Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 650 Each piece is more amazing than the last

The principal actually guessed correctly that this was indeed the money donated by Wang Ye.

It’s not that I look down on this school, even though it has always been known as “the school has been established for a hundred years” and has produced countless students.

But in terms of financial resources, Wang Ye, who has just graduated two or three years ago, should have no "rivals".

Maybe some old seniors are able to donate 10 million U.S. dollars, but that would be a bit "brainy" and would not be as easy as Wang Ye's.

Besides, at the end of the day, this is just high school.

There are a few students who have gone out, and they still miss this place as their "alma mater".

What most people call “alma mater” generally refers to the university they attended.

That is to say, Wang Ye is quite "special". Not long after he graduated from high school, he suddenly became famous!

In addition, although he also enrolled in university, he also "attended" two universities at once...

But I have barely attended classes, and I don’t have much affection for the two universities, University of Missouri and Friendship University.

In contrast, he missed his high school even more!

In addition, he also had the blessing of the aura of his "hometown", so he always wanted to do something to help this school.

Although the principal guessed it correctly, Zhang Xiaoxi just smiled lightly and neither admitted nor denied it.

Instead, he smiled and said: "As for who donated the money, principal, don't worry about it, the donor doesn't want to be named.

Otherwise, if he comes directly to the school to donate money, wouldn't the school hold a commendation meeting and hang a banner with his name at the gate?

I just wanted to keep a low profile, so I entrusted our company to handle this matter.

What you have to do now is to coordinate with the county as soon as possible to get the land.

Then just wait for the new campus to be built and move there! "

The principal laughed and said happily: "Okay, then I won't worry about it! Anyway, they must be students who graduated from our school. Now that they are prosperous, they can still remember the good things about their alma mater, and they are willing to win over the younger students. Well, this is very rare!”


The donation to build the new campus went very smoothly. Zhang Xiaoxi and the principal happily signed the donation agreement.

The two parties agreed that after the school takes over the land, Zhang Xiaoxi can notify the construction company to move in and start construction.

As for the donation ceremony and the like, they are all omitted.

Because the investors have no such idea at all, and they don’t want to be in the limelight, so they just keep a low profile and that’s it.

Although the old principal wanted to publicize it in a big way to express his gratitude, since the other party was not willing, it was not easy for him to force it.

In the end, as Zhang Xiaoxi said, everyone can just keep their heads down and work, and there is no need to make any noise.

After finishing this matter, Zhang Xiaoxi called Wang Ye and reported the situation.

"If nothing else happens, you will be able to see a brand new campus when you come back during the Spring Festival next year. It will definitely satisfy you. I feel that the money was not wasted." Zhang Xiaoxi said at the end as if he wanted to take credit.

Wang Ye nodded with satisfaction. He felt relieved that Zhang Xiaoxi, an old classmate, was doing things.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be so confident in leaving the asset management company to her to manage.

So he encouraged: "Yes, keep working hard. I will inject another US$100 million into the company next year. Of course, it may be more."

Wang Ye's plan is to inject all the salary and bonuses he received from working in several group companies into the company managed by Zhang Xiaoxi, which can be regarded as his own "little treasury".

It is also equivalent to "transferring" part of the funds to the country in advance, so that when good investment opportunities arise, it is convenient to invest immediately.

After all, domestic management of foreign investment entry is still somewhat strict.

Don't underestimate his salary. You must know that now, just from the Yukos Group, he can get up to 130 million U.S. dollars in salary bonus every year!

This does not include dividends.

Adding in dividends, the amount might be a bit staggering...

There is also the chairman of New Sun Group, whose current salary has increased to US$5 million, with dividends based on shares.

The president of Polar Bear Investment Company has a fixed annual salary of US$10.2 million. There is no dividend for the time being, but the future is bright.

Siberian Gold Mine, oh, this king does not hold any position, he is just a major shareholder, and the dividends are quite amazing.

Chairman of the Aviation Industry Group, his annual salary is a bit low, only two million US dollars.

After all, it is a company with a state-owned background, and its operating situation is a bit difficult. Wang Ye is embarrassed to take a salary that is too high, and it is almost negligible.

Chairman of Kitty Eagle Group, according to the board of directors decision held at the end of last year, Wang Ye’s salary has been increased to 20 million U.S. dollars, with dividends based on the shares!

And Russia Automotive Group, etc...

As for his salary as deputy speaker of the Duma and director of the Economic Committee, it is really negligible. Wang Ye did not take any of that money, and distributed it to several assistants. In addition, he had to pay for subsidies from his own pocket.

Add it all up, just the annual salary and bonuses, not including dividends, the minimum is 60 million U.S. dollars in a year, and the maximum is 200 million U.S. dollars!

So Wang Ye’s statement that he will invest an additional US$100 million is really not bragging.

This is just his salary and bonus, and does not include the real bulk, which is the dividends of several companies.

After all, the amount of dividends will be very exaggerated, and it will also require investment in new projects, or investment in some companies that are in urgent need of funds, such as Crimea Investment Company...


Hearing that Wang Ye said that he would invest an additional US$100 million, Zhang Xiaoxi opened his mouth in shock, and after a while he said:

"This...the money in the company's accounts hasn't been spent yet..."

By the way, I haven't contacted you much recently. Is work going well?

There is no need to ask about the business, just by the way he said 100 million just now, he knows that he must have made a lot of money again, hehe. "

Wang Ye replied casually: "Businesses are indeed good. By the way, let me tell you two things. Maybe you can't see relevant news in China.

The first thing is business. I have just taken over the position of chairman and president of Yukos Group, and have also become the largest shareholder of Yukos Group.

The second thing is political, which is a step forward. Now he has become the leader of the third faction of the Duma, director of the Economic Committee, and deputy speaker.

It’s good that you know these things and don’t publicize them to others. "

Wang Ye's tone was very calm, but when he heard it, Zhang Xiaoxi's ears were like "five thunders"!

Because each one is more amazing than the other!

Needless to say, Yukos Group, Zhang Xiaoxi has also learned about it. For a period of time last year, domestic CCTV news often reported that China had signed a 20-year super deal with the Yukos Group in Damao.

Through the news, Zhang Xiaoxi learned how powerful the Yukos Group was, almost monopolizing the oil industry in Damao!

Now Wang Ye said that he has become the largest shareholder of this group?

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