him. He didn’t expect that there were so many people. Those in the middle looked like they were in high positions.

But then Huang Yong asked nonchalantly:”What do you want from me?”

Suddenly everyone’s eyes turned to the young man in the middle

Wu Yun stepped forward and sat opposite Huang Yong:”Let me introduce myself first, I am Wu Yun!”

“Wu Yun!” Huang Yong then remembered the familiar young man in front of him and couldn’t help but be a little shocked. He didn’t expect that a super rich man would appear in front of him.

But then Huang Yong laughed at himself again. After all, he did such impulsive things at the gate of someone else’s factory. Being noticed by others was already giving him face.

Thinking that Wu Yun attached so much importance, Huang Yong sighed:”Mr. Wu! I’m sorry for causing you trouble!”

Wu Yun shook his head and said:”I read your information, and if it were me, I probably wouldn’t have the courage to do such a thing!”

“I admire your courage!”

Huang Yong looked calm. The super rich man and the world’s richest man were just names in front of him at this moment:”Although I regret making this impulsive decision, if you give me a chance, I will still choose this!”

“But have you ever thought that because of your impulsiveness, your wife and children will be in dire straits in the future?”

“I think Li Long’s family must have looked for you!”

Wu Yun’s words immediately made Huang Yong extremely irritated. He wanted to pull his hair with his hands, but unfortunately his original hair had already been shaved off.

“What do you want to say?”Huang Yong raised his head and stared at Wu Yun. He didn’t believe that such a big boss as Wu Yun had the time to care about such a trivial matter.

Wu Yun was not angry because Huang Yong interrupted him, he just smiled and said:”If you say I am willing to help you! Hire a lawyer for you!”

“We can even donate your wife’s medical expenses! Wu Yun said and pointed to Zhao Yongjun and others behind him:”This is Mr. Zhao, the chairman of Huaxia Machinery Industry Construction. They are also willing to donate part of the medical expenses to help your wife!””

“real! ?”Huang Yong immediately stood up, surprising the two guards behind him.

“Of course that’s true!”

“Not only that, even if I find a lawyer for you, you don’t want your house to be auctioned off to compensate the families of the victims after the verdict?”

“And this? Huang Yong’s eyes widened at this time,”I thought they were threatening me and wanted to sentence me severely!” The worst possible outcome is death! I didn’t expect them to still have this idea!”

“MD, this family is so damn disgusting!”

Huang Yongyong was so angry that he banged the table and cursed like a madman.

It took him a while to control his emotions.

“Why are you helping me like this!”Huang Yong’s eyes turned red.

Wu Yun did not hide it:”Donating to your wife is not going to her personally, but to the hospital! Your wife goes directly to treatment!”

Afterwards, Wu Yun briefly explained the operation method of crowdfunding for serious diseases.

“While many people need help, many can be used as poster children for propaganda. But I think your situation is more suitable!”

“If your story hadn’t been in the news, I probably wouldn’t have thought of it. This is just a temporary idea that I came here for!”

“Now it depends on whether you are willing to cooperate!”

Wu Yun said it very casually, but it was a surprise when it reached Huang Yong’s ears.

“Willing, willing! I am willing to cooperate fully. As long as my wife’s disease can be cured, I am willing to do anything!”

Wu Yun stood up:”Okay! That’s it! My lawyer will be here in the evening!”

“correct! I think you are so moody, maybe you have a mental problem! When the lawyer comes, I suggest you cooperate to check it out!”

Wu Yun’s words made everyone stunned, and those with a keen mind immediately reacted

Huang Yong’s hand movements paused, and then he murmured to himself:”Really!? Didn’t the voice that told me to kill someone say it in my ear?”

After Wu Yun and others left, Huang Yong stood up at the reminder of the prison guard.


On the way back, Zhao Yongjun was very puzzled:”Mr. Wu, why are you willing to help this Huang Yong like this? You must know that his affairs still have a small impact on you!”

Wu Yun slowed down and said loudly:”The publicity I just mentioned is one reason, and the other reason is that he is very pleasing to the eye and has done things that many people dare not do.”

“Let’s go! Everything is settled! Leave the rest to your subordinates!”

“Haha, I want to have a drink with Mr. Wu tonight!”Zhao Yongjun laughed and said


Serious illness crowdfunding can be said to be born with a golden key. As the first officially certified online charity fundraising platform in China, it has attracted attention from all parties as soon as it was launched.

Not only those patients or relatives and friends of patients who are looking forward to it, but also some melon-eating netizens who do not pay attention to these things have shared a download number.

Like those crowdfunding donation platforms in previous generations, crowdfunding for critical illness can also be forwarded through WeChat

Especially since this is the first time Wu Yun has posted such an advertising-style post on his social platform.

“I swear on my personal honor that all donations from the serious illness crowdfunding will be used for families who need medical treatment but do not have life-saving money. Saving one life is worth building a seven-level pagoda! I hope you all can show your love!”

Not only netizens, but also Wu Yun himself underestimated his appeal.

As soon as he sent out this message, the first one that popped up was naturally the official account of Huaxia Machinery Industry Construction Group that he had agreed on early in the morning.

“Our company decided after research to donate 2 million yuan to the serious illness crowdfunding platform to support the first domestic charity network platform for serious diseases! 200,000 of them were used for Ms. Wang Lan’s uremia treatment. @武云@serious illness crowdfunding”

Huajic Construction’s account was followed by only a few thousand people, but after being liked by Wu Yun and officially certified, it was immediately forwarded by countless netizens

Many people praised this state-owned construction company for its social responsibility, and some even asked whether Huajic Construction was still recruiting people.

Naturally, many people noticed Ms. Wang Lan’s words. Naturally, the whole story of the Huang Yong incident was brought to light. Of course, this is just a later story.

Huajic Construction’s Weibo has made a good start for crowdfunding for serious illnesses, and naturally a large number of netizens have followed suit and made donations.

What really surprised netizens was the entrance of the giants

“Tencent donated 20 million!”

“Brother Xiao Ma personally donated 5 million!”

“ donated 10 million!”

“Ali donated 10 million!”


“Wanda and Principal Wang donated 5 million!”


“lead! Check out this news! Huajic Construction donated 2 million to the critical illness crowdfunding platform!”In the spacious and bright office of Huajian Third Bureau, a secretary knocked on the door and entered, showing the news on his phone to the chairman

The middle-aged man sitting on the large leather chair frowned:”Crowdfunding for serious illnesses? What kind of platform is this?”

The secretary hurriedly told the middle-aged man the origin of the serious illness crowdfunding, and specifically explained the relationship between the serious illness crowdfunding and Wu Yun.

“Does this mean that this platform was established with the support of the leaders of this city?”

“correct! Is Wu Yun the one who wants to build a hospital?”

“What does this Huajic Construction have to do with him?”

The chairman’s three soul questions did not panic the secretary. The secretary already knew the middle-aged man well and was prepared for all the questions he might ask.

Therefore, the information was fully prepared. The secretary opened his notebook and said:”Leader, this platform is indeed a platform where the top leaders of the city take the lead and all departments cooperate with supervision.”

“Now all major hospitals in the city have access to this platform. In the future, those who need treatment but have no money can apply for donations on it, or initiate a request for donations.”

“The last time the leader came into contact with a new hospital project that our business department came into contact with, it was Wu Yun’s project! It’s just that the answers given to us on this project have been ambiguous!”

“After finding out the relationship between Huajic Construction and Wu Yun today, I found that the context here is gradually becoming clearer!”

“Huajic Construction has undertaken the construction of two projects in Wuyun, one of which is a small 100 million project has been completed!”

“There is also a large-scale lithium battery factory project under construction”

“So I think Huajic Construction should have received the news in advance, so that it could be the first to make an announcement when crowdfunding for this serious illness was first launched!”

The middle-aged man tightened his work shirt:”Go and notify the middle-level and above cadres, and immediately convene an enlarged meeting of the temporary general manager to discuss whether to follow up!”

“A construction unit that is not even the second echelon in China has such courage! We should consider it too!”

“OK! I’ll go right away!”The secretary closed his notebook and walked out immediately.

Less than ten minutes later, the secretary knocked on the door and came in:”Boss, everyone is almost here! It’s time to start!”

The middle-aged man stood up and walked to the clothes rail nearby. He was about to pick up his woolen coat when his cell phone rang.

“Great leader!”

“You go first! I’ll take a call and come over!”


There was a lot of discussion in the conference room. After seeing the secretary come in, the discussion volume became much quieter.

Someone who usually has a good relationship with the secretary asked with a smile:”Secretary Liu, can you first reveal what topic will be discussed at the next meeting?”

Suddenly the conference room became even quieter

The secretary didn’t hide anything. After all, everyone who can attend is qualified to know these things. Besides, this is not a confidential matter.

“It’s just a matter of donating!”

“Donate? What more money should be donated? Donate even if you are already eating rubbish!”Someone complained softly

Secretary Liu pretended not to hear it and continued:”This time it is a donation from the company. I wonder if you have heard of crowdfunding for serious illnesses?”

“If you don’t know, you can check it out!”

“There is also a donation from Huajic Construction!”

For a moment, everyone present took out their mobile phones and started checking according to Secretary Liu’s instructions.

After a while, someone started discussing:”This Huajic Construction is really generous! Just donate 2 million!””

“I have heard of Huajic Construction. They are mainly engaged in industrial construction and industrial installation. They are a construction unit under the SINOMACH! Of course there is no comparison with us!”

At this time, the door of the conference room was opened again

A middle-aged man walked in wearing a woolen coat and sat directly in the middle seat.

“I called everyone here today because I originally wanted to discuss donating to crowdfunding for serious illnesses, whether to donate or how much to donate!”

“But I just received a call. It was from the leader of the group.”

“The leader just instructed that all our bureaus donate 2 million yuan in a unified way!”


“Huajian First Bureau donated 2 million!”

“Huajian Second Bureau donated 2 million!”

“Huajian Third Bureau donated 2 million!”


“China Railway First Bureau donated 2 million!”


“Power Grid donated 5 million”

Almost coincidentally, these large state-owned enterprises issued announcements one after another and @big disease crowdfunding official or Wuyun

Some organizations and individuals who originally wanted to see Wu Yun’s joke immediately shut up.

“I have to say that my husband’s appeal is really strong! So many big companies are supporting him!”

“It’s terrifying to think about it! friends!”

“It really shocked me! The last time such large-scale donations occurred was 7 years ago!”

“Ha ha! I also donated a meal!”

“Today I donated my cigarette money to a child with leukemia. Seeing that, as a father, I was really worried!”

Just as netizens were discussing it, Wu Yun posted another Weibo post.

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