Because he was standing next to the charcoal fire and kept moving, Wu Yun felt that his whole body was getting hot.

Then he took off his shirt, directly revealing the tight-fitting bottoming shirt underneath, and his strong body was immediately exposed.

“Wizard Fu! Half of our table had less chili!”Qi Fei’s shouting in Shu dialect was heard not far away.


I have to say that Aunt Wang is very talented in cooking. After watching Wu Yun’s process, she can already handle some aspects simply.

In this way, the speed of grilling skewers gradually increased.

Because Hawkeye went with him when he bought the grill, he also bought a small rack specially designed for grilling steaks.

This rack is completely operated by him, and the high-end steaks are grilled by him until they are full of aroma.

Taking advantage of the break of grilling skewers, Wu Yun picked up a skewer of mutton skewers that he had grilled and cut off half of them in one go.

“Um! good! Perfect ingredients coupled with proficient techniques! It is simply a hit with the roadside mutton skewers stall!”

“tasty! Delicious!”Big Bear was holding several skewers of mutton skewers in his hand. He smelled the faint smell of mutton mixed with the aroma of seasonings, opened his big mouth and picked off two skewers.

The caviar on the side didn’t show any mercy, the two of them were like fighting for food.

“FUCK! Leave some for me!”Eagle Eye had just placed a plate of grilled steaks on the ladies’ table. He turned around and saw the scene behind him, and immediately shouted and rushed forward.

“Eat it while it’s hot when it’s cold!”

Compared to the frantic grabbing of a few grown men at the table, Qi Fei and the others were much quieter.

A few people were eating the skewers elegantly while taking photos or taking selfies of each other.

“Yeah! It is from this location that you can have an unobstructed view of the Bund!”Zeng Shengnan held the mobile phone in one hand without a trace of tremor, and held the skewers in the other hand, directing the movements of Qi Fei and others.

“alright! Let’s take some photos together!”

Qi Fei called a few people to stand next to the railing, and said to Wang Hao, who was standing up to grab the skewers:”Secretary Wang! Take some group photos for us!”

When Wang Hao heard this, he first picked up the skewer in his hand and then put it on his plate.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

This action directly made everyone burst into laughter

“Don’t worry! There are many more to come!”Qi Fei smiled and handed her cell phone to Wang Hao who wiped his hands.

There was another round of fun and laughter, and a few talented people took good photos.

Qi Fei then got up and came to the hot grill, picked up a cup of drink and fed it to Wu Yun’s mouth:”Dear Xiao Yunzi, you have worked really hard today!”


Wu Yun drank the drink in one go, then smiled and said:”It’s not bad to do things occasionally to cultivate your sentiments!”

Wu Yun kept flipping the skewers in his hands and said,”Bring me a skewer of beef!”

“Come and open your mouth! Ah~” Qi Fei held up the beef skewer and blew it with her mouth before feeding it to Wu Yun’s mouth.

Not far away, a few people looked at Wu Yun with a smile, and the love between you and me was strong.

“Seriously, this dog food makes me full!”Zeng Shengnan threw an empty lottery ticket into the trash can.

Li Yao put away her phone:”I really envy Feifei and the two of them! There is no need to think about the future or future development.”

“Qinqin too! Young Master Wu introduced his friends to you, but you didn’t even introduce anyone in their circle!”

Song Qin rolled her eyes at Li Yao:”If you don’t have a boyfriend, I will introduce him to you immediately! I don’t want to be the destroyer of the relationship between best friends!”

“Look at Katsuo, I just want to introduce her to a boyfriend, but it’s a pity that I haven’t met one who can make her straight!”

After hearing the discussion between the three of them, Bai Yue and Wen Meng looked at each other and smiled.

“What are you talking about?”Qi Fei came over with her cup.

“What else can we talk about! Of course I’m talking about you two acting like shit in public!”Bai Yue curled her lips.

“Isn’t this the norm? Is it possible that you’re not used to it yet? Qi Fei joked in front of everyone,”Let’s clean up and go to the living room to eat!” Mortal cultivation begins immediately!”


In the next few days, Wu Yun accompanied the three girls on a tour of Sanya. After visiting several attractions, they took a private jet and flew directly to Hangzhou.

“Feifei, look! Someone commented under your Weibo!”Wen Meng handed the phone to Qi Fei on the opposite side.

“This perspective is very similar to the perspective from which Wu Yun took the video to see the Bund! If I understand correctly! Qi Fei seems to be an actor from a company owned by Wu Yun! Bros! You taste it carefully!”

Many people liked this comment, obviously approving what he said.

After reading this comment, the three people couldn’t help but sigh at the observation ability of the majority of netizens.

Wu Yun, who was reading the speech, raised his head and said:”Ignore it! Whether you delete the comment or explain, it will attract others’ attention!”

“Let nature take its course! It doesn’t matter even if someone knows about it! Our relationship is not shady either!”

At this time, Bai Yue asked:”What if the relationship is really made public! What will my father and the others do if they find out? Mengmeng and I don’t care.”

“I will solve this when the time comes! Besides, even if all the relationships between the four of us are made public, it won’t matter! After all, I’m not married! No one else can control how many girlfriends you have!”

Wu Yun looked at the speech in his hand and continued:”I want to solve all these things during the New Year this year! To save trouble in the future!”

“real! ?”*3

Wu Yun nodded, looked at the three girls with different expressions, pinched Qi Fei’s troubled face and said,”Don’t worry! It’s okay! Even if your parents kick me out, I still have another identity!”

“I am a shareholder of your dad’s company!”Wu Yun looked at Qi Fei and said

Then he pointed at Bai Yue and said:”I am your father’s client!”

Then he looked at Wen Meng:”As for your parents! This is really difficult to deal with! Find an opportunity to cooperate with him! Haha!”



When Wu Yun set foot here again, his mood was completely different

If the first time he just came to see the excitement and see the world, then this World Internet Conference will leave his presence behind

According to the invitation letter, Wu Yun will speak at the branch venue as a representative of young entrepreneurs.

For this reason, Wu Yun specially prepared a speech for this speech for a long time.

“Wow! This is the venue!”Bai Yue opened her mouth wide, a little surprised by the environment of the hotel.

Instead of the hustle and bustle of big cities and the oppression of high-rise buildings, there is only the beauty and pleasant scenery of the Jiangnan water towns.

After a while, Wang Hao came over with two keys with number plates.

“Mr. Wu! This is the key to the hotel. The two rooms are next to each other!”

Wu Yun took the key and ordered:”Go ahead and prepare for the dinner party tonight! Let’s take a stroll around Wuzhen!”

So everyone divided into two groups

If we talk about the first Internet Conference, Wu Yun is a loner.

So at the second Internet Conference, Wu Yun can be said to have strong military strength.

Not only have many of its Internet companies received invitations, but even Nirvana Investment has not been left behind.

Therefore, when Wu Yun and others arrived at the reserved private room after visiting Wuzhen, the spacious private room was already full of people.

Wu Yun and the three girls pushed open the door and entered. The originally lively private room fell silent, followed by the sound of people getting up and chairs moving.

“Sit, sit, sit! Everybody sit down!”

Wu Yun smiled and took the three girls to the main seat.

He saw everyone staring at him, probably Qi Fei and the other three.

A smile appeared on Wu Yun’s face:”Let me introduce you! These three are all my girlfriends! Some of you have probably seen them! Some of you have not!”

As soon as these words came out, the other people at the table had different expressions, ranging from surprise to curiosity to gossip!

“Ha ha! I’ve met all three ladies!”Li Qiuliang said with a smile.

“Lao Li! Not kind! Such an important secret is not shared with us!”Ling Yi pretended to be dissatisfied

Li Qiuliang immediately retorted:”You can’t blame me! After all, without President Wu’s permission, I can only keep this secret in my stomach!”

Tang Hongjiang was also familiar with Wu Yun. After all, he knew exactly what Wu Yun’s assets were, so he didn’t look surprised when he saw the three women.

After Wu Yun briefly introduced Qi Fei and the three of them, someone recognized Qi Fei

“Mr. Wu, is Miss Qi Fei the one who plays Yu Manli? ?”Wang Chao glanced at Qi Fei’s face, not daring to look further, and quickly turned his attention to Wu Yun

“right! After dinner, I’ll ask Qi Fei to sign an autograph for you all! You know, Qi Fei’s signature will be very valuable in the future!”

Wu Yun made a small joke, and someone immediately answered:”I have a notebook here, please ask Miss Qi Fei to sign a few more, and I can resell the actress’s signature in the future! Haha!””

No one will question that Qi Fei cannot reach that level with the help of Wu Yun

All of a sudden, there were compliments.

“Let me introduce to you, all of you here are my direct troops!”Wu Yun said to the three girls with a smile.

Wu Yun pointed to Tang Hongjiang on the far right and said:”This is my internal manager! Tang Hongjiang, Mr. Tang! This is my money bag!”

After hearing Wu Yun’s introduction, Tang Hongjiang’s smile became even brighter. He stood up and bowed to the three of them:”Good evening, three boss ladies!”

Hearing this title, Qi Fei and the other three behaved differently. Qi Fei nodded to Tang Hongjiang gracefully.

Bai Yue looked excited, while Wen Meng’s face turned slightly red.

“Next to Mr. Tang is Li Qiuliang! Mr. Li! You’ve all seen it! He is the one who has been with me the longest!”

Wu Yun then introduced the”money trees” Ling Yi and Wang Chao, and the”prodigal son” Zhou Shen.

As for the technical leaders of various companies, Wu Yun can also name them.

“I have called everyone together today because I want to take this opportunity to get together!”

“I believe many people are meeting us for the first time!”

“Of course, this also refers to Pin Xixi’s colleagues! After all, in Chengdu, I know that the three of them often gather together! As for whether they went to wash their feet together, I don’t know!”Wu Yun pointed at Li Qiuliang and the other two people.


“in the future! There is still no room for this table, and the team will grow stronger in the future!”

“In the future, two more seats will be added to the Internet, one for serious illness crowdfunding and the other for Douyin!”

Everyone present nodded. They were very aware of Wu Yun’s dynamics. After all, sometimes to figure out the boss’s thoughts, one must understand the boss’s affairs.

“You’ve all heard of crowdfunding for serious illnesses, right?”

Everyone nodded

“In the future, this platform will serve as a hidden benefit for my employees!”

Wu Yun looked at the expressions of everyone present:”Of course it does not come directly from other people’s donations. Our own employees or immediate family members can directly apply for the special funds from my donation according to each person’s situation! According to each person’s situation to make payment”

“For example, you have insurance! There is little or no money to apply for. After all, some people have insurance and don’t have to spend a penny at all.”

“Of course, this method can only be discussed later when crowdfunding for serious illnesses is on track, and then everyone can sit down and talk about it!”

Even so, some people also showed joy on their faces. After all, the more benefits a company provides, this aspect can stimulate employees’ work enthusiasm and improve their sense of belonging.

“Mr. Wu! Will someone lie about this?”Tang Hongjiang asked

Wu Yun shook his head and said:”There seems to be a system for insurance. As long as we enter our ID card information, we can check it.””

“This is just my immature idea, and I need you to discuss and improve it in the future.”

The dishes were brought to the table one after another. Everyone saw that Wu Yun didn’t move his chopsticks, and no one dared to move for a while.

Bai Yue looked at the various special dishes on the table and couldn’t help but feel salivation in her mouth, but she couldn’t help but not move rashly.

This was the first time she saw Dao Wu Yun holding a meeting for his subordinates.

Although it was not a formal meeting, I saw these urban elites who were more than a year older than them, all sitting upright.

Look at the way Wu Yun is pointing the country when he speaks, it seems that his aura is extremely powerful at this time!

Bai Yue leaned against Qi Fei’s legs under the table and quietly gave Qi Fei a gesture for taking pictures.

Qi Fei shook her head and signaled Bai Yue not to run around.

At this time, Wu Yun continued:”The second thing is about the sharing of our internal company resources.”

“Because I found that at present, each company is working in its own way, and there are few places where they can help each other!”

“If we want to establish a group company, in other words, our ecology is very problematic!”

“Of course, this is an Internet conference, but you don’t have to limit yourself to the Internet. After all, I have other physical companies under my umbrella!”

“After this conference, you can think about this issue and list the resources you need and the resources you can provide!”

Wu Yun saw that everyone was taking out notebooks from his bags to record what he said, so he smiled and softened and said:”I am here to participate in this meeting. I hope everyone can gain some knowledge, understand the general trend of the Internet, and make contributions to the future development of the company.” stronger judgment”

“Mr. Wu! According to rumors, are you going to give a speech? Zhou Shen asked with a smile.

“Not gossip! It’s definite news! Give a speech in the Internet+ sub-forum”

Seeing that someone still wanted to ask, Wu Yun immediately picked up his chopsticks and said,”Okay, okay! Let’s talk while eating!””

“The Internet + sub-forum is from 1 to 3 pm on the second day!”

Everyone was chatting while eating, and the originally serious atmosphere gradually relaxed.

Wu Yun swallowed the shrimp Bai Yue peeled for him, then put down his chopsticks and said:”Now let’s talk about a lighter topic!”

“I’m going to build a new headquarters in Magic City!”

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